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Vinnie Brown Jan 2017
Mama, I made it I'm a rockstar
I got the drugs and the problems
Mix it with suicidal thoughts and depression
Feelin' just like Kurt and Nirvana

She said she loved me whatever that is
Do me just a favor and save that ****
I'm a rockstar mama
Only fragrance on me is suicidal thoughts and depression
Startin just to feel like Kurt and Nirvana
Vinnie Brown Jul 2017
Lips like sunsets
See you begin to undress
Start to lose my head
Let's get magnetic
Make this life electric
I know you like it
I can feel you in my bones
Starting to feel a lot like home
You can be the lyric
On my melody
Let's get lost in the romantics
Vinnie Brown Jun 2018
Welcome to the maw
An amazing party
You spotted me across the hall
Devilish smirk acting like it’s nothing at all
You’re starting to wish it’d all stop
The hours we talked
The itch
The doubt
Listening to me just humming along
Begging me to stop, knowing your crave for me is wrong
So, what if I told you we might just be on the same side
Take a leap, close your eyes
Cause, this is just the first act called the rooftop
Let’s sing your song
Watch the sun rise
Vinnie Brown Apr 2019
There still lie some places
Untouched by man and women
Primordial to the Earth
Where the mist and fog have a home
Shrouded by a touch of the unknown
Maybe magic even
Where roses bloom in Death’s hand
And it’s in the air and water
Dancing all around in the life of us
Where everything is give and then take
And even Death makes the worst mistake
For we all end up wanting
Dressing our graves in efflorescence
Wherever we can dance in our minds
Reborn like roses
Vinnie Brown Jun 6
I never chose to love you with my heart or mind
I chose to love you with all that my soul possesses
Lest my mind forgets and my heart ceases to dance
For in rumination that would be undying
For my wife
Vinnie Brown Dec 2016
I guess it's just the way that you are
You run so hard, but you don't get far
You're a little broken but you can only piece you together
We both know that no one owns that heart its all yours

Beautiful eyes like the summer time
Pretty hair like the dark blue water
Beach days and long legs
A smile to make your heart ache

She's not a bad girl, just got a little bad side
She just wants it all for the idea
Even though it's everything that she fears
See, she can't go back to that thinking cause that's what got her ****** up in the first place
Knowing what the price is, she doesn't want to chance it, everything she got to appear was searched until she found it

See, she can't be the one for you, but regardless it's her nature she'll always come through.
Vinnie Brown Oct 2018
Chasing after you
Grasping at Hell
Was like playing Russian roulette
With a fully loaded gun
Vinnie Brown May 2017
Honestly it truly hurts
To watch some of you artist
Give up on your dreams, when on the verge

You're all too scared to be something
People love to talk
Let your actions walk the walk

I'll just keep getting caught up staring at the city lights
Cause' you gotta have some ugly days
To have some pretty nights
Cut some people off
Some dreams take sacrifice
Sometimes that's just the price
Vinnie Brown Mar 2018
All women are Satan
  - I just happen to be a glorified sinner
Vinnie Brown Aug 2017
Maybe I need to compromise
Although my dear, my way is heavy
I have been on the road
And I'm not quite sure which way to go
Searching through the constellations for one I can't seem to find
Hope your face lights up the sky and see the stars re-align
Can you come and rescue me?
Cause' babe we're getting lost out at sea
It's so lovely out here
Amongst the salt licked sympathies
Vinnie Brown Jan 2018
Life’s filled with some really ugly things
Some of the worst moments
And life’s gonna throw them really hard
And you’re all at least once going to feel
As if the world and everything you know
Is simply falling apart

Except life didn’t know one thing
You are you
And every fight within your own mind
Every fiber of your being
Screams for happiness
And, you’re all beautiful
All works of art
Covered in your own tattoos
Colorless and full of scar tissue
So, don’t give me that ****
That you’re tired and can’t go on
Cause, life isn’t about these moments
That are pretty and beautiful
It’s about these moments
Where you feel like your shell is cracking
And you get to take a couple deep breaths
Just to take the next step in your day
That’s living
That’s life
Every single day
And it’s stupidly gorgeous
Vinnie Brown Jul 2018
I stood head turned to the side
Feet buried in the sand
Watching the sun set behind you
Unaware of you're affect on the beach
As your curls melted into the glows
With the ocean screaming for me to run to you
In every crashing bellow of the tides
Although I a man of land and tree
Was hopelessly searching for a daughter of the sea
And we should meet where the sea and land shall meet
Vinnie Brown Mar 2014
Don't tell me this thing's loaded
Demons crowd the light
Darkness put the gun in my hand so now run
I'll stall the demons
Truly though we all should be leaving
The moon invites the madness
Memories plagued by constant misery
Cry for inspirations
Is this some sci-fi lullaby?
I'll say this once again, you people you are my friends
I think I'm headed insane, I swear the devil told me his name
I walk in fear from all the faults I've left behind
I swore I'd love the light
I'm just barely holdin on to hope
I'm not callin' you a liar
I love the dark, maybe we can make it darker...give me the marker
I found the monster in me quietly lurking in the abyss see something scary in nothingness

Portuguese – One of the most beautiful of all words, translatable or not, this word “refers to the feeling of longing for something or someone that you love and which is lost.”
Vinnie Brown Sep 2013
I pulled you out
The way I fell in
I've got lots of stories to tell
Not one involving you
You've got memories to lose
All of them concerning me
Open hearts left overused
Time goes on
We just feel worse
There was a time when we counted on each other to be there
Now that seems naive
Do you feel the same?
You've given it some thought and your scared to death of me
I've seen the darkest sides of hell
Moments with you seem like a brighter heaven in rememberence
You helped pull me out
The way you fell in
We've been broken and bruised
None of it feels real
We were sleeping with this silence in our minds
Now it seems all the words are flowing evenly
It looks like we made a fool out of heartbreak
We're reckless my strange love
We're lucky we're still breathing
You saved me
And I sorta saved you
The lovers that went wrong
We ended up in love I guess we're the lucky ones
So many songs inspired this and I really hope you all enjoy it as much as I did writing it.
Vinnie Brown Apr 2017
Yeah, I've learned I'm making a fool of myself
Letting these feelings I've felt
Get to the core of me
Making me freeze, get caught with weak knees
I get the idea, you might just leave

You let me suffer
Will you find another
These are our days that we'll remember

You'll always be here right beside me
And if all we have is what's left today
Then with hearts so pure in this broken place
I won't need anymore searching
Cause I think I've found my saving grace
Vinnie Brown Sep 2017
In an unrelenting fashion
My mind just craves what it can't seem to have
Thrones built on pretty lies
For you are insanity
To save my sanity
The conclusion is to fall in love with insanity
For there is the idea of falling
And I just want to rise
Except across the room
You have the high ground and line of sight
A divide, a moment apart
With thin floors and tall ceilings
The corners of the earth are just memories
The night is late, just show me the fall
To your dark fantasies
Vinnie Brown May 2019
Yellow, Black, and White
Dancing so effortlessly with countless tire tracks
Singing dirt behind my back
Confidence and the opposite
Drawn to the appearance of you
With all of these words stirring inside of my head
I can't seem to reject this appearance of words
This visage shall undoubtedly drag me to the ocean waves
Beneath the scarlet moons
Vinnie Brown Mar 2018
Truth be told
I am terrified to write
To show you all
For these words aren’t just words
More so they’re speckled stars
And the glow of firefly hearts
Resembling the scattered remnants
Of a beautiful mind
Familiar to that of my own
Lost searching for Eden
With diminishing returns as a result
But, I feel compelled to tell a story
So, maybe these mere words
Will reach your cascading eyes
All set upon an Endless Summer
Endowed with kindergarten crushes and
Lost Lover’s souls
Vinnie Brown Feb 2016
I often wonder if she feels as bad as I do
If she can't sleep at night
Without me lying next to her

Or if she misses the feel of my lips as much as I miss hers
My senses replay what has been lost in my mind over and over
The smell of her hair, The warmth of her body, and the tenderness of the back of her neck as my lips caresses her skin in bed

When I am alone I can hear the echoes of her laugh break the silence that fills the void of this empty house
I wake I roll over excited to see her face, just to be disappointed when she's not there
I feel my heart re-break into a million pieces all over again

I miss her delicate fingers entwined in mine
I miss so much more than just her body though
The snort when she laughs sometimes, her high pitched yawns, and the frantic little sneezes she could manage

Her unaware raising of the eyebrow that just happens as a natural cause of curiosity, oh how I loved that so much
The soft biting of her lip when anger consumed her

I lost a lot more that day than I care to admit
A best friend
A lover
My soul.
Vinnie Brown Apr 2014
Vinnie Brown Jul 2017
Mountains in the waves
Crossing the seas
Can't seem to find my home where we are
Watching seasons change
Roads with never ending adventures
I still hear you in the breeze
See your shadows in the trees
Letting go of memories
Standing tall in this world that I've made
Vinnie Brown Jun 2018
I write of the seas a lot
It’s cause they still steal my breath away
To be honest they terrify me
They encase the ideas of freedoms
I haven’t known
For I am so ever trapped
Within my mind
Longing to be lost out at sea
On a sunny day
With no where calling my name
Pulling me to land
Looking for peace
Vinnie Brown May 2017
It seems to be, that time is just not on our side
How ironic should that be to be carried away by the low tide
Maybe that's our life's long lost purpose to realize we don't have an eternity
That in our great being of mortality
We find our immortality
So, bring me your love tonight
These storms will undeniably grow so much fierce
In a hurricane of love that I have for you
Let's get lost at sea
Vinnie Brown Feb 2018
Why does it sting?
When I see a comment or two
Liked by you and for all to see
Does my mind feel compelled to suffer?
I guess I’ll hope to figure that out tomorrow.
Like I always said
“There’s a line in Sensible Heart, I get so distracted by some people’s reactions, I don’t see my own faults for what they are.”
Except at times so self destructive
I’m here and you’re there
And there’s not a thought in between or so my mind tells me so
Maybe I’m wrong.
Vinnie Brown Feb 2018
-I don’t want to love myself
- - Praying that they all love me
Relationships are all narcissistic anyways right? You’re just trying to find someone to love you as much as you love yourself right?
No, no you’re not.
Vinnie Brown Jan 2017
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One of my favorite songs of all time.
Vinnie Brown Feb 2018
I love the proverbial highs
And I crave the providential lows
As we wander through the city of Lost Angels
Not really lost all
Just sight seeing
The beautiful and the ******
Looking for our own little hell
Soft whispers from devils
I'll bite your soul and you'll like it
Got her curlin' toes
And her smile getting wider
I can feel it in my bones
I'm catchin' visions of her soul
Watch her eyes roll back
Throwing the rights and wrongs down a deep black hole
Bending backwards
Pretending to care about the factors
Putting one another to the test
Having *** for breakfast
Vinnie Brown Mar 2017
There's a bunch of things in this crazy life I don't like
When you come around though you seem to make it all alright
You always seem surprised
Just a quick glance from my eyes
You're always making me change my mind
And lately I seem to think that's just fine
Tell me something only I will know
I'll give you reason not to go
Can I have your heart?
And maybe I can give mine up
It's up to you just let me go
I'll share with you something only you will know
Because we both have feelings we don't show
So, how are we suppose to grow
If we love each other just let one another know
Vinnie Brown Sep 2017
Mind over matter
She won't be told
Won't be thrown
Born a lion
So, reliant and defiant
Standing amongst the great giants
Asking let me be me
Let me speak, let me reach my peak
You're on fire
Green light, take flight
One life
Go faster
Vinnie Brown Dec 2018
And I’ve heard
With every emphasis they’ve put
On every word
With every lesson that you’ve taught
But, never learned
With every debt that everyone had to pay
With sins that I have earned
Contemplating consequences all alone
Cutting corners and jumping fences
But, we seem to have grown
And, the things we think we have
That we don’t own
Gathered in our nest
Ready to head out west
Touch the sun on far off horizons
Melt under the stars of oppressions
Self induced
And self medicated
With sights and sounds
Vinnie Brown Jun 2020
They asked of perfect sights to see
What came to mind was all but cliche
Wind scraped mountains with covered snow peaks
To the dark black ocean waves lapping at their toes
What I found to be reality, wasn't that of far off views
The perfect sight I found
Was when I went to bed
I saw her laying there with my son in her arms
Frozen in time
As beautiful as the day I first saw her
He just as beautiful as her
Just for that of a second
Time stood still
And I wouldn't go sight seeing for any view in the world
Vinnie Brown Aug 2018
There she was
Her eyes the silver lining’s
In all these bad lines
That I keep writing
Vinnie Brown Apr 2016
She's a lot like home
Warmth and Smell
A smile that lights up like the fireflies woven in the grass
A laugh like the good beats playin' on the vinyl with the windows open

She's brand new and she makes me feel good
She has me wanting to believe
Simple tidings come in actions not words

All that shines hasn't always been gold to me
She's got diamonds in her eyes tonight
Dazzle me with gold
Throw away your gold

There's a human in your heart of hearts
In the mirror you're a work of art
Not in it for the money, just in it for the thrill
Living in the moment

She's got me believing that she isn't hiding from her true colors, they use to make her fall apart and she wants this more than neon lights and wasted youth.
#new #morethangold #dazzleme
Vinnie Brown Aug 2018
I seem to have always been drawn
To such simple things
How funny...
That she is ever so complicated
As her words dance
Like lullaby strings
Vinnie Brown Jun 2018
There she was far out in the ocean
Calling out to me for help
Knowing the only boat around
Was littered with holes
Watching me sink trying to get to her
I think she liked it that way
Vinnie Brown Feb 2017
No ground beneath me
I fear my heart is
Vinnie Brown May 2017
Maybe me not being able to have you
Is me having to pay for sins
I didn't know I had
Vinnie Brown Sep 2017
Today you're year older
Just a little more wiser
Heart of golden beliefs and faith
Giving the unworthy countless attempts
To make you smile that infectious smile
To make those bright blue eyes shine
For as Skinny Love goes
Who will love you?
Who will fight?
And who will fall far behind?
To the girl who's frightened by tiny insects
And who's laugh can be pinpoint located in even the most zealous of crowds
To the girl who finds herself as nothing, but a goofy bookworm
Oh man, to the girl who's voice puts our souls into motion
I just want to say
Happy Birthday
It's funny, if you google the definition of Skinny Love, it's means the act of two people loving eachother, but they're too shy to admit it, except they show it in their actions.
Vinnie Brown Sep 2018
On the way out
Hitting my shoulder on the doorframe
Almost like I’m drunk
Sitting on the cliffside above California
Bloodshot eyes and sleep deprived
3 A.M. angel wings dyed black
Run my hand through my fade
Careful not to touch the horns
Delicately made of salt
And all these waves
Could help me sleep at night
Awake to see with white X’d out eyes
We could change, but talk is cheap
And I’m a demon with demons
And my demons are down for ya
With the sun coming up
The pains coming
But the rush is feelin’ amazing
Flash a devilish white smile to myself
Watch the skyline fade into black
Vinnie Brown Jun 2013
I am lost
Lost within my horrifying thoughts
I miss her next to me
The warmth and smell of her
I am terrified of life without her
Though she makes it apparent that she wants no life with me
I wish her happiness beyond belief
It's the little things I miss
Little things as simple as her skin being alittle clammy from a hot summer night
I don't have much
This bed is quite lonely as I now only share it with an empty bottle
I lie here sleepless and alone
But I suppose I have no choice
A never ending sleep is coming very soon.
It's been three days since I slept.
Vinnie Brown Dec 2013
Can't I just sleep for now
Pages and pages of words
Nightmares and fallen shapes
This state of dreaming has left me numb
I lie here miserable
Why did god fail to improve us?
Maybe I'm just sleepwalking?
Visions of better times
Ascending hills and mountain tops
Watching the teardrops and acid rain
What if I'm the one that's awake?
You are all just sleepwalking
Can't we all just sleep for now?
GTAV inspired.
Vinnie Brown Aug 2017
I apologize
That I cannot seem to use
Enough words to describe
Your level of perfectness
I'm still slipping down this slippery *****
After all this time
Vinnie Brown Feb 2018
Look at what you started
Here in the lonely hour
For the thrill of it
For we are bashful creatures
Honestly though
It’s just not that deep
Down we go
Our sins are waiting
Vinnie Brown May 2017
Getting caught up choking on the air
These bones, they're black and charred from all the heavy years
We've lost control and life just so unclear
It's starting to feel like every day's the same fight
I know you just want to burn out
So, bright and be more than what you are
This half-life that you're leading, it just seems so ******* demeaning
Blocked and clouded by the smoke screen
But, I know you're doing all you can to stand again
The smoke will lift and you'll find what you've been searching for
Vinnie Brown Nov 2018
Society has this way of telling you
To feel this
Or to feel that
When I find it perfectly acceptable
With feeling nothing at all
Somedays just taste like lemonade
Vinnie Brown Jul 2017
A constant circle of being human
Trying to make eachother feel something
Bittersweet years gone away
Lost sense of taste
Colors most days seem to fade to grey
When you're alone in the bed you've made
So, dear if you're going to stay then stay
But, love if you're going to go
Make sure you make me feel something
Vinnie Brown May 2017
Thank you Dallas
Vinnie Brown Aug 2017
From birth
Born so **** insecure
Not ever believing if love is real
Disregard if we'll ever be sure
Cause' humans were born to feel
And in the shadows there's a place for us
Somewhere hidden they can't find our love
I was the trust and patience
You were the confident ways
And sometimes we're missing
Lost under the waves
I know it's alright, we've been under pressure
I believe, we'll make it through together
Vinnie Brown Oct 2017
How discerning we are
Wrapped in boundless wants
Love accused as a non-believer
Maybe something's wrong with us
Honestly, in these times
It's better to be asleep
Testaments to the born dreamers
Stark heart waves to the broken healers
Cause' we'll all find our place
Somewhere near home
Is where we'll find we need to be
Vinnie Brown Sep 2017
To the sorrowing man
May apathy get lost searching for you
For the age of war is upon us
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