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 Dec 2020 Beau Donner
Your arms are like vines
Winding their way up my body
Blossoming flowers where I’d seen none before.
The touch of your fingertips
Tender like the brush of leaves
And your windy breath raising my flesh;
Pull me in. Pull me down.
I yearn for your roots
Intertwined with mine,
An infinite dance toward the skies
As we grow as one.
 Dec 2020 Beau Donner
Bored, uninformed
Like an outdated explosion
Tense, musty,  forced silence
Going down the long slide -  voices without faces
Large scale versus, seemingly at random
So permanent, blank and true
We avoid them as unlucky places
Where promises are kept...

(A Senryu poem)

Oh Cupid, God of
desire & ****** love, please,
next time hit us both.
Attractions can be hit or miss
They buried an elephant
here, in 1922:

White and brown
wet and scattered
 Dec 2020 Beau Donner
You pay in blood and soul
When the barrier between the worlds is a whisper
When magic - old magic, sings
The truth of the Earth itself
Lures the Spirits from their tombs
From the dying pyre in the darkest forest
Where once I prayed for forgiveness
The sad clouds scatter
Calling things that don't have names
To have a life of their own,
Not an existence doled by others
The Tree of Life
The Garden of Eden
Their shadows come from the light
Lives with me, deep inside
Standing comfortably within its mystery
In tune with nature,
In tune with ourselves
In alignment with our all
The essence that can bind
A collective force reawakening on the Earth.

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