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Vinnie Brown Aug 2017
I lost my soul
So ****** deep
Inside of you.
Vinnie Brown Jul 2017
In the garden of Eden
All of the king's horses
And all of the king's men
Couldn't piece together these lands again
We're all looking and searching just to find ourselves drowning
There's wolves in our heads and they're howling
Just when it seems like we lost it all
We somehow find something to believe in
Just needed one reason
To save our souls from the sins we've been bleedin'
Vinnie Brown Mar 2018
He felt he was suffocating
She begged she was drowning
Yet, they don’t part ways
It’s funny what pollution does
In a toxic environment
Give it time
Spring cleaning is almost here
Vinnie Brown Feb 2018
Suicide Saturday’s
Sadder Daze
Vinnie Brown Aug 2017
When you finally find something
Good in life
You eat it all up regardless of taste
Like you haven't ate for days
Vinnie Brown Apr 2018
Longing for the moonlight
Waiting for the sun
Stuck between state lines
Here you’ll forgive your thoughts now
When I’ll become a forgotten thought now
Are you sure you that you called?
I don’t know, my phone must’ve not have gotten the memo
Dear, I wouldn’t bet your heart down
It’s clear you couldn’t get your head around
Was it just that? Faded after all
I’ve been awake in every state line
Dying to make it last us a life time
Trying to shake that we’re on an incline
I’d be yours in a landslide
Vinnie Brown Sep 2013
The greatest thing about being human
Is no matter the hardship
We soldier on and on and on
It doesn't matter
if we are
Time will go on and on and on
Even if we start to feel worse
We just soldier on and on and on
Most of you have seen heaven and hell
You've watched people walk away
Expected people to be there for you
We're all naive in our lives
Life goes on and on and on
The best thing about being human is your all amazing
In your own beautiful ways
The mistakes are actually the most beautiful thing about you
They'll show you the lessons you'll learn in this silly thing we all face
Just soldier on and on and on
Stay strong.
You are all amazing in your own way, some of you feel crazy and that you don't belong, but understand you aren't alone in this crazy world. So love, smile, laugh whenever you can and enjoy life...hope to hit rock bottom as from there it only gets better.
Vinnie Brown Jun 2017
There's a few places I can call home
Although, it seems when I get to those places I don't feel home at all
You know, cause I can come and go, but I alway find myself leaving
People always try to tell you how to live your life
They'll try to tell you about that other side
That the grass is greener and the sun always seems to shine
What they fail to realize is that storms and hard times
Have a certain beauty that can't be drowned out by the pretty sights
So, don't play by the rules of the game
Don't swim in an ocean of people
Trying to be found
Because you can always say this is your life
It's your way of never changing completely
When the storms and hard times end
The sky always seems to be the most beautiful of all the blues
Vinnie Brown Oct 2017
I'd run to the far ends
To the heart of the volcanic oceans
Sacrificial loves, strangleholds
For, she knows me more than I care to admit
You're the only one to know how this gets worse
I'll rush to miss you one more day
Let's go far away
Hearts thrown out days before
Anger risen in boiled sea licked sympathies
Lover's born in times of shame, taught in time to be so tame
Vinnie Brown Jun 2018
You whispered let’s run away
I just wish we’d stay
These nights never seem to last
Like we’re bound for different paths
Looks like we’re stretched for time
Both claiming our hearts feel just fine
I can’t seem to name, the drug my brains been asking for
And dying seems like such a bore
So, come home my soul craves some more
Let me check something off my list
Cause I’d like to taste those lips
And I don’t wanna go
Livin’ in memories with nothing to show
Vinnie Brown Jul 2013
My father wasn't a great man
Although  I  saw  a  legend
I was his only son
Or  was  I  just  his  legacy
He never thought I was good enough
I  strive  not  for  me
I am the best at everything I do
Not  because  I  want  to  be
I am the best because of fear
The  fear
I do not sleep often
The  Moon  invites  Madness
He is gone and I am relieved
Or  am  I  missing  him
From days on I strive to be the best I can
Not for approval
I strive for the love she has given me
I strive to show the world I am not my father
I strive day to day, because I find it to be my place in this world
This world that seems to have no goal
I strive to prove I have a goal.
Thank you for reading.
Vinnie Brown Apr 2017
An infinite amount of piano strokes
In a everlasting minute
I think that's what my heart and mind felt
When I knew I was falling in love
Every key more beautiful than the last
It's coming so natural
Even the sharps and flats
Vinnie Brown Feb 2018
Yeah, as you can see I play guitar
That doesn’t mean I like love songs
But, I’ll be the first to admit
I still find myself
Strumming and humming along
To the melody of your moans
Vinnie Brown Dec 2017
Pay attention to the curves of her body
Her motions scream
That you talk too much
And feel too little
Vinnie Brown Jul 2013
I walk alone in the nights of summer
These lights lead me along my path
Their beauty is nearly unmatched
The only thing I can think of that is possibly more glorious is the sun rising
Although maybe they are more beautiful
After all there are millions shining instead of just the one by itself
I have never thought of the Sun's loneliness
It is truly alone while the others come out to play
Alone like me in my walks
Maybe I should walk during the day
That way the Sun wouldn't have to be alone
I wouldn't have to be alone
We could enjoy each other and let the summer stars have their beautiful darkness they hold so dear
I think you'll understand.
Vinnie Brown Oct 2018
Save your breath my friend
I’m not going in
I am no disciple
I’ll choose how I sin
Sprint to distant memories
And previous lives
For I am not ready
And the only thing you can’t change about the face are the eyes
I just don’t feel connected to such holy lies
So, just do me this kindness
And, let me sit on the church stairs
Ponder all my crimes
Vinnie Brown Apr 2018
They say happiness is free
But, I wouldn’t care what it cost me
What an adventure life seems to be
Keeping this hope alive
When the rest of the worlds hearts
Seem to have died
So, pretty girl stay shining
For stars die out
But, suns never fade
And we might just watch the world end
Vinnie Brown Jul 2017
What a curse it must be
To be so attracted to a person
At a first random glance
To find everything about their face
Just so compelling
To see the glint of starlight in their eyes
Brought to crazed happiness upon a smile
Feel the rush of heat
As their voice and laugh
Strike against your ear drums
She's my sun model
Setting my world ablaze
Vinnie Brown Jun 2018
Built like stars
We’re just shining
But, we’re also burning
Which really means we’re dying
Vinnie Brown Apr 2018
I see the way that you take off your disguise
Drinks and pills what’s your fix to get high?
You just want to feel something to feel fine
You gonna let him swallow up your pride?
Just run away in the night
No ones worth the tears that you cry
It’d be a shame to see you do this till your ******’ numb and gone
Just come with me and take a ride
Vinnie Brown Jul 2018
And as we start to sway
Heartbreaks on its way
In times so dire
Why were we born to be such liars
For the oceans do get rough
And I’m not sure this ship will be enough
I’d rather drown or wrap a bag around my face
Seems like we’re born to annihilate
All of the love we seem to waste
Vinnie Brown Oct 2018
You keep me swaying
Between being high and sober
Back and forth
Something or nothing
Caught in purgatory
And forever doesn’t seem so far away
Until you get there
Trying to find the best parts of me
Where an angel with black wings
Whispered that it wasn’t going to be free
And I still smell hells smoke on me
I swear it warms what I think
Just might be my soul
Vinnie Brown Jan 2017
Don't tell me our youth is running out
It's a simple foot race and it's only just begun
People are such in a rush
To get from point A to point C
Sometimes it's just more beautiful
To get lost at B

Look at how much can change in a year
You gain love and you lose love
I think never being relevant
Is my number one fear

People change and that's just a small part of life
Love with everything you have and never anticipate the pain
Because today is the day that your whole world could just change
Vinnie Brown Aug 2018
There’s this voice inside my head
It sounds just like me
It’s saying let go of some things
For my own
Even the screaming sun can’t block it out
And so, maybe I need a break
From all that I am
All that I was
Take a breath
Breathe again
Find what to write
Instead of dreaming that these words
Might just make it around some big town
I have fears that I’m a letdown
So, I’m reaching out with these words now
Telling my head that you may never be who you want to be
So, just take a breath and breathe
Vinnie Brown Apr 2017
Let's gather our ghosts round the island flame
Getting lost in the dying sun and your eyes were the only fire
Asking my demons for your name
Pretty intimate so far, so I hoped to light your heart fire
Caught you swimming out so far this time
Getting lost in in your holy fire
If falling for you is my only crime
Take me back to places I feel loved in
Wandering around these cities I feel lost in
Take me back to your embrace where I want to get lost in
Vinnie Brown Jul 2017
No, I don't want to smoke and I don't need a drink
Just tell me how you feel and what you think
Cause' I've been on my own for just a while
And there's not a lot of things I need to make this kid smile
Working on myself with all this time, making sure my minds right in the dead of night
And, I heard somewhere that talk is overrated and it's better to just vibe
Except, I swear it'll always be in my mind that love is underrated and it's not just for one night
Vinnie Brown Oct 2017
Bound for paradise
A moment in your lips
Fragments of space in your eyes
The waves of the ocean in your body
The highs of ecstasy in your love
Blood rush cravings in tangled sheets
Except you're not here
Put me to sleep
With sci-fi lullabies
Lost in paradise
It must be
That this misery
Will suffice
Vinnie Brown Mar 2018
Welcome to the mall and misery
Where we have trap doors
Sailing to nowhere
Filled with ghosts inside
Burning with mongrel hearts
Begging for kindergarten crushes
Holding on for life
The Angel and The Fool
Vinnie Brown Jun 2017
You were a lot like the game that day
Sun shining bright almost matches that blonde perfection
Perfectly green cut grass made your eyes look ablaze in emerald
Puffy white clouds and pearly smiles
There's nothing I would've changed
Most days in baseball and a pretty girl
Just seem to be good for the heart
Vinnie Brown Apr 2017
The darkest corners of my mind are tight
I mean, out of sight out of mind, right?
It's getting hard to know if this is worth a fight
As when the sun shines it's just not that bright
I think I might be in love, my heart feels a flight
Bursting with wonderous color and it seems to be killing off my mind blight
A woman, who I can love even if I lost my sight

We'll break the mold and the scheme will fail
Endless midnight car rides and street lamp sunrises
Beautiful rays matching our body glows
As your heart creases and mine unfolds
Lost in each other's technicolor beats
Oh, my dear, if you only knew I have a love for you that even a blind man could see
Vinnie Brown Mar 2018
I want to be alone
Find myself lost out at sea
Knee deep in the black mass
Watch the siren's sing the maddening waves into men's hearts
Where time and the black silver ocean collide
To swim in the kisses of the incarnate
For the sea loves, hates, and weeps
Fervently shackled an...and bound to that which isn't
I feel my lungs collapsing under the pressures of the deep
Where your heart and your desires slumber
Vinnie Brown Sep 2017
Nothing is ever perfect
I suppose it's human curiousity
To tempt the fates
Just to grab the flames of a lover
When I lay me down
I pray, we keep each day
Just please stay with me
Vinnie Brown Nov 2018
Well, I missed Thanksgiving again
That makes three years
Truth be told
I feel more at home when I’m not there
For I have mountains to climb
And views to see
Thankful for the feeling of being so...
Not that I don’t think of them often
I’m just not to my own personal summit yet
Looking forward to coming home
Nothing is better sometimes
I guess I just like it like that
Vinnie Brown Aug 2017
Have you ever watched
The Amazing Spider-Man 2?
Most guys are like that
Wanting to be Peter Parker
We all have our own Gwen
We just get lost trying to save the world
Trying to be Spider-Man
Vinnie Brown Nov 2017
I tried again for the millionth time
Yet, the door to the timeless seas
Where I could sit at the beach
Writing pretty love stories
As the waves sing lullabies
And the tide is nibbling at my toes
I knew it in my bones and soul
For the night whispers to me
Take this lesson away
You loved me last night
What about today?
The alcohol says we’re meant to be
Except the door won’t open for me
And the guitar to our love story
Seems forever out of tune
And I lost the key to the beach room
Vinnie Brown Apr 2018
There are doors
We find ourselves locked beyond
Where we must suffer
From the sins we’ve committed
Dragged to the endless oceans of
Where the Devils we’ve become
Beckon us further into hells we’ve created
As we sail ships into burning heavens
On fire from all the things we’ve done
Where they cook magnificent meals of delicious pain and we slumber in final battles of broken churches
Vinnie Brown Aug 2016
She seems so familiar yet so unknown
A little broken and misused
Repairing herself with a stronger shell
She speaks and I swing between hope and despair
There's a lot I'd like to say
Can't seem to utter any words
Maybe one of these days It'll click
The words I want to say will roll of my tongue onto her lips
I waited too long, just wanted to hold you down
You got a way, and now I don't know how
To let you know, all I wanted was to get lost in moments with you
Vinnie Brown Feb 2017
I hope your heart never gives in
That you continue to believe
That love is in all circles of life
That happiness is, but a smile away

To the relentless few
Who's eyes shine brighter
You few who's heads never hang low
Never change, you'll be sorely missed
Vinnie Brown Aug 2017
In times of war and desolation
There was a spree you had given me
In a lifetime of war: peace
Heat and fever were all around
Tastes of cherry wines and summer vibes
Unexpected and quite adventurous
Speckled eyes and starfire nights
The Endless Summer calls to thee
Yet, in sparing times of self discovery
The change of the leaves from green to gold and further more of stark winds
The craving of sweaters and cold innerlocked fingers
Mesmerizing walks through the winter pines and soft spoken "I love you's"
I guess we found that frozen lakes still contain hidden fires and the snow can burn just as bad
For when we are together
The summer is endless
For those in need
Vinnie Brown Feb 2018
This is a calling
Let it resonate
For my muses
I need your medicine
2 to 3 doses, daily
****, she knows how to play
My heart strings literally
So, ****** lovely
Feels like flying...
She plays with so much emotion
She can just feel the music
I got these notions
They’re deep as oceans
Calling out my name
Screaming out in vain
Singing hallelujah - Tash Sultana
Vinnie Brown Jan 2018
She begged me to come home
So I gathered
the eighth wonder of the world
An army the likes of the world
has never seen
And let them hear my words
“For if you all get lost within the shadows, look to me, let me be the light that guides you, and set the night on fire.”
And I unleashed them
Upon the gates of heaven
And angels fell
In desperation they called to Lucifer
Who brought with him his high command
And we slew them too
Blood soaked and weary
Collapsed upon the throne
Of the high heavens
God kneeling in front of me
Pleaded for answers
“For her, she shall have the world. So, nature call all your forces, your plagues and pharaohs, bring on your storms rages. I am headed home.”
For Annie
Vinnie Brown Dec 2017
No one knows me
like the girl with the paint covered hands back home
Yeah, you would show me I had something some people call a soul
The only person I'd choose to grow old
I'm lucky it only took me till I was twenty four years old
Whispered delicate loving affirmations and my mind was sold
You took a hold of me and never let me go
Never letting me forget just go with the flow
I can honestly say in the center of my chest
She's the absolute love and knows what's best
I look forward to the tomorrows
And returning to home
To the girl with the paint covered hands
Cause no one knows me like her
She's got my heart and my soul
I'll always come home Annie, to wherever you are.
Vinnie Brown Aug 2018
Welcome to Heartbreak Room
The only place you can dance dying
I was just a little bit late
Lucky she didn’t have a partner yet
Sizing eachother up across the room
I kept stepping on her toes
She said “One more time and everyone will know.”
She must’ve meant my sins
Except those are common knowledge
Always up for show
So, this is what it’s like slow dancing with a devil
Before I knew it the room was filled with smoke and ash
And all I could see was the heavenly golden glint from your eyes
As the night wasted away
Vinnie Brown Jan 2018
I came to a fork in the road
One to hell and the other heavenly
The devil standing to the left
Said they both lead to death, invitingly
So, I plan to cheat and took both shoes off
Threw one as far as I could to hell
And sprinted to heaven just to see
I can’t help, but love humanity
Lost in the search for identity
Along our journeys we found empathy
Dodging heartbreaks in war torn countries
We traded a life of riches and temporaries
To help the poor and ill
Cause if it’s not us nobody will
I don’t know where
Our path will lead
But, I beg we follow our feet
Vinnie Brown May 2018
She had bleached out black eyes
From staring into Aries rise
Caught up in midnight whisperings
Wondering if these stars aren’t just things
For the sun sets on Heaven’s cries
And the dark sets in when the stars come to claim their prize
Sweaty palms staring at the summer sky
Black magic searching for lost time
Sipping dark red wine on the coast surrounded in neon lights
Vinnie Brown Oct 2017
It seems the judge and the jury
tried to buy me time
I just might be guilty of this crime
It's as if I left the window open overnight
As there are somedays I wake and the world doesn't shine as bright
Maybe it's me and my brain that just don't fit together quite right
The memories I thought I left behind
Those tire tracks just talk dirt behind my back
The more I'm happy the less that you see
Writing salt licked sympathies to show the world just what I'm finding out about me
Vinnie Brown Oct 2017
Found myself running down to the ocean stream
Neck deep in the swirls hoping you'd find me in a dream
For uncontrollable emotions teeming with heartache
I seem to be teeming with lovers lost fate
Oh, drown in your love
Take me away, to the shores of begotten memories
Where the sun scratched waves
Draw away at my brain
Festered and spliced happiness
Revolves all around just your lips
We were dancing gods
Lost in embracing melodies
Never growing old, free to do it on our own
Crept back to the place we belong
And we can play pretend
Just don't play house with me if love is absent
Looking to go back to when we were fine
Looking to go back, except this time I won't make you mine
Vinnie Brown Nov 2017
The story of the gorgeous mermaid
Addicted to self abuse
As she could watch the ocean waves
Pink littered oranges in the back drop sky
Yet, she still craves
To be worlds away
With a boy who doesn’t want her back
Vinnie Brown May 2018
I saw a man
At the end of the bridge
In last ditch efforts
I asked if he needed me
When I knew he needed someone
These prayers haven’t been heard
And he wasn’t sure that’s how it worked
He looked down to his side and nodded as if a seat was open
So, grab my hand jump down to the river
Cause’ the water is serene like poetry
And to talk is divine
Except God’s don’t talk
I wonder if that’s why these prayers
Are more like lost emotion
Drifting here and there
At the end of the bridge
Vinnie Brown Jun 2013
There is a man I see from time to time
His eyes look like they have seen my sorrows
His smile looks as if it is mocking my happiness
His scar on his eyebrow brings back some foreign memory
His ungroomed ****** hair reminds me of when I lost even the will to shave
His arrogance is relatable in almost everyway
His confidence gives me jealousy
His smirk angers me
Angers me to the point where I am enraged
In this enraged stupor I react irrationally
My fist within seconds is going to connect to his skin
His skin which looks so familiar but so unknown
Blood trickles from my hand as I pull the broken pieces of glass from it
The mirror is cracked and shattered
The insanity is much clearer now
His sorrows, happiness, scars, ****** hair, arrogance, confidence, and smirk yes they are quite relatable
The hauntings of this man that I see from time to time I hope do change for the man I see
My heart goes out to him
For he is me
My third installment I hope everyone enjoys it, I was listening to sensible heart by city and colour while writing it.
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