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Bob B
Take a stand for democracy
When you go to the polls.
Watch out for the shenanigans
Of Right extremist trolls.

Pay attention to candidates'
Records from the past.
Often they will lie and say
Their views have been recast.

Watch out for the ones who cheat,
Pretending to be fair.
Once you vote them in, they will
Devour you in their lair.

Be aware of hypocrites
Who smile but keep their sights
On any tactic they can use
To threaten women’s rights.

Do not vote for those who don’t
Have YOUR interests at heart.
Their loyalties to wealthy donors
Play a giant part.

Vote for those whose messages
Are reasonable and not
For those who let conspiracy theories
Color every thought.

Vote for those who want to keep
Democracy afloat,
And not for those who go all out
To make it harder to vote.

Vote for those who do not condone
Violent measures to gain
Power to toss our democratic
Values down the drain.

Take a stand for democracy;
It needs you more than ever.
When demagogues say, “Vote for me!”
Tell them, “Never! Never!”

-by Bob B (9-3-22)
Took a cruise,
        to Caribbean blues
On a "Dream,"
       from Mickey's team.
With my loved one,
       celebrating "51."
"Sister's Birthdays" as well,
       ages, I'll never tell.
Daughter, books for four,
       with her Aunt, connecting door.
We feel blessed,
        all four pass, "Covid test."
Pulling luggage up the ramp,
        Miami weather gets us damp.
"Fancy food,
        Princess mood.
Stage shows are gran,
        as only Disney can.
Taking time to pause,
        pictures talking, on the walls.
Giant water slide, kids of all ages use.
         Not enough time, that's my "excuse."
First port Gran Cayman,
        far from mainland.
Spent a spell,
        in "Hell."
Hard Rock store,
        number, "fifty-four."
Looking here, and here,
        for that perfect souvenir.
Storm clouds enter,
        run for tender.
Fireworks light,
        Pirate night.
Bingo, praying to heaven,
        for a "B" eleven.
Finding the "Villains" name,
        talking portraits, detective game.
Want to play Goofy golf,
        but top deck winds, blow us off.
Passing the time away,
        relaxing on Castaway Cay.
"Excuse Me!"
        Castaway "Key!"
Taking selfies over shoulders,
        of large character boulders.
Trying to get some grins,
        passing out Disney pins.
Barbecue line, sets the mood,
        now that's my, kind of food.
Back on board, one last laugh,
        with the best serving staff.
Leaving much, Birthday cake,
        going ashore we cannot take.
They're all in the atrium, better make it quick,
        Last chance to get that, character selfie pic.
Stopping to say fair well, to the man,
        who kept our room so gran.
Wishing to have more fun,
        but the packing must be done.
Getting finally to our bed,
        happy disney memories, in our head.
Down the Gangway way to soon,
        humming a Disney tune.
Kids of all ages, I believe, would enjoy, a cruise on the"Disney" seas.
"Why didn't you paint the truth
it would of taken off the Vatican roof"

© 2022 Carol Natasha Diviney
Shaun Yee
Jane would eat five hamburgers for fun
When her usual daily work was done
But she did eat too much
And became fat as such
So she reduced her burgers to none
another fun limerick :-)
"How much of the past
influences your everyday decisions that last"

© 2022 Carol Natasha Diviney
Our love came like a bolt from the blue
And rocked our hearts like a storm-tossed boat,
And to Heaven my lips gave thanks . . . but you --
You sketched a disturbing anecdote:

"As time passes, how can we be sure
That our love is as strong as today?"
O, what dire torment the mind must endure
If simple signs fail to light the way

Rest assured there is a foolproof test
Should one of us doubt the other's love,
Or if upon both hearts there come to rest
Strong forebodings, or traces thereof:

When we're in each other's company,
Should our thoughts drift to another place,
And the hours seem to drag on endlessly . . .
Love is loosening its firm embrace

When thoughts of you don't quicken my heart,
And thoughts of me don't bring you delight,
When we get the sense we're drifting apart . . .
Our love is preparing to take flight

When my eyes no longer speak to you,
And your kiss is easily denied,
When we behave as fickle friends might do . . .
It is then we'll know our love has died
What's done,
          been done.
              What happened,
                         has happened
                               What you do,
                                       is up to you.
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