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 Aug 2013 sheloveswords
For some
Reason, I have always
Wanted to say,
"What do you want from me"
In conversation.
But I've been thinking,
And it's been a while,
Why would I ever
Need to stutter such a sentence
When no one has ever wanted me
Or even grasped the idea
Of needing me.
Wednesday afternoon, 5:43pm and I'm wasting away.
Say, life is good.
Say, life is bad.
Say, you'll give
me the world.
Say, you'll not
die with the world.
Say, you care
about me inside.
Say, about me, I
hate you inside.
Say to me, I'll die
before you die so your
beauty can live everlasting.
Say to me I hate you.
Say to me, I love you:)
It’s you** I think of
Before I go to sleep.
It’s your voice that calms me
When I laugh myself silly.
It’s you who I think of
When times are slipping.
It’s you that will reason
With  the stupidity from me.
It’s your eyes which keep me moving
From day to each day.
It’s your warmth in your touch
That makes the butterflies take off.
It’s your kindness.
That makes me want to be a nicer guy.
It’s you that I need
When I feel lonely.
It’s you that I want
Just to hold close.
It’s you that lets me know
Everything is right in my life.
© Josh Buller 10/09/2010
First tug
First kiss
First this
First that
First love
First obsession
First everything
First nothing
She built a wall
What's behind it, only she knows
Through a hole you can see
The roses that grow
Locked inside and guarded by thorns
The secrets she holds
I knew
be a bad
when I
got in
my car
that song
you hate
by that
artist you
love was
 Aug 2013 sheloveswords
The moon
                          Knows my secrets
                 Forgotten dreams, lost lovers,
          And nights spent in awe of her beauty
                But despite knowing the worst
                   Parts of me, she still listens
                        And loves me every

I stood where the road forked in two,
Left or right, which do I choose?
Stealing a coin from a well,
I flipped, but as it fell,
I turned back; I'd much rather be with you.
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