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You know how you try to hold water in your hands
but the water always slips away?
And then you try and try and try
to make sure the water doesn't slip away.

It's never ending,
no matter how many times it slips away,
the next time we try,
we would do it again and again to make sure it doesn't.

Maybe it's the same for love.
not same.

When you try to hold love in your hands,
no matter how big your hands are
or how tightly your fingers are put together
love will still slip
through those small little gaps
you will never be able to cover.

But as love slips,
unlike water,
it leaves a
And even if time heals them
the next time we try to hold love in again
it will still slip away
leaving us with

That's how love works,
merciless with side effects like
over thinking
over caring
leaving you with indescribable pain.

But at the end of the day
the love left in your palms
is the love we deserve
for trying so hard
 Jun 2013 Violet
 Jun 2013 Violet
i look out of my window
at the big oak tree
it's raining again
the leaves are damp
as the raindrops fall

i look out of my window
at the big oak tree
it's sunny and warm
insects crawl all over the leaves
as they take small bites

i look out of my window
at the big oak tree
it's windy and stormy
the leaves fly around the garden
as the branches shake

no one is there to look out of the window
at the big oak tree
because out there hangs the body
of the girl at the window
 May 2013 Violet
Sharina Saad
Wrapped in a series of tangled twines;

How many of us see the knots;

Which protect us from the thorns;

How many of us cherish the thorns;

For that which they do for us?

You see a thorn and you say;

Oh my; oh God; such dismay!

A beautiful flower shunned;

But the thorn gives the flower protection;

How many of you see it this way?

We are all here but once and not everyday;

You cherish not what you can keep,

Yet you look for that which you do not seek!
 May 2013 Violet
Sharina Saad

The beauty of a woman lies IN HER SILENCE
rather than her speech..

The beauty of a woman lies IN HER VEIL
rather than her face..

The beauty of a woman lies IN HER SUBMISSION
rather that her leadership..

The beauty of a woman lies IN HER SMILE
rather than her laughter..

The beauty of a woman lies IN HER PATIENCE
rather than her inquisitiveness ..

The beauty of a woman lies IN HER ABODE
rather than her adventure..

The beauty of a woman lies IN HER OFFSPRING
rather than herself..
 May 2013 Violet
Tomás Kelly
I am decided quietly
That I am a man of leisure
Of peace and philanthropy
But most of all-
Of **pleasure
I love the yellow sun,
     the blue morning's sky,
          the countless colorful birds,
               quickly flying by.....

I love the radiating warmth,
     that kisses my smooth skin,
          tingles my tender heart,
               always makes me sing.....

I love the aqua ocean who's playful waves
     dance across the horizon,
          on brilliant sunny days......

I love the shadows that settle into night,
     that bring a cool quiet, as I gaze upon
          the starry. starlit night........

I love the silver moon,
     its smiling face afar
          which I could only wish to touch
                 assuring him,
                      I'm never very far......

I love the pouring rain,
     whether it be cool, or warm,
          for it feeds the heavenly flowers
               that line the greenest lawns......

     all I can ever say,
          is that I love this world so true,
               for its beauty,
                    its life,
                         its inclusion,
                              of someone as sweet
                                    as You!!!!
 May 2013 Violet
jeffrey robin


Kiss me




Ourself so

So much

It is only insanity
Prevents us seeing our insane
And what we are doing

Doing to whom?


**** or kiss

Bout the same these days


We **** more tenderly

Than we love
 May 2013 Violet
There is nothing worse in the world than
Yelling, I can't take the pressure
Being put on my back
For me to collapse, because
You use those words
To break me
Down, and there is nothing giving me the strength to
Get back up.

So why can't you turn your
Anger into love
The same way I turn my
Into forgiveness?
Please stop
Tearing me
One yell at a time

I can feel myself
Do not look at me with those eyes
Those sorrow-filled eyes that believe those lies
Which come from a Monster, in beauty disguised
Do not look at me with those eyes.

Do not silence me when I speak
Of hope that glimmers through moments bleak
As if my pity is all you seek
Do not silence me when I speak.

I cannot bear to see you broken
For though my heart remains unspoken,
In my dreams, you smile 'til I have woken
I cannot bear to see you broken.

Do not look at me with those eyes
Because in them, I recognize
I love you more than I realized
Please, do not look at me with those eyes.
Cassidy Claire Johnson © 2013.
Day 7 of my A Poem A Day project. Written 5/20/2013.
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