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Nov 2015 · 636
Lousy shot
Victoria McShane Nov 2015
If I could set the clocks back awhile
To our last day together, I would
I'd play out all the events up til
The moment you died, and I'd cry
I'd go back, to the day before,
And ground myself so I couldn't leave the house
Maybe them you'd still be alive,
With no one to pester you about some **** movie
But I didn't, and we went
I can't even remember what the hell we went to watch
I know it was good, we had a good time,
Then we left
You held the door open for me on our way out,
I glared at you for being a man, as usual
And I looked back out on the street
And then I froze..
A man, in his car... staring.
I saw him shove a mag in his gun and **** it back.
The rest... it's all a blur.
I can still hear the 5 shots he popped off
Two hitting you in the chest,
One in my neck,
And the other two missed.
What a lousy shot.
People were yelling, I was screaming.
You were on the ground and so was I.
I didn't know if I could move but I tried anyways.
You were trying to say something to me..
I couldn't understand you.
I crawled to you and put your head in my lap.
I could hear you struggle to breathe.
Someone was screaming into a phone for an ambulance
But I knew it wasn't for you. It was too late.
The last thing I ever heard from you was, "Love you, boo bear."

And then it was over.
Based on personal experiences. Love who you have in life and never take them for granted.
Apr 2015 · 4.4k
Victoria McShane Apr 2015
You called to me
As my way of release.
But it's backfired,
And now the thing keeping me here
Has turned against me.
How am I to love something
If it fights with me daily?
What is the point of dedication anymore?
What is loyalty?
Apr 2015 · 451
Afraid To Sleep (Sloop)
Victoria McShane Apr 2015
I'm afraid to go to sleep.
The monsters under my bed won't subside.
The ghosts in my mirror won't stop moaning.
I'm afraid to go to sleep.
If I go under will I wake up tomorrow?
Will I see the sunrise?
The daemons in my house
They don't go away.
I'm afraid to go to sleep.
I see their shadows stalking me,
I watch their eyes glow.
Will I suffocate in my slumber?
I'm afraid to go to sleep.
I'm afraid I won't wake up.
I'm afraid I won't see you tomorrow.
I'm afraid I'll never speak to you again.
I'm afraid to go to sleep.
Apr 2015 · 673
You're a Wizard
Victoria McShane Apr 2015
You, sir,
You are a wizard
You are just a puppy,
Lost in the woods

I can guide you,
Help you and hold you,
You can cry out to me in times of need.
Could this be what I think it is?

Is this real?
What's the matter?
Are you alive?

..... Don't lie.
I know you're not.
That is why I am here,
To help you up when you fall down.

But that bond will only hold so long,
It'll only last as long as you want it there.
If you push me away and hide the truth,
I'll leave you in the forest.
Apr 2015 · 411
Victoria McShane Apr 2015
Sometimes the only payoff
For having any faith
Is when it's tested
Again and again, every day

I'm still comparing our pasts,
To our futures,
You might have wounds but,
They're my sutures

And we could be immortals
Just us,
Without loss

And no gain
With no pain
Apr 2015 · 653
Tan Boots and Sexy Hats
Victoria McShane Apr 2015
The night was young,
The scene was set.
Dinner was made,
We were off to a great night.

You looked stunning,
With your tan boots and **** hat,
Your cologne smelled wonderful,
And your eyes shone bright.

We started off awkward,
Like most dates go.
But as we warmed up,
The fire inside us ignited.

You held me close to you,
I rested my head on your chest and hugged you tight.
Your scent filled my soul.
Everything was perfect, nothing else mattered.

And then, as we swayed together,
You began to sing.
We continued to dance,
And the whole world disappeared.

I feel safe in your arms.
Nothing can get to me,
No one can hurt me.
That was the moment I realized,

I love you.
This is an old poem written after I fell in love with my major. He's taught me everything I know and he's forever in my heart.
Apr 2015 · 464
He Went To War
Victoria McShane Apr 2015
He went to war,
A flag came back.
And with a last, dying breath,
He cried your name.

If one is to love unconditionally,
Without being loved back,
And without justification,
What is the point of love?

He has fallen past my reach,
With no where to turn.
Bullet wound turns a crimson red,
Shrapnel covers your face..

Vision gets dizzy,
Legs get heavy.
You fall.
You went to war, and a flag came back.
Mar 2015 · 339
Desperate Tuning
Victoria McShane Mar 2015
Universal fit,
For a special kind of girl,
In a "one size fits all" world.
Can she make it?

She sees things that others don't.
She can tell when you're angry,
Or when you haven't slept.
Sleep is for the weak.

She wakes up tired and sore every morning,
From crying and fighting daemons in her sleep.
Why can't you reach out, into her high-strung mind,
"Help me." Is what she's dying to tell you.

Talk to her for five minutes,
You'll peel back another layer.
Step inside my mind,
But please do not turn your back.

Am I playing on the right head?
How do I sound?
If I keep playing,
Will I keep going?

"Help me," she cries out silently.
I wrote this while going through some thingsat school in Drum corps. It was a hell of an emotional ride.
Mar 2015 · 703
2 am
Victoria McShane Mar 2015
You got me to rest after a week and a half.
I'm not really sure how,
You left my mind at ease
And I walked away from the pain.

It's 2 am and I'm awake again.
The sound of your voice is all I need.
It's 2 am and I'm falling back under.
Just thinking about you pleases me.

0230 rolls by, and then 0300,
I'm still hearing your voice.
I know I can rest easy with you.
Its 0500 now and you've set me free.
Mar 2015 · 658
Victoria McShane Mar 2015
Sometimes its just difficult
Droppin bombs
Actin tough
Its all a joke

I scream I cry
I just wanna lose it
Get away from the pain
Poppin pain killers like candy just to dull the blade

**** my pistol
Let it rip
Tear me open
Rip me to shreds

I tell myself it won't hurt
Feelin that blade burn into my skin
**** your feelings **** what you say
***** you can't judge, you're not perfect

My senses fade into one
I no longer feel the pain
My body is numb the **** you say don't matter
You **** yourself over every day you try judging me

Cause I know who I am
I know what I can do
*****, you know nothing
**You ain't the perfect little ******* think you are
Mar 2015 · 437
My Baby's Struggle
Victoria McShane Mar 2015
A fawn, without a mother,
Grew himself up, with his brother

Taught himself how to do it all,
His pride lost in his father,

Accidents happen, and he lost his mom,
Divorce and arguments detonated the bomb,

The loving female figure in his world,
Laying on her deathbed in his care,

I know I can't replace them, or change him,
The love I feel is never-ending

We may fight,
We may cry,
But never will we give up
Posting a lot of old work from last year right now, this was inspired by one of my best friends.
Mar 2015 · 485
Double 9/11
Victoria McShane Mar 2015
Double recurrences
Same event, replayed,
Plus another similarity
Played out in front of me..

I heard the engines explode
And the fireballs hit the ground
The lava came up
And I screamed

I heard the lives end,
Of people loved so much,
I saw the world collapse,
And jolted awake

But I knew
That what I saw
Was what you see
Every day

The double 9/11,
And the transgender in the car,
Were just randomized
But was it a coincidence?

My brain is twisted,
Shows me the cruel sides,
Tormenting me,
Crying out for help

I will never un-see
What I just saw happen
One, was again, the other, a first
Scarred permanently in my head forever for the worst of reasons
Mar 2015 · 882
Six shooters and Drumsticks
Victoria McShane Mar 2015
Pulling out my six-shooter,
Loading it slowly,
The smooth brass is cold in my hand,
And I snap the cylinder in.

Pulling back the hammer,
I wait in silence,
Running my fingers across the trigger guard.

The clock strikes midnight.
I can no longer wait,
As I flip the safety off,
Sleek metal barrel shining.

Pointed at my head,
I shut my eyes.
I don't want to watch myself,
As I take my own life.

Remembering back to the day before;
As my drum sticks slipped out of my hands.
I thought something special was there,
But I had wronged everything right, in my own mind.

I left my dreams, my instrumental love.
Newfound friends now drip in tears,
Assembling at my dark funeral.
The man I wanted nowhere to be seen.
Mar 2015 · 2.4k
Love Is Like A Sharpie
Victoria McShane Mar 2015
Love is a sharpie
Some days it draws good things,
Some days it draws bad ones.
The lines can be thick or thin,
Or long or short.
If you leave the cap off, it'll dry out.
Or sometimes they just explode.
But usually they work just fine,
Although they do smell funny.
You can do many things with a sharpie. Even though it says "permanent",
It'll usually wash off.
Some times, you gotta rub it real hard to get it to come off,
And even then,
Not all of it does.

— The End —