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Hakikur Rahman May 2022
The moonlight disappeared suddenly,
Took the darkness with her-
Who placed passion-flower in her ears,
With a uncomprehending smile,
With a cowardly step who came and stood in the corner of the square.

Silver moon,
That is painted only on the painter's canvas.
Under the bare wood apple tree, or on the edge of the cinnamon forest,
Is anyone waiting for someone?

With a weak argument,
What a tense memory to hold!
On the other hand, in earthen plate, the rice is poured with water
But the tailed dog plundered all,
And I stood under the darkness,
Recite Shakespeare's lyric.

Yet I don’t know why, but hear
The fasting street child continues to say,
"Give me a handful of food!"
I can't write poetry anymore.
Hakikur Rahman May 2022
Building the canopy with dry grass and leaf
******* their house,
Still in the house corner, with full of smiles
Enchantress is active.

Housewife living in the illusion of home
Hides her shy face,
Two companions in happiness and sorrow
In private.

Menting the old net with Ebenaceae juice
Fisherman rushing to the river,
Fisherwoman looks towards his way
Sings in a melodious tone.

Seen in new tidal waters
New song of life,
Standing on the mildly flown banks of the Jamuna
Fill their mind and soul.
Dedicated to all those fisherman families who lives on the river banks of the Greater Bengal.
Hakikur Rahman May 2022
Looking at the full moon, kerosene flame says,
On my forehead, draw a mark of royalty.

When you are covered, in the new moon
Yet I, with the light, go on lighting.

Hearing this the earthen lamp, guffawed
People loves more, in worship-prayer.

Moon smiled and said, "Listen, both of you."
You both are equally meritorious, there is no shame.
Hakikur Rahman May 2022
River flows through singing silent murmurs
The young woman stood up by the side and looked at the sky.

When the boat will bring her heart back
She will take care of him.

Emotions increase without seeing him
In the middle of the heart, beat did not stay.

Everyone came back but he did not
He did not appear to be seen.

Her thin mind is sad by thinking
It's raining cats and dogs through her eyes.

How long has it been passed like this?
Still waiting for her love to come.
Dedicated to those lonely souls who wait for their expatriate loves.
Hakikur Rahman May 2022
Indomitable desires,
The bald bubble remained invisible in the bushes.

There is a whimsical settlement of the people near the shore,
On the uneven shores of thought-
Listen to the song of the elusive rain,
Match the eyes, shed tears-
It is mixed within the soul to soul.

Only now doves graze in the courtyard of the house,
Filled with loneliness all the time,
Through the gaps of carelessly growing shrubs,
The torn moon peeks out.

And consumes eternally,
With the hopeless thoughts,
Yet suddenly attacked-
Weeping desires, in the valley of the last sleep.
Hakikur Rahman May 2022
I gave freedom to those lines,
Let them fly in infinite space-
Flying unhindered,
So that no one else
Can't capture them unnecessarily,
Let them just say with open their minds.

There is no stopping for any reason,
Let everyone make their debut in a drunken state.
Paint in abstract desires,
Long-distance paths-
It rubs and corrects the rust of the heart,
I left the lines again to fly.

It's like finding yourself anew,
Floating on the ferry of life, rushing to the drink of lifeless feelings.
Hakikur Rahman Apr 2022
Sometime, some period, some days, some months, some years,
Some eras, some centuries, some millennia-
Everything is limited to that "something".

And that is the smallest part of the eternal universe,
It is only a part of what is being described.

Invisible to the idea, there is no "anything",
Even if I leave, it does not leave me.

Life revolves around this "something",
All wanderings are limited to this "something".

Although this "something" refers only to something,
Yet the scope of this "something" is not known,
Receiving of "something" not to be known too,
Finally,  everything ends within this "something".
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