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Take exit thirty six for the Last Resort Motel
Where the vacancy sign flickers like a beacon
To the wounded and the weary
The blue paint is ancient and peeling
Revealing all the colors that it used to be
Like the building itself
Is trying to turn back time
Its not a Red Roof or a Motel Six
Its the sole survivor of its species
And it clings bitterly to life
Its a place in between places
On the outskirts of a small town
Who draws their lifeblood from the highway
But the blood is starting to thin
The wounds are taking longer to heal
And the bleeding won't stop
It may be your last chance
To stay at the Last Resort Motel
Only poets read poetry
Only liberals watch msnbc
Only conservatives watch fox
Everybody is entrenched
In their own sound proof bubbles
A perpetual echo chamber
Where lies are repeated
Until they turn into truths
There are no debates only battles
One preconceived notion
Forever pitted against
Another preconceived notion
It is the duty of poets to humanize
To use our pens as swords
To burst our bubbles
To show that we are all humans
But only poets read poetry
It took a while to wake up today
My alarm went off before the sun had even risen
I kept delaying the inevitable by hitting the snooze button
But eventually I gave in and got out of bed
I bundled up, braced myself, and opened the door
Walking into the cold was like being submerged underwater
I could feel it trying to infiltrate every opening
It was slowly seeping through every layer of my clothes
I could feel it burning in my lungs
I could see it when I exhaled
It made the air seem quiet
And the sun seem dimmer
And in the dead of winter even time moved slower
The trees had long ago lost their leaves
And now the bare branches
Stretched upwards into predawn light
Like a thousand skeletal limbs
I asked the wizard
for a heart,
but he'd given them
all away.
He said, "I can order one,
But it won't arrive
for three-to-five
business days.

"A heart of gold,
a heart of coal,
a heart as cold as ice;
slightly damaged,
slightly used,
a heart as dead as night."

I said, "Anything
with a beat or two
should be all right."
© Alisandra Gray, 2014.
I haven't been able to concentrate today.
Everything is out of focus,
except for you.
You are in painstaking clarity.

You are flooding my mind
and I am drowning
Submerged in memories
that play on a loop

We've become entangled
and we enjoyed it
because we only considered the present
and ignored the inevitable future

Now its crashed all around us
I'm struggling to untie the knots
Because I don't want to
Because I'm afraid you'll drift away

But then I remember why I fell for you
Because we have an insane amount of things in common
Because you are fun to talk to
Because we make each other laugh

Thats when I know
that everything will be alright
That I can breathe easy
That we'll always be friends
I've been burning the candle at both ends
and the flame is strangely beautiful
it's white hot
seemingly eternal
and by these flames
I have learned to see
in terrifying clarity
I want my lips to taste like cupcakes
and for that I have you to blame
I've purposely cut the brakes
and I think you've done the same
with that one decision
we have come to grips
that there will be a collision
between our lips
and as my lips crash into yours
I can feel you smile when we kiss
I see your eyes soar
and we experience bliss
When I try to write about you
It always sounds hollow and untrue
When i try to capture the feel of your face
I stare and stare and then finally erase
every description feels inadequate
none of the words ever seem to fit
all of my words have been taken away
and I'm left with feelings that i can't  say
you are like a never ending poem
continually crashing on the shores of my mind.
your words, your rythm, the sheer grace of your cadences
Resonate within me
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