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Akta Agarwal May 2021
Am waiting for the right time to come
Waiting to open up the biggest secret of my heart
I have waited till now
days passed, months passed and I patiently waited for the year
but now may be the right tine came to open up my dear
it's hard to share your pain and happiness with someone
y can able to share this with only someone special
and you came in my life and became my someone special
I didn't fall in love
I have rises in love more day by day
Its not an intentional love
It's just happened
But yes it's my sweet and gentle love
May be my wait is over
but now again my wait have started
and from now am waiting for your answer my dear love.
Love is so gentle and you can wait for it forever
Akta Agarwal May 2021
Mistakes are the part of life
it's do happen by everybody
but yet it teaches us the greatest lessons of life
but it can also destroy us to the core
First time it's called as mistakes
but second time it's become blunder
yes if we have done mistakes we have to face the consequences
but mistakes didn't meant blunder
Sometimes with or without mistakes they have to lost the most valuable things or person of their life
they have to suffer all alone
there will no body to support him / her
I can't understand if someone ***** a girl then how the girl is responsible for it
how can people able to say that it's her mistakes
If a girl slapped a boy without any reason then
how can we judge that may be this boy have done something wrong
Why in this modern world also there is no equality
Not always girls are responsible nor boys
They both suffers very badly and becomes victim in the hands of others,
She is a girl then she have to pretend that nothing has happened because of her parents sake,
and if he is a boy then also he have to pretend nothing has happened otherwise all will degrate and will make fun of him,
How's the world is?
Why they can't let them both ( boys and girls)  live in peace ?
Why they judge them with their mistakes which they not even have done?
Akta Agarwal May 2021
Struggle is the part of life
It starts from the first day of our life
Each day comes up with new struggle
and then the person learn to deal with it
or they got tired of struggle
and commit suicide
When a child first start to talk they struggle to say a sentence
but then they do learn it
a person struggles to face new persons
they struggles to fulfill their dreams
common man mainly struggles financially
It's the life which itself means to struggle and learn from the struggle.
Akta Agarwal May 2021
Everyone do have some desire to fulfill in life
Without desire life have no means
Bcoz if we don't have desires then what's the need to earn more money
Desires sometimes becomes the reasons to fly and touch the sky
But sometimes it's also becomes the reasons of our failure
Akta Agarwal May 2021
Life is a mirror
which reflects back the mistakes
done by us
Akta Agarwal May 2021
Life is a teacher
from whom we learn every day a new things
Life teaches us to smile
Life teaches us to cry
Life teaches us to fight
Life teaches us to live
Life give us a toughest situation to deal it with until with don't learn to deal with it
Learning is a process which we started from the first day of our life
and then it never end
We learn to talk to walk and everything
we learn to be patience
We learn each and every thing till our last breath
learning never ends.
Akta Agarwal May 2021
If we want respect then we have to respect others
no matter who they are
If we cannot able to respect someone's beliefs
they how can even we expect the same from others
it's like a give and take policy
Give respect and take respect
If we want respect then we have to start treating them respectfully
otherwise we ourselves have to face the consequences.
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