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Those beautiful lions show so much love to each other like sunshine and warmth!
They support each other with their love,
A mother ape feeding her young despite her strength she’s so gentle to her baby!
She cares about her family,
An elephant gives birth to her baby and she waits patiently for her baby to get up and feed,
She knows that’s what she has to do because her love is true!
Time goes round and round
The blackberries are slowly coming out again
Soon it will be time to pick them
The cherry blossom has come and is blooming well
summer is on its way
But the sun is in and out
And the rain is back
The  frost has gone
The world is revolving
Time is passing by!
The ageing process is happening to me,
The wrinkles are coming
So I can see,
Everything is heading south!
Including my eyes, nose and mouth,
The double chin,
Well that could do with a pin!
The belly needs a tuck,
Or even a lipo ****!
But it’s the aches and pains,
The varicose veins ,
Thank fully I’ve Not got yet,
I sweat!
I need more sleep!
Or I’m in a heap,
I’m always tired
My brain is becoming unwired!
At times!
Where does time do, I don’t really know?
It’s flown away like a bird in the wind!
Why does time not last?
It goes so very fast!
It’s now here!
And Then
It’s gone!
A sandwich of delight!
You take a bite
And move it around your mouth  and chew
And as the butter,  the ham and the soft seeded bread hits your senses,
A whirlwind of texture,
A taste of delecture,
And then you swallow
and it is gone,
Ok I’ll just have another one!
The sun was out this morning
Twinkling through the trees
Peeping at me and warning
That the rain is on its way today
enjoy the sun while the day is dawning
But it was cold and the wind was blowing
And all of this had me yawning
So after our long long walk
Im on my way back home and back to bed !
I love Jack Frost
He’s cool
He’s kind
He’s cold
He’s Refined

He twinkles on the pavement
Glistening and listening
cold but fresh
But I’m not nesh!

I love Jack Frost
He’s cool
He’s kind
He’s cold
He’s refined!

He kills the bugs
That we don’t want
By freezing them
And seizing them away

I love lack frost
Jack Frost is welcome most any day!
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