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Apr 2021 · 296
Ashanti Apr 2021
My skin is a heritage that my ancestors blessed me with
They fought for our rights and risk their life’s so I can have independence.
Rich and dark like a sweet chocolate bar the sun shines on my skin makes it shimmer in the light
Behind this gorgeous skin theres way more than what you see.
Black is beautiful
Mar 2021 · 78
Ashanti Mar 2021
A lost soul looking for something or someone to make me a whole
You broke my heart left a painful pain in my chest ripped my heart out then left me like we never met then you expect me to be ok.
Not one call or text after you left you broke me into a million pieces you left me to wonder off alone in the forest you made fill with memory and pain every beautiful memory now pains me every passionate kiss now hurts me and every touch still lingers on my cold skin.
Mar 2021 · 123
Ashanti Mar 2021
Today world isn’t save
People around you and far from you judge you everyday without even knowing you from the clothes you wear to the smile you wear on your face without reading into me you judge me for one mistake when you’ve made a million mistake with out even asking why I did it without even trying to understand why I did it without knowing the thoughts that was going through my head  that day. let me be don’t judge me for you have no right to we’re all human we are not perfect just like you I’ve made bad choices
Just like you I have regrets so what’s  makes you so special to pass your judgements upon to me when your just as human as I am
Only god can judge you don’t let their words get to you stay strong
Mar 2021 · 539
Ashanti Mar 2021
It’s crazy how our mind can cause so much trauma and disappointment our mind is our own worst fears. The lock of believe we have in ourselves has made us doubt everything we do we try our best but you think your best is not enough our minds are stuck on disappointment. You tried your best you did what you could that matters the only way to disappoint is when you don’t try at all.
Keep pushing it’s worth it you have a reason to keep going
Mar 2021 · 194
Fantasies vs reality
Ashanti Mar 2021
In my fantasy I’m the center of attraction the one that calls the shots the queen of my fantasy world. In my reality I’m just a girl hidden away in my shadows trying to free the inner me the true me the me I wanna be not only in my head but also on the outside for you to see it one day that person will be set free from its prison but until then I’ll keep being the person I wanna be in my reality in my head.

— The End —