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328 · Oct 2020
"my hands"
willem dp Oct 2020
itchy, cold, Hands shaking,
changing mood, focus and my regulation,
just so i could feel a different sensation

itchy, cold, Hands shaking,
energy that keeps me awake,
more energy than my weakened body can take

itchy, cold, Hands shaking,
pupils so wide,
that you can almost see the broken mind inside

itchy, cold, Hands shaking,
a supply that never seems to stop,
every hit makes your life drop

itchy, cold, Hands shaking,
the last hit that i shall be taking taking,
now my stone, cold, hands can finally stop shaking
i  hope you like it as much as i liked making it!
63 · Oct 2020
somatic symptom's
willem dp Oct 2020
my Brain feels tired all out of power
my Limbs feel stiff and weak and sour
my Vision has spots darker than black
a constant pain felt in my Neck
ringing Ears, not as it should
all this damage for what is it good
to remind Me of all i was feeling,

Was the feeling of not being understood.

— The End —