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98 · Jan 2021
Chuck Kean Jan 2021

      The night fell like a black velvet
Curtain and left me in darkness
The light disappeared as quickly
As the blink of an eye

I found myself pausing as if
Time itself had stopped
For my eyes were slow to focus, like
The pace of a snail as it slimes itself by

As the beams of the Moonlight
Fell upon me like rain, I regained my
Senses quickly, like a flooded river
As it swiftly flows in its rage

I felt the blood rushing through my
Veins pounding in my head like drums
And I felt like I was the center of attention
Like a rock star upon a stage

But soon I felt so calm and peaceful
Like waves softly crashing upon the shore
So know this poem has no meaning except
For my appreciation of the metaphor

Written: Charles Kean
Copyright © 01/10/2021
All rights reserved
97 · Jan 2022
Mr Make Believe
Chuck Kean Jan 2022
Mr Make Believe

   Sometimes I can’t help myself
I just wanna be more than I am
Living this normal life can really be
A drag, like it’s one big scam

Sometimes I wish I was a rock star
With girls galore and money to burn
But I’m not gonna make a deal with the
Devil, that’s something I spurn

If I could be a super hero, how cool
Would it be, imagine the possibilities
But I’m thinking that might be too
Much for me, think of the responsibilities

Wouldn’t it be nice to find a Genie
In a bottle, granting me three wishes
Instantly I could have anything I desire
But that might be super suspicious

So if just for the day, like a magician
With a trick up my sleeve
I’ll just close my eyes and put
My Faith in Mr Make Believe

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 01/29/2022
All rights reserved
96 · Jan 2021
Chuck Kean Jan 2021

     May 4th 1970, Kent Ohio
Fifty years ago, Four dead in Ohio
Neil Young wrote and sang
In reaction to this we know

(Tin soldiers and Nixon’s comin
We’re finally on our own
This Summer I hear the drummin
Four dead in Ohio)

Insert new lyrics, different time,
Different place
Same question look
Upon my face

(Tin soldiers and Biden’s comin
We’re finally on our own
This Winter I hear the drummin
Four dead in DC, don’t ya know
Just like Ohio

Yepper we’ve done it again
Will we ever learn or will we do it again
And again and again?

Lyrics to song By: Neil Young in()
The rest By:Charles Kean
All rights reserved - note I take no credit
Nor am I receiving any royalties for this.
Just throwing it out there—God Bless!!!
96 · Aug 2022
Slaves To The Machines
Chuck Kean Aug 2022
Slaves To The Machines

  Don’t look now but Humans are
Already on the edge of  existence
We’re being replaced and there’s
Really no way for resistance

Self checkout is just the beginning
Drones are making delivery
Cars are driving themselves
Making me feel the shivery

Computers thinking for themselves
Giving humans directions
And we’re doing what we’re told
Despite the electronic defections

Close your eyes and see visions
Of A Terminator landscape
With only two choices of survival
Endless war or searching for escape

We’ve got new viruses truth or lie
Being forced to get the vaccines
And more and more each day we’re
Becoming Slaves To The Machines

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 08/04/2022
All rights reserved
96 · Jun 2022
The Hurting Lingers
Chuck Kean Jun 2022
The Hurting Lingers

    Above any thoughts of infidelity
Our love I thought was strong
But in your eyes I see your quilt
And I realize that I was wrong

You threw it away like it was trash
A bond that never should have fallen apart
But carelessly and thoughtlessly
You had no regard for my fragile heart

Why is love so hard to find yet so easy to
Lose and cause so much pain
Love’s bliss lives in the warmth Of Sunshine
Yet the heartache lives in the rain

As the tears fall from my eyes
I see the promise of love turn to rust
This heart of mine bleeds and in
Love never again will it trust

Forever when I reminisce I’ll see
Love as it slips through my fingers
Forced to live with a broken heart
As The Hurting Lingers

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 06/28/2022
All rights reserved
93 · Jan 2022
I Am
Chuck Kean Jan 2022
I Am

      As a young man I asked the mirror
Who am I and the mirror replied
I am worthless yes worthless
Therefore worthless I am

As an adult I asked myself
Self who am I, a voice gave a reply
I am a sinner yes just a sinner
Therefore a sinner I am

To the voice I asked, who are you voice
And the voice quickly replied
He said I Am yes truly I Am
Therefore he is I Am

I said if I am worthless and I am a sinner
Then who am I and I Am replied
You are loved, he said I am loved
Therefore loved I Am

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 01/28/2022
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Jun 2022
The Legend Of Featherstone

   There’s a town just south of Savannah
Georgia and it’s named Darien
There lived a man named Featherstone
He lived like the ancient proletarian

It was in the time just after the civil war
As the story goes there we’re souls lingering
Confederate spirits that didn’t cross over
And their hauntings were shivering

Featherstone was the meanest man
In town and he stood six foot six
He’d beat another man to a pulp
And he’d do it just for kicks

But underneath deep inside
He proved he had a heart of gold
He put it in his head to end evil’s reign
Before he got too old

On a crisp September evening, the Moon
Was full and the fog was thick
They told him that it couldn’t be done
And he simply replied Aw Fiddlesticks

He slammed down his last Whiskey
Just before the toll of the midnight bell
He said I’ll end this evilness and take it
Where it belongs down in Hell

He walked out of the saloon with a chilling
Laughter that echoed throughout the town
He screamed hey demons of the Devil I’m
Gonna defeat you if I lay my life down

You could hear the Erie battle as the
Demons squealed one by one
The fight went on and on and on
Until the very last spirit was gone

Fight fire with fire and evil with evil
And the gore will chill you to the bone
Hear the echo of the battle and his laughter
And know The Legend Of Featherstone

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 06/18/2022
All rights reserved
93 · Aug 2021
Dear; Hello Poetry
Chuck Kean Aug 2021
Dear; Hello Poetry

   First of all I want to thank you all for
Your friendship and kindness!!!
Question? Does anyone know what happened to Beautifully Broken and Scripted Silence?
  Now for the reason of this letter.
I apologize for not reading and responding as
Often as when I started and I apologize for not writing as much either.
I know I don’t owe anyone any explanation but for those of you whom may care, I feel that I should explain or tell why.
One of my problems was writers block,
The worst that I have ever experienced and it kept me from reading other works as well.
I lost myself in depression and lack of confidence and inspiration.
The other problem is that we meaning my
Wife and I were living through a real life drama in literally what movies are made of.
The FBI and the Medicaid fraud department are at this very moment investigating into this crap and I am really having trouble understanding everything and trying to get a grip on things. I should mention that we meaning my wife and I have been found innocent and free and clear of any charges but members of our father in law’s family may find themselves behind bars and at least one of them may be charged with ****** as well. When all of this stuff started both my father in law and mother in law were both alive and now they are both dead and we have had to deal with two funerals and we find out that Mom wasn’t even in the Will and he was a loving Christian man and he loved her dearly and he wouldn’t have done that.
Second there’s $64,000 dollars from an account missing and my father in law’s death is suspicious. Mom died after with declining health issues and Dementia from Alzheimer’s. I hope and pray that they get to the bottom of it all and the ones involved get what they deserve. So needless to say on top of Covid and everything else, this has been a really bad time in our lives. We need to get away and we’re off to Hawaii this Saturday for 14 days of much needed vacation.
We just need to put everything behind us for a little bit. No work no investigation no nothing.
Please keep us in your prayers and I promise I’ll try to read more and comment more and like and love more and write more.
You’re all very special to me even though I’ve never really met any of you personally.
I still feel like I know you.
I’m sad also because It seems Beautifully Broken has left our little family.
God Bless you all!!!

Love Chuck!!!
P.S. Thanks for all of your love for the poem that I posted yesterday (Your Name)
I’m at work today, my last day before vacation so I gotta go for now.❤️❤️❤️
Chuck Kean Oct 2022
Countless Times We’ve Met Along The Way

     There was a movie in the seventies
Its title was On A Clear Day
It starred Barbra Streisand and it
Was a musical and kinda like a play

It was about reincarnation and it
Was fascinating and I thought of Deja vu
Times where you think you’ve lived it
Before but you couldn’t, it’s brand new

But yet in the universe or even
Somewhere in our own galaxy
Could there be another you and I
Living out another life a destined odyssey

And could this be repeated over and over
Again and could our minds be connected
To the other versions of ourselves at different
Times and the information gets collected

I’d like to think that it’s possible
Somewhere in time and space
That we’ve been together
In some enchanted place

And it will come to be in our knowledge
On one glorious future day
When we come together yet again
The countless times we’ve met along the way

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 10/01/2022
All rights reserved
93 · Jun 2020
The Media
Chuck Kean Jun 2020
The Media
   It use to be informative
It use to be both sides of the story
It use to be the good and the bad
And stories of triumph and glory

Now it’s all about fear and hate
And political divisions left or right
Now it’s all about doom and gloom
And getting their ratings for the night

I can’t remember the last time that I
Saw any emotion on a reporter’s face
They just seem like stone cold robots
Far removed from the human race

The world hanging on every word
Of their fake news and lies
Dressed in their dresses and suits
Just the Devil in disguise

The only light they shine is evil
The ultimate dark light
Pitting us to turn on each other
As they watch us argue and fight

They are nothing but serpents
Technically known as Ophidia
The one and only, truth is
The Devil is the Media

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 06/05/2020
All rights reserved
92 · May 2022
Chuck Kean May 2022

   Like a clock on the wall changes time
Like a caterpillar changes to a butterfly
Like night turns to day, everything
Changes, sometimes in the blink of an eye

Everything used to be cut and dry
Boy or girl and right or wrong
But now it’s all so confusing
Like trying to learn to play Mahjong

I’m not here to judge or condemn
That is for the fool
It’s just that I’m of a different time
And all I know is old school

In my mind a woman is a woman
And she dresses appropriately
And a man is a man and when they
Are together the difference is plain to see

So forgive me me if I smirk
And if I find it odd and strange
I’m not trying to be mean and cruel
It’s just difficult to accept the change

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 04/30/2022
All rights reserved
92 · Feb 16
A Black Rose Butterfly
Chuck Kean Feb 16
A Black Rose Butterfly

      Like a Warrior she fought, her
Heart was full of love and hope
Her eyes held the Stars of the Universe
Once only seen with Hubbles Telescope

But now she’s as cold as Winter
For reasons only Heaven knows
Her tears fall from the sky above
And give life to the Black Rose

The world never knew her for if it
Ever did it would be a better place
But her fate was sealed by a man
With blue eyes and a handsome face

Her love for Spring and the world
Could only be concentrated on her eight
A lifetime of suffering and sorrow and
Struggle to put food on our plates

Like a Caterpillar turns into a Butterfly
Its life gets to be redesigned
But the World lost its best chance
When our Angel left us Behind

In my heart she’ll always stay, forever
Burning tears my eyes will cry
Never forgetting our Angel
In my dream I see A Black Rose Butterfly

Written By:Charles Kean
92 · Feb 2021
The Iceman Cometh
Chuck Kean Feb 2021
The Iceman Cometh

  Legend has it in the darkness,
In the freezing cold terror reigns
The nights are filled with fear
And ice is the blood in his veins

They say he comes down from the north
And he rejoices when the west wind blows
He is as evil as the Devil himself and he
Leaves death behind wherever he goes

You can hear him whisper in the wind
As the air rushes past your ear
You can feel his chill on your neck and spine
And all your senses tell you he’s near

You’ll be his next victim if you ignore
The warning signs I’ve explained
And nothing of you will be left behind
And everything will be bloodstained

He’s known as the black sheep son of old
Man winter and as temperatures plumeth
You can be sure that death is imminent
As the Iceman cometh

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 02/14/2021
All rights reserved
92 · Jun 2022
He Loves Her Still
Chuck Kean Jun 2022
He Loves Her Still

       He Loves her heart and soul
But she’s beautifully broken
He tells her he loves her but his words
Are like they’ve never been spoken

In her eyes he can see a battle raging
He has to turn from the violence
But he understands it’s the reason
For her frequent scripted silence

He tries to show her his love is true
His actions have an honest charm
He desperately tries to assure her
His love would never cause her any harm

Her wounds have left a scar
Penetrated long and deep
She closes her door and he
Is left to listen while she weeps

He wasn’t the reason for her pain
Or why she’s mentally ill
Any other man would just walk away
But in his heart He Loves Her Still

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 06/27/2022
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Feb 2020
Beautifully Broken
                (Scripted Silence)

   She gave her love so willingly
She gave everything she had to give
She did everything to make his
Life, a life that he wanted to live

She was as patient as she could be
She gave him time to realize
But he took her love for granted
And he always seem to criticize

They seemed to always be fighting
Her eyes always filled with tears
She couldn’t go on anymore, she
Thought about all of the wasted years

One night while she was sleeping
He slipped out of the back door
Leaving behind just a note that read
Some day you’ll find what you’re looking for

But I guess I just don’t know how to
Give what you so desperately need
I cannot force what should come naturally
And my heart will forever bleed

She walked alone shuffling through
Each day with rarely a smile
Thinking love had passed her by
Missing what she had all the while

Then another came into her life
And gave her all he had to give
He did everything to make her
Life, a life she wanted to live

But often times words go unspoken
He realized she had been beautifully broken
He tries to understand her willing defiance
And live with her well rehearsed scripted silence

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 02/20/2020
All rights reserved
Dedicated to and for
Beautifully Broken & Scripted Silence
91 · Aug 5
Ghost Shadow
Chuck Kean Aug 5
Ghost Shadow

    I’m a ghost shadow, that which
You see out of the corner of your eye
I’m a ghost shadow it’s like having
Truth but the truth is a lie

I’m a darkness that follows you
I’m a question without an answer why
I’m the reason for your sadness
That makes you want to cry

I’m the never ending madness
That’s driving you insane
And with everything you lose
It becomes my gain

I’m a ghost shadow like a constant chill
And I’m always near
I’m a ghost shadow I’m the reason
For your unnerving fear

I’m a ghost shadow, I’m calling your
Name and you can’t deny
I’m a ghost shadow, the shiver down
Your spine when know your gonna die

I’m always gonna be with you
Wherever you may go
You know you can never escape me
I’m your Ghost Shadow

Written By:Charles Kean
On XBOX ONE I am Ghost Shadow
Lol 😂
91 · Mar 2021
Save Me From You
Chuck Kean Mar 2021
Save Me From You

    I was happy go lucky
I was wild and free
I didn’t want anyone
Getting their hooks into me

I’ve seen too many friends
Take a bite of loves cake
But I was determined to
Not make that same mistake

I was minding my own business
Living my life on the fly
And in a smoke filled bar, I caught
A glimpse of you out of the corner of my eye

You walked over and whispered in my ear
You said you were here to save me
I told you that I was fragile and
I was fine with being so free

You began to walk away and I felt
My heart heart beating like Hell
I called you back without thinking
Like I was under some kind of spell

I gave you my heart and I lost myself
I was powerless to your witchery
I became a slave to your every whim
Forever chained to you my Miss Misery

You said you loved me but this isn’t
Love, if I’m to be forever blue
You said you were here to save me
So why didn’t you save me from you

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/25/2021
All rights reserved
91 · Mar 2022
The Power Of The Cross
Chuck Kean Mar 2022
The Power Of The Cross

    The world can hit me again and again
It can hit me with everything its got
The Devil can burn me with his fire
With a fire of the hottest of hot

He can put me in the center of the
Darkness of a permanent night
And I will focus on Jesus and I will
To my faith hold on tight

It’s a different world now
In more ways than one
Some say the end is near
Soon we’ll all be gone

I’m just a man trying to survive
As this old world spins
When everyone thinks it’s a competition
I’ve got news, nobody wins

You can have this world and your greed
Go ahead and focus on your profit and loss
I’ll just sit back and relax and I’ll focus
On my Faith and the power of the cross

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/24/2022
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Mar 9
I Can’t Stop The Rain

       Now that it’s Gone
My Heart and soul are empty
I have become completely numb
I can’t stop the rain

How can I continue on
How can I pick up the pieces
How can I put myself together again
I can’t stop the rain

Now I wonder who I am
Now I wonder if I’ll ever love again
Now I wonder about tomorrow
I can’t stop the rain

How can I soften my heart
How can I let my guard down
How can I allow myself to be vulnerable
I can’t stop the rain

Now I wonder if I can find strength
Now I wonder if I even want to try
Now I wonder about everything
I Can’t Stop The Rain

Written By:Charles Kean
90 · Oct 2022
A Withering Rose 🥀
Chuck Kean Oct 2022
A Withering Rose 🥀

   Just a seed planted in the passion of love
A baby girl, a gift from above
But growing pains were like violent storms
Her self defense was prickly thorns

Though she was full of life
And had dreams of being a wife
Love would come and steal her heart
And love would leave and tear her apart

They told her that this was not her fate
And assured her true love might be late
And though her darkness was extreme
She never gave up on her dream

And then one day with a gentle kiss
She was starry eyed in total bliss
This felt so right, it couldn’t be wrong
Was this the music, a true love song

They were in love Bride and Groom
She was happy and in full bloom
But the song they would compose
Would leave her just A Withering Rose

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 09/30/2022
All rights reserved
89 · Mar 2021
Always A Thorn
Chuck Kean Mar 2021
Always A Thorn

   Oh how I long for the Sunshine
To be in the warmth of love forevermore
To walk along a sandy beach
As the waves gently caress the shore

To be in the embrace of love and to have
That overwhelming feeling of loves bliss
To share that oneness with someone and
To know the meaning of an enchanted kiss

Oh how I long to miss someone
Even just for the day
And to know that they are
Missing me, in the same way

But love isn’t meant for me
Under the clouds I will forever dwell
I’ll spend my time locked in a chase for love
As if I’m under some witches spell

And forever in my search for love
It’s the rose that I adorn
But when it comes to love
For me it’s always a thorn

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/15/2021
All rights reserved
89 · Jan 2021
A Better Way
Chuck Kean Jan 2021
A Better Way

    I don’t know just how but I know
We’ve gotta find a way off of this ride
Whatever it is that’s keeping us
Separated, we need to set it aside

For we know in his eyes
Red, yellow,brown, black and white
We are all beautiful and yes we are
All so very precious in his sight

So let’s find a way to shine
Let’s find a way to spread the light
In my heart I know that we can do it
We can take the wrong and make it right

Take the darkness and send it far away
Life is to short for bitterness and hate
If we really try we can find room for love
And with love it’s never too late

We can get closer to Jesus
We can reach out for connection
And know that we’re only human
It’s impossible for perfection

But we don’t have to be but I know
It’s a new year and it’s a new day
Hate spreads and love and kindness can too
So let this begin a better way

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 01/03/2021
All rights reserved
89 · Jun 2022
Chuck Kean Jun 2022

    I live in America and even with all of its
Problems there’s no where else I’d rather be
It’s one place in the world that’s known
As the land of the brave and free

The following words to all may be controversial but it’s my decree
Jesus is the answer and the only way
If you truly wish to be free

Jesus is the new covenant,he eliminates the
Temptation of the forbidden fruit tree
Jesus takes the chains that bind us in
The ******* of laws and breaks us free

His sacrifice makes the laws of the ten
Commandments just useless debris
Did I just type these words, am I insane
What do I know about being free

Does this mean that I can **** and steal
And commit sins like adultery
Am I now a Neanderthal running in
The wild crazy naked and free

Absolutely not and just the opposite, so
I know if I were to fall upon a scree
Believing in Jesus takes away my fear
Of my failure and it sets me free

My imperfections I know that I will always have and my value is like that of a bawbee
But Jesus love’s me unconditionally and
That knowledge truly sets me free

I don’t need the laws that show me the sins
I’m not to commit because I have the key
I believe in Jesus and that he died to give
It to me to open the lock and get free

I don’t have the temptation of a child
To sneak in the night to get the cookies
I don’t know how much more simple I can
Make it so you can understand being free

The laws tell us what we shouldn’t do but
They also tempt us I’m sure you agree
You know right from wrong but with the
Laws one cannot truly be free

The old covenant was the laws and it once
Had purpose but God could see
No matter how hard we tried to abide
We would fail and couldn’t be free

So he sent us Jesus as our savior and I
Wish I could put it in lights on a Marquee
His love is for all of mankind and it’s
Strong enough to set us all free

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 06/23/2022
All rights reserved
89 · Oct 2020
Last Sun Rise
Chuck Kean Oct 2020
Last Sun Rise

   The chaos has only just begun
The innocence of yesterday is lost
There’s no turning back the hands of time
The world is slowly being degaussed

The fire of Hell is rising from below
And coming through the surface cracks
Time is running out on humanity, God and
The Devil take all, browns, whites and blacks

There’s just a decision, a simple choice
Standing between you and Heaven or Hell
There’s no real pressure for you to decide
The end is near it’s no bombshell

Yesterday is gone, so live for today
But we all know Tomorrow may never come
I ask you are you willing to take the chance
Are you just completely numb

What path will you be on, when the time
Comes and no one hears your cries
Where will you find yourself at the
Time of your Last Sun Rise

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 10/27/2020
All rights reserved
89 · Dec 2022
Christmas Peace
Chuck Kean Dec 2022
Christmas Peace

    As I sit here on my couch, I have a
Cup of hot chocolate in my hand
Thoughts in my mind, there’s things
I ponder and things I’ll never understand

All of the lights are out and I have switched
On the Christmas tree and window display
And I’m letting myself get lost in the silence
Of the night and in a dream I slipped away

I’m overwhelmed with a feeling of love
And I’m surrounded by beauty everywhere
As my mind begins to process it all I think of
Heaven and if I could be there

Everything is so real and it shakes me
As I begin to hear one single Angel singer
I begin to wake up to the Christmas tree
Flicker as my dream continues to linger

I wish my dream could be my reality
I pray for hate and violence to cease
I wish the world was Heavenly beautiful
And every day was like my Christmas Peace

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright ©️ 12/15/2022
All rights reserved
Merry Christmas to all and God Bless!!!
89 · Jan 2021
The Sheriffs Daughter
Chuck Kean Jan 2021
The Sheriffs Daughter

It was a small town in Ohio
Hebron was it’s name
But evil became the reason
For its claim to fame

He was the newly appointed sheriff
A widower with a daughter to support
They moved into a small house at the
Edge of town, a cute place with a carport

So this made her the new girl in town
But something about her wasn’t right
Soon the kids started making fun of her
And she cried herself to sleep each night

As the days went on he noticed
She seemed to be struggling with depression
Despite all of her attempts to show that
She was happy,he saw through her deception

He wasn’t sure if it was the new surroundings
Or if she was just missing her mother
It never occurred to him that her
Sadness was caused by something other

One day there was a mysterious homicide
A teenage boy met a strange demise
He was found naked beneath the football
Bleachers and he was missing his eyes

Weeks went by into the investigation
But they had very little in the way of clues
Then a girl was found by the creek in the
Same peculiar way, making National news

The new sheriff had his hands full
But with his daughter he’s less concerned
And very relieved of that stress for
It seems her smile has returned

As time went by the homicides continued
Bringing darkness with each Dawn
She was careful in her planing as she
Vowed to get them all one by one

The sheriff was still clueless as her
Classmates are now all gone
Each of them found naked and no eyes
What caused such evil to spawn

She’s the last one my baby is next
The sheriff was burdened with strife
She was his whole world
Especially after the loss of his wife

That evening he found her asleep in
The yard beneath the stars
And he made a grim discovery, the cabinet
In the shed was filled with mason jars

Each jar containing one set of eyes
And labeled with the victims name
As his tears began to flow he felt guilty
For he held himself to blame

He carried her to her room and he
Gently placed her in her bed
Her journal was on her desk open to
The last page, and the words written read

When they looked at me they saw ugly
So I took their eyes and force them to see
Each night before I go to bed
I make those eyes look at me 👀

They picked on me daily and they were evil
And that’s the reason for their slaughter
I guess they’ve learned their lesson
You don’t mess with the sheriffs daughter

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 01/14/2021
All rights reserved
89 · Sep 2023
Burning Tongue
Chuck Kean Sep 2023
Burning Tongue

     I Don’t know the Answers
To all the questions why
Guess they’ll never be known
Until the day I die

Why did you let alcohol change you
Why did you surrender
They told me once a long time ago
Your heart was loving and tender

But the Demon living inside of you
Was something you couldn’t contain
I lived in fear of your presence and
Your words of steel only caused me pain

I survived the physical abuse
And the nightmares have faded
Darkness no longer surrounds me but
I guess I’ll always feel betrayed and jaded

Jesus saved me from Hell but I will
Never forget the words you so easily flung
Or your red Devil eyes as those words
Were rolling off of your Burning Tongue

Written By:Charles Kean
89 · Oct 2022
Chuck Kean Oct 2022

      I sometimes hear the echo
Of his voice so heartless
It never failed to be mentioned
He always told me I’m worthless

Yes sometimes I still hear their voices
So cruel the bullies inflicted so quick
So I just became a loner
I Never belonged in any click

And let’s not forget to mention
The voice in my head
Telling me that I would be
Much better off dead

But weaving in and out of those
Voice’s was one so soft but strong
Telling me that all the other voices
Were simply just wrong

That voice was the voice of Jesus
Whispering ignore all other noises
I give my thanks to thee
Because I didn’t listen to the voice’s

Written By;Charles Kean
Copyright © 10/06/2022
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean May 2022
Like Leaves Turn To The Rain

     Life takes us on a journey
Like being on a run away train
There’s things that happen along
The way that we just can’t explain

So trying to put this into words would be
Like crossing into unfamiliar terrain
When I think of all the scenarios
It’s something that boggles my brain

We can’t see the future and write it
Down like Nostradamus in a quatrain
And when it comes to knowledge or the
Science it’s really not my Domain

So when it comes to our love, what
Description can I use to make it pertain
To take something of complications
And make it simple or plain

It comes down to just another one of God’s
Miracles like blood runs through a vein
And it comes to me so easily and natural
Like leaves turn to the rain

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 05/31/2022
All rights reserved
88 · Mar 2021
Love Is A Villain
Chuck Kean Mar 2021
Love Is A Villain

    When I was a young man
Love was a scary thing
I listened to the rock stars
And the lyrics they would sing

So I would heed the warning
Whenever love had me in its sights
KISS Love is a slap in the face, Nazareth
Love hurts,Def Leppard, Love bites

So needless to say, when it came to love
My heart rejected made me a skeptic
I always felt that love was a fairytale
Love was something synthetic

But against everything, I trusted love
I feel for you hard and fast
I told myself that this time I
Found a true love, one that will last

In my heart I truly felt love and I thought
You were the one in a million
But you were what they warned and
Proved that love is a Villain

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/17/2021
All rights reserved
88 · Mar 2021
The Death Of My Bracket
Chuck Kean Mar 2021
The Death Of A My Bracket

   It’s tournament time again
My brackets are in
I’ve got my fingers crossed
Praying for my teams to win

The first and second round was a flurry
Of underdogs fighting to stay in the chase
When the madness was over
Surprisingly I was in first place

I originally had four brackets in and tonight
Drastically by the smallest margin in score
Three of my brackets bit the dust
And they don’t exist anymore

I’ve got one still hanging on and for the
Money I’m depending on its survival
And it’s killing me because I am forced to
Root for TTUN, The Ohio State Rival

But if I am to win it all I’ve got to root
For a team called Gonzaga
Can anyone feel my pain and
Can you understand my saga

Every year It drives me insane
They come and put me in a straitjacket
Because one minute I’m in first place
The next I witness the death of my bracket

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/28/2021
All rights reserved
88 · Feb 2023
Green Depression
Chuck Kean Feb 2023
Green Depression

   Just like with my Buckeyes, I’m an
Eagles fan and I wear my heart on my sleeve
Now here I am waking up to a blue Monday
In shock from a disaster I can’t believe

I know that I sound crazy sometimes
When I talk about conspiracy theory
And I know that I put people off
And make them feel a little weary

But please understand that’s the passion
If you truly know me, you know I’m all in
Jesus, Wife, Family, Buckeyes, KISS,
Friends,Eagles and I wanted them to win

The State Farm connection I needed
For everyone to see,
It was played in the State Farm Stadium
And the spokesperson is the QB of KC

But I’m not really a crazy person
There’s no need to be afraid of me
The bottom line is an Eagles fumble gave
The Chiefs a TD and the Eagles had no D

So here I am on this Blue Monday
With no way to let out my aggression
And I can’t seem to fight my way out
Of my severe case of Green Depression

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright ©️ 02/13/2023
All rights reserved
Fly Eagles Fly
87 · Mar 2020
Nature’s Song
Chuck Kean Mar 2020
Nature’s Song

    The wind whispers through the trees
Hear the ripple of the water as it flows
The bees are buzzing as they gather
Pollen and get some on their nose

Hear the dog bark in the meadow, chasing
Butterflies as they spread their wings
And outside of my window hear the
The morning song that the Robin sings

The sounds of nature are everywhere
Take the time to listen, don’t let them slip by
Pause yourself for a moment to smell
The rose and hear the baby cry

The Woodpecker pecking, the Owl hoots
And the Wolves howl
I’ve come to a sense of belonging
Even as the cats begin to scowl

It’s a continuous beautiful orchestra
And you can’t ever be wrong
If you just let yourself get lost
Into the vastness of nature’s song

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 02/28/2020
All rights reserved
87 · Jul 2022
Two Faced People
Chuck Kean Jul 2022
Two Faced People

   It’s funny really and sad too
It can sometimes break a heart
But I guess no matter what, life goes
On and we might as well make a new start

There’s those who show you to your
Face who they want you to see
But in reality they’re not that person
At all and they don’t know who to be

Fly by night people flip flopping
On their views and opinions
Using Excuses for not doing things but
Disregarding the excuse in certain conditions

It’s alright yea it’s okay
If they feel that it’s right
It’s alright yea it’s okay
If they can sleep at night

They can live their lives the way they choose
But I find it a shame to be so feeble
Personally I can’t stand them and I have
No time for Two Faced People

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 07/28/2022
All rights reserved
87 · Dec 2022
The Hardest Part
Chuck Kean Dec 2022
The Hardest Part

     Oh Lord Jesus, I’ve always heard
If it sounds too good to be true
Then I should never trust it
So how can I believe in you

Can it really be that simple
As easy as you make it seem
How am I supposed to know
The reality from the dream

What about the joy and tell me
What about the pain
What about the Sunshine and
What about the rain

What about the darkness and
What about the Moon glow
What about the light and
What about the shadow

Softly a voice said unto me
Take my hand, give me your heart
I’ll be right here beside you and
Carry you through the hardest part

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright ©️ 12/30/2022
All rights reserved
86 · Jun 23
The Last Time
Chuck Kean Jun 23
The Last Time

     Today I’m walking in Sunshine
Free from yesterday’s rain
Today my life is full of Joy
Free from yesterday’s pain

Today my eyes are wide open
And there’s beauty in what I see
Now that the vail of darkness
Can no longer hide it from me

There’s a new awareness in all of
My senses now that the truth is revealed
I’ve surrendered my life, I’m born again
All of my brokenness has been healed

I can’t believe that I wanted to take my
Own life in a time long ago
And if I had, the life I live now
Is a life I would never know

And now that sound of Hells Bells
As they constantly chime
Is a sound that has been silenced
And I’ve heard them for The Last Time

Written By:Charles Kean
86 · Jul 2022
Beware The Amanita
Chuck Kean Jul 2022
Beware The Amanita

     She was a dream, eyes of emerald green
Sitting beneath the Manzanita
Beautiful from head to toe
I think her name was Rosita

He was about to get lost in the forest of love
He caught her out of the corner of his eye
And if you could turn back the hands of
Time he would have passed her by

It was the ingredients for a perfect storm
See the lightning and hear the thunder
She inherited powers from the shadows
He was trapped in the spell he was under

Now he’ll never be able to escape
His new world where evil reigns
Her bite was of poison
And it’s running through his veins

Her perfume was like that of the
Sweet smell of Carnitas
And it warns if you walk in the forest
Of love, Beware the Amanita

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 07/18/2022
All rights reserved
86 · Mar 9
The Damage Done
Chuck Kean Mar 9
The Damage Done

      Now that it’s gone
I can’t stop the rain
Starting over again
The damage done

I am so badly broken
I am so deeply defeated
I am so lost in self pity
The damage done

Take away my eyes
Take away my heart
Take away my mind
The damage done

I am so lost without her
I am so deep in depression
I am so very hopeless
The damage done

Take away the Sun
Take away my dreams
Take away my desires
The Damage Done

Written By:Charles Kean
Just Poetry
85 · May 2021
Judgment Day Is Coming
Chuck Kean May 2021
Judgment Day Is Coming

     You think you are a sly one
Yes it seems you’re in the clear
But now you’ll always be looking over
Your shoulder in constant moments of fear

Your manipulation skills are grand
But this was like taking candy from a baby
You took advantage of your own parents
You’re such a classy lady

I know that you convinced them that your
Advice was sound and right
You presented everything in their best
Interest your plan was solid and tight

They were elderly and you circled like
A buzzard waiting for them to die
It wouldn’t surprise me if you murdered
Your father, when you called you didn’t cry

Sixty four thousand at least and a possible
******, Are you tossin and turnin at night
Or are you so smug and uncaring that your
Conscience is clear, you just turn out the light

You made sure the documents were signed
So everything went to you without suspicion
And now the ***** deeds are done
Your tricks were as smooth as a magician

I wonder as you smile with your arrogance
Can you hear the bag pipes humming
Earthly death will arrive some day lady
Judgment day is coming

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 05/06/2021
All rights reserved
This is a real life situation of family
Medicaid Fraud —$64,000 Thousand Dollars worth That we know of
Plus a possible ******
Main suspect is one of the Daughters of
My Father in law on my Wife’s side,
The man my wife’s mother married
This is under investigation.
85 · Mar 2021
Back To The Steeple
Chuck Kean Mar 2021
Back To The Steeple

   This is for all of the offended people
This world is offensive, nothing we can do
Yes this world is offensive
And now so are you

Time to get a life and if it’s
The world you wish to improve
The least would be Dr Suess
Think about things we all can approve

Get out of the past for yesterday is gone
Focus on today and our future
Because we can all be better people
And now you’ve become the abuser

There’s war’s to be fought, this is true
But you need to choose your line
So here’s some suggestions
For a world truly divine

The war on drugs and violence
These would be good for a start
The war on human trafficking and
You know things from the heart

The war on *** offenders
And there’s so much more
We can still fight racism but this
Isn’t the way to kick it out the door

It’s just making things so much worse
I just know there’s gotta be a better way
We can all come together and we can
Truly make tomorrow a better day

So please listen to me
All of you offended people
The house of God is for a better world
Find a way back to the steeple

Written:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/06/2021
All rights reserved
85 · Feb 2020
Chuck Kean Feb 2020
Anxiety is a game of mind control
Unfortunately the mind usually wins
But I am forced to play the game
And I hate anxiety

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 02/25/2020
All rights reserved
85 · Feb 2021
Chuck Kean Feb 2021

   Sometimes I see her shadow
And sometimes I see a Butterfly
Sometimes it makes me smile
And sometimes it makes me cry

Sometimes I cry out for her
And sometimes she lets me know she’s there
Sometimes I’m happy she’s in Heaven
And sometimes I scream it isn’t fair

Sometimes I just want to hold her
And sometimes my life I want to share
Sometimes everything is faded
And sometimes I smell her scent in the air

Sometimes it’s too dark to see
And sometimes I feel so lost
Sometimes I recall the memories
And sometimes the pain isn’t worth the cost

Sometimes it feels the rain is never ending
And sometimes I walk in the Sunshine
Sometimes all is well with my life
And sometimes, well there’s sometimes

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 02/12/2021
All rights reserved
Just missing my mother
She passed in May of 1991
84 · Dec 2021
Let His Love Reign
Chuck Kean Dec 2021
Let His Love Reign

     There’s no reason for jealousy
There’s no reason to covet
One man his life he sacrificed on a hill
body nailed to wood made to decussate

There’s no reason for un solicited hate
There’s no reason to be mean
One man taught us a better way
His blood washes us clean

There’s no reason for this madness
There’s no reason for this world insane
Jesus gave his life in the name of Love
Let his Love Reign

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 12/25/2021
All rights reserved
Happy Birthday Jesus ❤️❤️❤️
84 · Jan 2020
A Reason To Live
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
A Reason To Live

    I know everyone has their demons
I know that I’m not the only one
I’ve found the answer and I can say
That all my demons are gone

If the clouds of darkness seem to follow you
If you feel there’s no light to be found
You may think that I am crazy but I
Tell you that you can turn it around

You’ve got a passion don’t give it up
Don’t let yourself get trapped in a pitfall
The answer is not in any type of drugs
Or at the bottom of bottles of alcohol

Face your problems and fears
There’s no reason to run and hide
No matter how bad it is just hang on
There’s no reason for suicide

For suicide only takes your pain
And permanently puts it on a shelf
The thing about it tough is it
Just gets transferred to someone else

So if you’ve got a heart that’s broken it’s a
Heart that loves and it has something to give
Give all your pain to Jesus and he’ll help
You Find a reason to live, a reason to live

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 07/26/2019
All rights reserved
84 · Dec 2021
Chuck Kean Dec 2021

       From the minute we are born,
We begin the process of dying
We must crawl before we can walk
But nothing stops us from trying

As we become teenagers with all
Of our hormones raging
The furthest thing from our mind
Is the simple fact of our aging

At some point in our lives we get
To a point that we think we’re getting old
But mindset and attitude can affect your
Direction in your way in life sevenfold

If you think old you’ll be old and if you think
Young you’ll be young, it’s a state of mind
For I say age is just a number so live life
The way you wish to be defined

Act your age, oh no not me
I’ll never give up in the fight
Until the day I die I’ll live like KISS
And Rock & Roll all nite

Like a train at bullet speed
Running on the narrow gauge
I myself may be standing on the
Edge of sixty but I refuse to age

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 12/19/2021
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Jan 2021
Beast Of The Angels Demise

    It’s Two Am and the darkness
Still reigns the night
The tears are fallen and it’ll
Never be too soon come the light

In the shadows I see the vision and
I can hear the echoes of love and joy
But love was conquered and destroyed
In a battle matching the likes of Troy

She was an Angel so pure,
She was sure she had the power to heal
But my pain was over bearing
Ultimately crushing her Keel

Disabling her so badly that she was
Unable to spread her wings and fly
My darkness took her life with
Unknown powers that mystify

I guess I’m destined to be without love
My heart just a sacrificial lamb
A darkness will forever reign and
Time will be forever frozen at two AM

It’s unbelievable the events that
Fell into place and came to materialize
And I can never forgive myself for being
The beast of the Angels demise

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 01/28/2021
All rights reserved
83 · May 2020
A Knife In The Back
Chuck Kean May 2020
A Knife In The Back

   When you’re nice person
You’re basically just a rug
People will walk on you, you’re lucky
If you get a thanks and a hug

The Devil is everywhere and
He will test your faith in every way
To watch you struggle just makes him
Grin, it’s just a game to play

He is an illness he’s an addiction, he’s the
Car Accident, or the girl with blue eyes
For he’s the one and only Devil
He can take on any disguise

So in your faith stay strong
And be prepared for any attack
Because when you let your guard down
That’s when you’ll get a knife in the back

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 05/14/2020
All rights reserved
82 · Jan 2021
Chuck Kean Jan 2021

      Love is a lie, don’t believe it
Love left me broken and beaten down
Love left me in the darkness, I walked
Crowded streets but it was like a ghost town

The people were invisible or was it me
I could feel the burning fire of Hell
Even when the clouds followed me
And the rain constantly fell

I was always told that love was wonderful
Love was bliss and ecstasy
So when I fell in love I had great expectations
Of a love like a fairytale fantasy

So explain it to me, I need to know
Is this a lesson we all need to learn
Because I don’t understand why
Love hurts or why it has to burn

Why my love was a leech
Why was it evil and why did it bite
Why does the pain linger in my
Heart, like it’s the host of a parasite

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 01/23/2021
All rights reserved
Actually I am happily married
37 years come April 14
Chuck Kean Dec 2021
Missing Beautifully Broken

     She was smart and witty
But her pen name told her story
It tells us that she’s been hurt
And her heart lives in purgatory

Through her pain
Her wit made me smile
But our friendship lasted
For just a short while

We shared our poetry here
And in doing so we shared our soul
My darkness from a childhood past, hers
From a love washed down a drain hole

But through our pain, hello poetry
Gave us a place to bond
And it allowed us to be vulnerable
And to correspond

But now she has disappeared
Her face and poetry are gone
Just like the night disappears
To give way to a new dawn

Now my heart breaks because words
Written and read are like words spoken
Hello poetry will never be the same
Now that it’s Missing Beautifully Broken 💔

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 12/01/2021
All rights reserved
82 · Apr 2023
The Way Of The City
Chuck Kean Apr 2023
The Way Of The City

     Dog eat dog it’s violence It’s chaos
It’s tears in the rain
The night never sleeps and the day
It only brings pain

Do unto you as done unto me
Come face to face with the realization
It’s nothing but a game
A pawn for a pawn in retaliation

Shots fired and a man is down, then
Innocence get caught in the line of fire
Nothing good comes from the madness
When Guns and drugs are the desire

When hate and anger is the Devil’s pleasure
It’s the reason for his endless reign
It’s the endless cycle of life and death
So senseless and so insane

God have mercy I pray, when I see it
I become overwhelmed with pity
It’s hard to just shake it off but
That’s just The Way Of The City

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright ©️ 04/03/2023
All rights reserved
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