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81 · Feb 2020
Apocalyptic Sky
Chuck Kean Feb 2020
Apocalyptic Sky

Time will come a day our
Earth will see its last
Chaos and confusion are norm,as
thoughts turn to days of past

Those whom never accepted
Thy gift of thy Christ
Whom never had faith nor
Could comprehend
his life he sacrificed

Will see his wonder and know
In death be unforgiven
And each heart like wood
Beneath the Axe be riven

And shortly it be realized
The decision of chosen path
And swiftly succumb  
to the Power of his wrath

The air be filled with sounds
Of humans cry
Beneath a dark, devilish
Apocalyptic sky

Written By:Charles Kean
Copy right 09/10/16
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Feb 2020
All That Remains Are The Thorns

     We had a love,
We had a love so strong
So where did we,
Where did we go so wrong

You use to smile,
You use to smile so bright
It use to feel,
It use to feel so right

I wish you,
I wish you were still my only one
But I can see,
I can see those days are gone

I think we,
I think we both know
It’s time to,
It’s time to just let it go

Now as the smoke clears from the sky
I’ve wiped the last tears from my eye
It’s time to move on to a better day
We took our best years
And we threw them away

Now our love is like a rose in the fire
I feel like I’ve got a bull by the horns
When you throw a rose into a fire
All that remains are the thorns

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 02/06/2020
All rights reserved
This is another song that I wrote
Original title (Rose In The Fire)
Re-Arranged to make this poem
81 · Jan 2022
Dawn OF Fire
Chuck Kean Jan 2022
Dawn Of Fire

     Since the beginning of time
We’ve known that our time will end
In the final days the people will beg
For more but none will he lend

For the saved there’s no worry
Only the unsaved are taking the risk
Maybe they think that time can be
Saved on a USB or a re writeable disk

Time it ticks away quickly and soon
There’ll be a darkness of eternal night
The people will choke on the smoke
And feel the heat of the fires light

This is the world’s doom, we can’t change it
But one can change their fate
It’s up to each individual and I pray
If you haven’t please do before it’s too late

If you don’t believe, that’s fine but In a
Vision I saw the flames were getting higher
For it is told this is the age of the beginning
Of the end and we’re living in the dawn of fire

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 01/18/2022
All rights reserved
80 · Jan 2020
I’ve Been To Hell
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
I've been to Hell

  To hell,to hell,
I've been to hell
To hell,to hell,
I've been to hell

I've been beaten and
Mentally scarred
I've been to hell and
I'm permanently charred

I've choked on the smoke
I've felt the fires heat
I've smelt the devils breath
As he took to his seat

To hell,to hell,
I've been to hell
To hell,to hell,
Oh how the devil loves
To ring his bell
To hell,to hell
I've been to hell

I've hit rock bottom
In the shadow of doubt
I was lost in hopelessness
There was no way out

But I was bound and
Determined to survive
And with the help of angels
I made it out alive

I was in the company of
The sinner,thief and liar
I was surrounded by
Darkness and fire

But I never gave up
In the fight
Now I am saved and
I can see the light

But know that I’ve been to Hell

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright 01/13/17
All rights reserved
My father was an abusive alcoholic
He was the Devil. I feared him
And he would sit at the table and
Chain smoke and drink his beer
I smelled his nasty breath and choked on
His cigarette smoke
And felt the fires heat from his angry
Hurtful words and felt the sting
Of his fist on my face.
I lost my self in depression and drugs
And bad company. He loved to ring his bell
Bragging about himself.
This was my hell. I am free now!!!
This was the sequel to Words Of Steel.
God Bless!!!
Chuck Kean Mar 2022
She Was My Heaven,I Was Her Hell

   There was a time when I tasted love
For a moment, a life of bliss
My heart was beating madly
My lips felt a gentle kiss

My nose smelled her lovely scent
We held each other in a passionate embrace
I felt like the king of the world
And I was floating in outer space

But I’ve never been lucky in love
And soon I knew I’d face my fate
My darkness was too much for her
It was like she walked through hell’s gate

Everything started to come between us
Everything was a reason to fight
We were being swallowed by a black
Hole, it consumed all of our light

I was over powered by my demons
Into my soul is where they came to dwell
Though I loved her completely, in the end
She was my Heaven, I was her Hell

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/03/2022
All rights reserved
80 · Nov 2021
Someone I Use To Know
Chuck Kean Nov 2021
Someone I Use To Know

   In the darkness
I’m sitting all alone
The silence is broken
By the tone of my phone

The caller ID reveals your name
I just let it ring
The memories of you began to flow
Once you were my everything

I remember falling in love and holding on
Like taking the bull by the horns
Forgetting that love is fragile as the rose
As the tears flow I feel the pain of thorns

It’s unimaginable to be here now
With a heart that’s broken
As the phone rings again I can see your name
Again but I have no words to be spoken

I remember how seeing your name on my
Phone would make me glow
But you threw it all away and now you’re
Just someone I use to know

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 11/05/2021
All rights reserved
80 · Aug 2021
Do You Still Remember Me
Chuck Kean Aug 2021
Do You Still Remember Me

    I can remember the days when
When physically you were mine
I can remember your love
Still within the realm of space and time

I can remember when you held me
When I was just your child in tears
I miss you more now it seems
With the passing of the years

If I close my eyes, I can see you clearly
With your fading smile and your sad eyes
I wish I could hold you once again
And like a song over and over I’d reprise

Not a day goes by without you
And I wonder if you look down on me
Can you tell me Angel
Am I just a faded memory

Does time stand still, does your mind
Still think and your eyes still see
Can you tell me Angel
Do you still remember me

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 08/06/2021
All rights reserved
79 · Feb 2022
Chuck Kean Feb 2022

   Sometimes I see her shadow
And sometimes I see a Butterfly
Sometimes it makes me smile
And sometimes it makes me cry

Sometimes I cry out for her
And sometimes she lets me know she’s there
Sometimes I’m happy she’s in Heaven
And sometimes I scream it isn’t fair

Sometimes I just want to hold her
And sometimes my life I want to share
Sometimes everything is faded
And sometimes I smell her scent in the air

Sometimes it’s too dark to see
And sometimes I feel so lost
Sometimes I recall the memories
And sometimes the pain isn’t worth the cost

Sometimes it feels the rain is never ending
And sometimes I walk in the Sunshine
Sometimes all is well with my life
And sometimes, well there’s sometimes

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 02/12/2021
All rights reserved
Sometimes I miss my mother
She passed in May of 1991
79 · Jun 2023
I Stand Victorious
Chuck Kean Jun 2023
I Stand Victorious

      From the Beginning worthless
It was etched into my brain
Like a fire breathing Dragon over a
Mid evil kingdom Darkness would reign

There was always an echo that rang
The barrage of those words of steel
I was Like a slave of the Roman Empire
With whip lashed scars that wouldn’t heal

I began to hate myself and it was like
Being consumed by a black whole
I secluded myself from the world
And I lost my self control

I secured my heart in a vault
Complete with a lock and chain
I didn’t care if I lived or died
Because I lived with so much pain

I was my own worst enemy never being
Known to Be gregarious
But I was saved by Jesus and his Angels
And now I Stand Victorious

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright ©️ 06/12/2023
All rights reserved
79 · Aug 2022
Do You Still Remember Me
Chuck Kean Aug 2022
Do You Still Remember Me

    I can remember the days
When physically you were mine
I can remember your love
Still within the realm of space and time

I can remember when you held me
When I was just your child in tears
I miss you more now it seems
With the passing of the years

If I close my eyes, I can see you clearly
With your fading smile and your sad eyes
I wish I could hold you once again
And like a song over and over I’d reprise

Not a day goes by without you
And I wonder if you look down on me
Can you tell me Angel
Am I just a faded memory

Does time stand still, does your mind
Still think and your eyes still see
Can you tell me Angel
Do you still remember me

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 08/06/2021
All rights reserved
In memory of my Mother
79 · Jul 2021
Chuck Kean Jul 2021

    I love to write, it’s in my blood
Been that way since I can recall
But life experience can lift you up
Or it can make you take a fall

When you fall, you reach out to try
And catch something to hold on too
You try to save yourself but with so
Many lies you can’t see what’s true

You find yourself losing your faith
In mankind and fear for the youth
The media and other influences is
Making them become so uncouth

Adding to that life for me personally
Has taken a spiral downward trend
And then you find a knife in your back put
There by someone you thought was a friend

So please forgive me for my absence
There’s just no spark for the fire
My friend darkness has surrounded me
And I just don’t have any desire

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 07/14/2021
All rights reserved
79 · Feb 2020
Mickey Gene
Chuck Kean Feb 2020
Mickey Gene

I am a KISS fan,some say I’m obsessed
But I say that this is really not true
With all of the evidence stacked against me
I don’t know what to say to convince you

Yes I have the CD’S and the Videos
I have a KISS bathroom as well
When I listen to them on my stereo
I turn it up and it puts my wife through hell

When I was 13 I heard Alive for the first time
I confess that I was instantly in love
If you put KISS down in front of me
A push may quickly become a shove

I go see them in concert when I can
No matter if it’s near or far
But an obsession is twenty four seven
And that’s not how I are

Because I love other rock & roll
And things about space and sports
And taking long drives and poetry
And Mickey Mouse and things of all sorts

I do have a plethora of KISS shirts I wear
So in a sense I can see what people mean
Because I even have one that I love
And that’s my Mickey Gene

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 10/28/2018
All rights reserved
It’s a shirt with Mickey Mouse
With Gene Simmons makeup
79 · Mar 2022
Chuck Kean Mar 2022

   Words cannot express the way I feel
So empty and lost in space
My heart shattered in a million pieces
As tears run down my face

Sunday afternoon the news
Was echoing in my ear
Unable to comprehend in shock
Unbelievable what did I hear

Sleepless night memories flow
Smiles fight through my tears
Thinking of all the concerts and the
Follies and friendship through the years

Cuyahoga falls Motley Crew KISS
A Long path in the woods we walked drunk
This test we all passed but on the way
Back it was one Paul would flunk

You see when the concert was over
What ensued was an hilarious disaster
In his brain he had fences to climb
He was the ultimate yard master

There were no fences to climb
I went searching and saw him fall
After instructing him to come back
When on his phone I had to call

I ordered KISS *** for our next show
And now I won’t get to share a drink
I’m in a miserable crazy fog and
My mind has lost the ability to think

Outside it’s still in the state of winter dead
Inside I feel completely dead
My mind is overwhelmed and dead
And my friend Paul is Dead

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/16/2022
All rights reserved
79 · May 4
When Comes The Rain
Chuck Kean May 4
When Comes The Rain

      Though I know we set each other free
It still hurts to see you with someone new
I guess my heart must still be breaking
It’s telling me that I still love you

I could see it in your eyes, you were in
Love and loving the way he made you feel
But I could see his eyes were roaming
And his love for you isn’t real

I see a forecast of a brewing storm
And it shouldn’t be so surprising
The atmospheric pressure has been
Hinting of a bad Moon rising

I know you think it’s my jealousy but I
Tell you I’ve come to terms with my mistake
I just want what’s best for you and you
Can’t see what is so obviously fake

I want you to know, I’ll lay down on the
Tracks in front of this doomed runaway train
When the lightning flashes and the thunder
Rolls, I’ll be here When Comes The Rain

Written By:Charles Kean
78 · May 2023
But Not You
Chuck Kean May 2023
But Not You

   I was willing to sacrifice myself
With love and passion and vow to be true
I was all in with no lies or alibis
But not you

I told myself a thousand times
That I shouldn’t
But against all odds I did
But you couldn’t

You asked me to take a leap of faith
With hesitation I did it
Then for whatever reasons
You didn’t

Love for me is like Russian roulette
I took the gun and I held it tight
I pulled the trigger for you but
You killed it and said it wasn’t right

I poured out my heart and soul, my fear
My hopes and dreams in a pile of spew
I let myself be vulnerable
But Not You

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright ©️ 05/07/2023
All rights reserved
78 · Mar 23
Evil Within
Chuck Kean Mar 23
Evil Within

      For sixty one years I have been mostly
In control except every now and then
But there’s been times when the world
Has caught glimpses of the Evil within

Everyone has this problem but most
Are not as capable and strong
However some remain in complete control
Their Evil never to harm or do wrong

Daily I see the battle unfold before my
Eyes between Evil and the Good
And it breaks my heart knowing that we
never treat each other the way we should

There’s been a shift in the Matrix and more
And more I see Evil slipping through the cracks
The worlds train is derailing and it’s
Running off of its tracks

I can feel it in the Atmosphere unfolding
Before us, I see the Apocalypse begin
And I myself am losing my control
Over my own powerful Evil Within

Written By:Charles Kean
78 · Nov 2021
A Drop Of Rain
Chuck Kean Nov 2021
A Drop Of Rain

    When you’re down and feeling lost
Like a needle in the hay
When the darkness surrounds you
And you feel you’ve lost your way

When the world doesn’t know your name
And it seems like you’re just a number
And if it seems you’re living in a never ending storm with constant lightning and thunder

Just hold on to your faith
And know that Jesus will carry you
And soon before you know it
The light will come shining through

And you can hold your head high
Because your faith was strong
And in your heart you know that Jesus
Can make right whatever was wrong

And if you ever start to feel sad
And your heart begins to fill with pain
You’ll know you never have to fear
Another day, with a drop of rain

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 11/30/2021
All rights reserved
78 · Jan 2020
Thanks Everybody
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
Thanks Everybody

  Thanks for reading and liking and
Even loving my poetry
I write all of the time
Some of this stuff is old and
Some is new. I am writing a book
Titled Heart Felt Flight.
I wrote a song with that title and
It’s about giving myself to Jesus.
The poems I am sharing will be incorporated into this book.
Just testing the waters to see if anyone would be interested. Thanks so much for your love. I actually didn’t think anyone cared about poetry anymore.
The following is the lyrics to my song.
I write lyrics as well as poetry.
Let me know what you think.

        Heart  felt flight
  There was a time when I
Was lost, I didn't know
But I feel it in my heart
I've just begun to grow

I trust in his word
I feel that it's right
I give myself to Jesus
For a heart felt flight

(C) Now I'm on a heart
felt flight
It doesn't matter how dark
The night
I'm on a heart felt flight
I see everything in a brand
New light
And I know everything's gonna be alright
Now that I'm on a heart
Felt flight

Now everything I do
And everywhere I go
He's put his love into me
And I want it to show

I want everyone to see
His love shining bright
And forever I want to be
On this heart felt flight

(C) Now I'm on a heart
Felt flight
It doesn't matter how dark
The night
I'm on a heart felt flight
I see everything in a brand
New light
And I know everything's gonna be alright
Now that I'm on a heart
Felt flight

(Music Interlude solo)

(B) And forever I want to be
On this heart felt flight
Yes forever I want to be
On this heart felt flight

(Repeat last two verses)
(C) (B) End in music

Written By: Charles Kean
Copy right 02/09/10
All rights reserved
78 · Dec 2021
Dusk Before The Dark
Chuck Kean Dec 2021
Dusk Before The Dark

    In a dream last night I saw you
It was just before you said goodbye
The vision was clear and I could see
The tear in your eye

It’s been the same dream now
For seven nights in a row
And I wish now that I knew all
The things I didn’t know

Like how to be a lover but more
Important,how to be a friend
In the darkness I scream out your name
But it’s just a whisper in the wind

You’ll never know my regret or how
Deep I feel the cut from my mistake
And now until the end of time
You’ll be the memory I’ll never shake

If I could turn back the hands of time
Would I know what to change
My mind is so confused it’s
In a state of derange

I don’t want the night to fall and
In the distance I hear the song of a lark
I can’t stop the inevitable and I begin to
Cry here in the dusk before the dark

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 12/07/2021
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Feb 2020
Weeping Willow
                 (Why do you weep)

   I see you standing there so impressive
So large and so strong
Next to a still pond in the meadow
You’ve been standing proud for so long

I see the boat tied to the dock
And the area for where children play
But the boat remains empty now
And the children have grown and gone away

So now your days are lonely
It’s just the boat and you
You both reminisce about the old days
But there’s nothing ever new

Sometimes the Sun shines
And sometimes there’s the occasional storm
But it’s always really just the same if you
Get cold you have memories to keep you warm

Do you stay and pray for a day when once
Again children’s laughter will reign
And the boat will float from the dock
And feel the sense of belonging regain

Oh weeping willow the stories you could
Tell and the secrets that you keep
I wish you could tell me everything and the
Reason weeping willow why do you weep

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 02/19/2020
All rights reserved
77 · Mar 2021
My Odyssey
Chuck Kean Mar 2021
My Odyssey

   I’m just a poet, a man of tranquility
Trying to survive a volatile time
Trying to make sense of it all
And just writing my simple rhyme

My world is small in comparison
Floating in space in an awesome galaxy
My greatest achievement is my wife &
Daughter as my life is of mediocrity

I try so hard each day just to follow the
Lessons of Jesus but I’ll always fall short
I know when I die I’ll be in Heaven but
I still fear the final judgment in his court

Here on Earth I’m sure that I have
Reached my human destiny
And everyday I treasure in my heart
And I live each day so preciously

As another birthday approaches I’ll
Be standing on the edge of sixty
And the emotions are overwhelming
Looking back on my odyssey

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/14/2021
All rights reserved
Born 03/20/1962
I’ll be 59–Next Saturday
Thanks again for all your love my
People here at HP
77 · Apr 2022
The Woman He Never Met
Chuck Kean Apr 2022
The Woman He Never Met

    They say there’s someone for everyone
But finding them is harder than it seems
His perfect woman was everything
But she was only a woman in his dreams

He talked about her with passion
She was the sparkle in his eyes
She was the reason for his smile
But his smile was just a disguise

He had a passion for music beyond compare
He had tickets to every show
Sometimes his friends would tag along
But not once did a woman ever go

Somewhere out there is a woman
Searching for someone to hold her hand
Someone she can cry on, someone to
Comfort her and someone to understand

But he died in his apartment all alone
He’s seen his last earthly sunset
And she may have been the one but now
She’s just the woman he never met

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 04/13/2022
All rights reserved
Another poem in memory of my
Friend Paul —R.I.P.
77 · Mar 2022
Stop The Rain
Chuck Kean Mar 2022
Stop The Rain

     The world knew her as beautifully broken
But no one knew her name
She was permanently scared by love
And no man could stop the rain

He gave his everything and
Loving her drove him insane
When everything isn’t enough
Nothing can stop the rain

How can you trust love
When love is nothing but pain
How can you see love through the
Darkness when you can’t stop the rain

Lightning strikes across the sky
Tears fall on the picture frame
When love comes and breaks your heart
Witches and warlocks can’t stop the rain

Love is so hard to find when love is
So easy to lose, what can you gain
If you risk your heart for love
Knowing you just can’t stop the rain

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/22/2022
All rights reserved
77 · Apr 2022
My Friend Paul
Chuck Kean Apr 2022
My Friend Paul

     My words will never truly express
And I really don’t know how to begin
My heart aches and I’m numb inside
Yet it’s only the tip of what I feel within

I’m a firm believer in nothing is by chance
But we may never know the reason why
And I hate talking about this in past tense
Because it hurts to say goodbye

If he hadn’t worn a KISS shirt
We might not have talked to each other
But he did that day we met and
To me he became like a brother

We went to several concerts together
We had so many good times over the years
Now he’s gone and I’m in shock
And I’m fighting back the tears

His favorite band was Rush but he also
Loved KISS and so much more
His passion for music was beyond compare
And his heart was never a closed door

He was a man of God and when I think about
Him only the good times I will recall
And whenever I hear Rush or KISS
I’ll smile and remember my friend Paul

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 04/06/2022
All rights reserved
In Memory of Paul Swenson
77 · Nov 2023
The Futures Past
Chuck Kean Nov 2023
The Futures Past

     Time after time, see the history
And from history see the future way
Technology continues to improve but
Humanity is still lost in a past day

No matter how many other things change
Humanity stays the same
Hating each other for no reason
And War is just a game

We dream of Space travel and living
On another planet in a new galaxy
We think that we could finally have
Peace but that’s just avoiding reality

The realization factor is being human
And we’re still a million years from humane
Hear the words that I say
What’s happening today is insane

Dream all you want about inhabiting
Another Planet but we’re unsurpassed
And wherever we may go we will never
Be able to escape The Futures Past

Written By:Charles Kean
77 · Apr 2021
Devils Daughter
Chuck Kean Apr 2021
Devils Daughter

    She’s a woman of power
She’s born from an evil spawn
She’s like the Darkest Night
Refusing to give way to the Dawn

She’s more dangerous than the venomous
Spider known as the Black Widow
Like the smoke from a fire, the evil she
Speaks from her mouth,the words billow

She’s old and she’s bitter, she thinks
It’s funny like she’s playing a game
I warn you all of her evil schemes
And reveal that Pelosi is her name

She’s ****** reincarnated and her
Presence feels like the end is truly near
Her only motivation is hate and destruction
And for the world’s survival I truly fear

She’s a speaker of the house for the criminal
soon we’ll all be victims of her slaughter
Look closely people into her eyes and
You’ll see that she’s the Devils Daughter

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 04/22/2021
All rights reserved
77 · Mar 2021
Once We Were Proud
Chuck Kean Mar 2021
Once We Were Proud

     Like the Native American
The tribe stood unbowed
They were a strong people
They were of honor and proud

Made in America, in the 70’S
It was advertised and shouted loud
We were a nation of power
We were of honor and proud

Boys were boys and girls were girls
You could tell the difference in a crowd
Our parents raised us with discipline
They were of honor and proud

Men were Men and Woman were Women
With a nature inheritance both endowed
They supported each other
They were of honor and proud

But oh how far we have fallen
To other countries we have bowed
And so sensitive to be offended by Dr Suess
There’s no honor but once we were proud

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/03/2021
All rights reserved
77 · Jan 2021
Jesus & Rock & Roll
Chuck Kean Jan 2021
Jesus & Rock & Roll

    Well I ran into an old friend of mine
And it was clear something had him down
So I just gave him a hug and I said
Hey man what’s up with the frown

He said since I saw you last, I gave my
Heart to a woman, I guess I’ll never learn
She took my heart and what did she do?
She put it on the fire to burn

There was nothing I could do
To bring him a smile or any cheer
So I said let’s go to a bar
And I’ll buy you a beer

We sat and talked about old times
And we had a laugh or two
But the damage was done, I fear
That he’ll be forever blue

I said I gotta go and I was headed to the
Door and as I turned and waved goodbye
I saw that mans lip start to quiver
And a tear fell from his eye

And the words he said will haunt
Me until the day someone finds me dead
To be clear he said them twice and
Forever they will echo in my head

He said, take my advice my friend
If you want to save your soul
Do me a favor and just put your faith
In Jesus & Rock & Roll

Yes he said, take my advice my friend
If you want to save your soul
Do me a favor and just put your faith
In Jesus & Rock & Roll

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 01/27/2021
All rights reserved
76 · Jul 2022
Just One Twenty Four
Chuck Kean Jul 2022
Just One Twenty Four

   As we turned the corner
We could see the flashing lights
But there was more than normal
Usually a couple would suffice

It was just my little brother and I
And I could feel my stomach churn
This was just another day in the life
The way our world would turn

As we got closer the Police were backing
With Mom and their guns were drawn
The stove and refrigerator were thrown
Out on the back lawn

Mom rushed to hug us and we were put
In the back of a police car
They sped away with lights and sirens to
Grandma’s it wasn’t far

We were supposed to be safe there,
And as we were being taken away
We saw Dad on the front porch with a
Shotgun holding the Police at bay

Now at Grandma’s safe from harm
Just caddy corner from the Sugar Shack
A biker bar where there was a fight and
Police came, Bikers shot Police shot back

Bullets flying coming through the windows
Of Grandma’s apartment, we’re on the floor
We were crying and Grandma was praying
The bikers had ammo but the Police had more

The Sun went down and rose again
The world outside was very violent
Sirens were whaling and bullets flying
The night was never silent

I could tell you stories about getting beat up By Bullies and Gangs and so much more
They were also the world I survived
And the above was Just One Twenty Four

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 07/23/2022
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Jun 12
A Place Called Shadeville

Well I was on the road of the straight and
Narrow and everything was going well
But my baby up and left me and now
I’m driving on the highway to Hell

Faster and faster I’m spiraling
Further and further down
I think I’m past the point of no return
And I can’t seem to turn myself around

A cloud of darkness is hanging over me
And I have no hope for a better tomorrow
I know a man ain’t supposed to cry
But here I am drowning in my sorrow

Up ahead in the distance I see a neon light
I need a place to stop so that I can think
I need some food for nourishment and
I could use a nice stiff drink

So I pulled into the parking lot to get a
Grip on the way that I feel
The sign outside says The Grumpy Goat
And it’s in A Place Called Shadeville

Written By:Charles Kean
76 · Dec 2021
Silent Night
Chuck Kean Dec 2021
Silent Night

    In the darkness, alone I sit
With just the flicker of one candle lit
As random thoughts flow, through my mind
Let my words be thoughts refined

No matter your troubled heart
Don’t let your life fall apart
Settle yourself deep therein
Find your strength and peace within

Take yourself to a secluded nook
Close your eyes,visualize a peaceful brook
For yourself take some time
In the night find beauty sublime

When your world has gone awry
And your sorrow escapes in tears you cry
Let Jesus be that flicker of one candle lit
Open thy heart and eyes, and focus on it

You will feel his holiness
His warm embrace and gentle kiss
And take that heart felt flight
And you’ll know the joy of a silent night

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 12/06/2020
All rights reserved
76 · Apr 2021
Knights Of The Dammed
Chuck Kean Apr 2021
Knights Of The Dammed

    Twelve were sent out of the Kingdom
On a quest to slay the last Dragon
They’re journey has just begun
As forces of evil make the sky blacken

In the wilderness they encounter pale
Hairless large creatures of the Devil’s spawn
So many in number that they could
Fill the vast prairie of Saskatchewan

The battle was long and exhausting
But the lives lost were surprisingly only four
They had to continue on with only
Eight remaining as the core

The next few days were uneventful
And they all got a great needed rest
But little did they know that they were to
face another challenge before the final test

As the Sun was setting on the fifth day
Dusk  revealed colors of purple and red
They also quickly noticed that they
We’re surrounded by the walking dead

Five more lost their lives and now
They must face the Dragon with only three
They were now at the edge of a desert
As they prayed beneath a Joshua tree

The Dragon came with nowhere to hide
They fought with heart and soul
And two survived as the Dragon was slayed
They were worthy of the extol

They arrived back to the kingdom victorious
Every challenge they were able to withstand
A new Army would be formed, trained by
The legendary Knights of the dammed

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 04/11/2021
All rights reserved
76 · Mar 2021
Saturn And Her Rings
Chuck Kean Mar 2021
Saturn And Her Rings

   Like a Monster truck
And its suspension springs
Like a morning bird
And the song that it sings

Like a carnival duck shoot
Is synonymous with its pings
Like a Marionette
And its strings

Like an Angel
And its wings
Like Egypt and
All of her Kings

You and I go together
Like all of these things
Forever in Space and time
Like Saturn and her rings

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/27/2021
All rights reserved
76 · Mar 2022
Old Shoe
Chuck Kean Mar 2022
Old Shoe

      There was a time when I felt
Like I was needed, and I cared
I didn’t have much knowledge
But what I had, I shared

Times they keep changing
New faces surround me
No respect for what I’ve done
New leadership and I disagree

I seem to care too much
And they seem to not care at all
My time is coming to an end
It’s sad to watch it fall

I’m a forgotten relic
They wish I was already gone
I can see the writing on the wall
I’m a dragon and the last one

There was a time when I was proud
Even being the lowest ****
But those days have come and gone
Now I just wish I was comfortably numb

I’m yesterday and just part of an unknown
Past, they are today shiny and new
But time will pass them by and soon they’ll
Know what its like to feel like an old shoe

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/09/2022
All rights reserved
76 · Feb 2021
Chuck Kean Feb 2021

   In the middle of the night a year ago
I awoke from my sleep feeling uneasy
Since that night I’ve never been the same
And that feeling has stuck with me

I set out on a journey not knowing where
I was going and not knowing why
Something has been pulling me and
Guiding me like a star in the sky

I’ve heard voices in the night but I
Can never make out what they say
I’ve had restless nights and feeling
Drained of my energy more each day

I don’t know what compels me
And I’m uncertain of my destiny
I’m being driven by an unknown force
Like something from ancient history

I’ve left everything I’ve ever known
Far behind me, it’s all just a faded memory
Last night In total darkness I pitched
A tent on the shore of an unknown sea

This morning I awoke in the early light of
Dawn to the sound of shrinking seagulls
As my eyesight began to focus I realized
The beach was sand and Crystal Skulls

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 02/25/2021
All rights reserved
76 · Jul 2022
Your Gone
Chuck Kean Jul 2022
Your Gone

    Last night I laid myself down
For it was time for some sleep
Wide awake with my mind racing
Watching time slowly creep

I don’t know why but I started thinking
Of you and I felt you near
I saw a blurred vision of you
And slowly it began to clear

We were in Phoenix Arizona, I had you
Come into my room to listen to Beth
I wanted to touch you but I didn’t dare
The room was cold I could see my breath

I wanted the moment to last
I must have slipped into a dream
I tried to make sense of this reality
It was so surreal yet like a movie scene

You were so alive but it could not be
Though Phoenix was pre 1991
I tried to hug you and the vision faded
I cried again because your gone

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 07/10/2022
All rights reserved
In memory of my mother
She passed in May of 1991
Phoenix was 76-79
75 · Dec 2021
Let Me Be Your Light
Chuck Kean Dec 2021
Let Me Be Your Light

     I can see you when you put
Your head in your hands
And I know of your anger when
You feel that no one understands

I watch you as you struggle
Trying to get by on your own
And I know that even surrounded
By people you still feel all alone

You’ve never needed anyone
You’ve made it this far
You’ve showed everyone just
Just who the heck you are

But you’ve spread yourself so thin
And your world is falling down
And your reaching out to anyone
But there’s no one around

I know you so well because I’m Jesus
I can help you in your plight
Just give yourself to me and
Let me be your light

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 12/03/2021
All rights reserved
74 · Jul 2022
World Outside
Chuck Kean Jul 2022
World Outside

  Once I was young and I lived
As a young man I was sent to Vietnam
I fought and I survived,
I remember family and friends

I remember days on the beach
Walking with my love in the Sun
Star filled skies and nights
I thought would never end

Family togetherness and Thanksgiving
And Christmas and feeling loved
But now everyone has their own lives
And here I am so Alienated

My love has long passed
And family is no longer visiting
My days and nights are spent alone
From the world I’m Isolated

I’m in a nursing home, it’s like a final
Waiting room for those who are
Just waiting to die
To become something petrified

Now I live in a room that’s very small
With strangers checking on me to see if
I’m still alive and there’s no friends or
Family and no world outside

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 07/25/2022
All rights reserved
74 · Mar 18
Life & Existence
Chuck Kean Mar 18
Life & Existence

     Just get all you can get
Work is everything, greed and money
Stay focused, dismiss the wife and kids
You’ve got your biscuits and honey

Big house and fancy car
It takes up the time you had to spare
But as long as you keep up with the
Joneses,you never seem to care

Sure you still take vacations with the
Family but to them you’re still a stranger
Because even when you’re there you’re not
Your stress is high and you’re in danger

You asked me how I can live my life
Without the same wants and desires
I tell you that life is easier and more
Enjoyable when there’s less that it requires

So like a river that flows,  I always
Take the path of least resistance
And I just thank the Lord above
For my Life & Existence

Written By:Charles Kean
74 · Mar 2020
Diamonds And Tears
Chuck Kean Mar 2020
Diamonds And Tears

   She was so beautiful
It was that first spark
It turned into a flame
That lit up the dark

He was so handsome
She saw wonder in his eyes
They couldn’t hide it,
It was a love they couldn’t disguise

It started as a whirlwind
But they were both so vein
It wasn’t much longer
That it started to rain

They had children
And he found lust
She cried in the night
As their love turned to rust

He bought her diamonds
When he had done her wrong
He always said he was sorry
But it was always the same song

Now that love that had promise
They thought would last for years
Is nothing but a forgotten dream
Living on diamonds and tears

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 2009
All rights reserved
From my first book “New Angel” (If interested)
In search box type New Angel by
Charles Kean —this is not an advertisement
When I wrote this it wasn’t about a cheating man, it was about my father and him making up to my mother after he had
Beaten her and us the night before,
From being drunk.
It was rarely diamonds we were poor
But there was always tears
and it was always the same song.
73 · Feb 6
Kaleidoscope Eyes
Chuck Kean Feb 6
Kaleidoscope Eyes

   The first time that he saw her
She was such a beautiful surprise
It transformed his whole world, he
Saw everything with kaleidoscope eyes

Love at first sight is an understatement
Love is a phenomenon we can’t explain
The wheels were set in motion for his
Journey aboard a runway train

Head over heels he was for her
But she was just a modern day Delilah
She despised the male species
Their only obsession is the ******

She saw him coming from a mile away
She thought she’d take him for a ride
He was made to believe it was love
But she was laughing on the inside

Then she chose her time wisely to
To reveal her true self under the disguise
His heart was broken into a million pieces
But he still sees her with Kaleidoscope eyes

Written By:Charles Kean
73 · Nov 2021
Nurse Angels
Chuck Kean Nov 2021
Nurse Angels

      It’s an evil world we live in
And the Demons hide in the shadows
Down below is where they call home
Where the fire burns and the smoke billows

Satin is their king and he loves his little
Games and he whispers in our ears
He loves to cause chaos and he uses
The media to play on our fears

Every day problems can bring us down
But we must see our way through
It gets harder each day to keep our faith
But it’s something we must all do

And if you ever find yourself in the hospital
Because life threw you a curve
There’s something I know from experience
And I’m sure you too will observe

The Devil and his demons are no match
For God and he’s covered all the angles
And one of those many ways is because
He gave us all Nurse Angels

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 11/17/2021
All rights reserved
I dedicate this poem to my daughter
Karissa, she is one of the Nurse Angels
This poem is about.
73 · May 2022
The Quest From The Inside
Chuck Kean May 2022
The Quest From The Inside

   Surrounded by darkness and
Infested with demons deep within
Praying for survival of my soul
Lost in my direction where do I begin

Brainwashed with worthlessness
Left with a heart that turned to stone
In humanity a lost trust and at an early
Age forced to survive on my own

Constantly struggling with the echoes
From my past consumed with self doubt
I feared my life would be lived in my
Eternal hell with no way out

But unrealized at the time, there were
Angels assigned to watch over me
And only later in my life was it revealed
My eyes were opened so that I could see

I realized nothing was random or by chance
Yet indeed life was from creation
And I knew that I had to release my Pride
And all of my reasons for my vexation

Finding faith from the unknown
And unseen unto myself I died
Born again,sins washed away
Thus began the quest from the inside

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 05/24/2022
All rights reserved
From my true life experience
Written because healing is from
The inside out, God Bless!!!
73 · Jul 2021
I’m A Zombie Tonight
Chuck Kean Jul 2021
I’m A Zombie Tonight

    Baby I’ve been working like a dog
And I’ve been thinking of you
And you know that I really just want
To make all of your fantasy’s come true

Because when I’m with you
You make the world go away
So forever in your arms
That’s where I want to stay

I’d give anything just to make you smile
I wanna kiss you and hold you tight
I wanna be lying next to you
When we awake in the morning light

I wanna be the one that you desire
Like a legend from a new frontier
But baby tonight I’m afraid that I
Would be something you fear

Because I’m a Zombie tonight
Nothing feels right
Don’t turn on the light
I don’t wanna give you a fright

Baby I’m a Zombie tonight
If you come closer I’m afraid I’ll bite
Baby nothing feels right
I’m a Zombie tonight

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 07/16/2021
All rights reserved
73 · Nov 2023
His Love
Chuck Kean Nov 2023
His Love

      I’m gonna tell you a story
It’s so true and you can believe
I pride myself on my honesty
I don’t have any tricks up my sleeve

I’d most likely be in prison
Or at least drowning in my sorrow
Just a lonely man on my own
With no faith in a better Tomorrow

Drugs and Alcohol would have been
My darkness and my only friends
I would still be on the highway to Hell
On a road that never ends

When I say that I was lost, that’s an
Understatement to say the least
I was hook line and sinker flirting with
Disaster and the nature of the Beast

I was doomed for sure if it hadn’t been
For that still small voice from above
Yes Sir believe me when I tell ya, I know
I’d be a goner if it hadn’t been for His Love

Written By:Charles Kean
73 · Feb 2020
Chuck Kean Feb 2020
This is not a poem


  Ladies you are beautiful
Ladies you deserve the best
Ladies you deserve everything
Ladies to avoid a broken heart, listen!!!
Ladies find a man that makes you their world
Ladies anything less is an invitation for
Your broken heart
Men you are not beautiful
Men you deserve a woman
Men she deserves the best
Men she deserves everything
Men make her your world
Men anything less is an invitation for
Your broken heart
Men you would only have yourself to blame
Men give her respect and give her your
Unconditional love or just shut up because you don’t deserve her otherwise
Because you are lucky to have a woman
Gay find a partner that does the same
Treat each other with love or you don’t deserve each other.
Seriously it takes two too make any relationship work but guys seriously you’re
Lucky if a woman loves you stop with the wondering eyes and thinking the grass is greener on the other side for if a woman loves you it’s better than any lust you will ever find
Give her 100% and there’s no broken hearts for either of you!!!

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 02/26/2020
All rights reserved
73 · Jul 2021
The Dog Days Of Summer
Chuck Kean Jul 2021
The Dog Days Of Summer

     The Sun is high, the Sun is hot
The heat is relentless, the heat is real
If you’re not strong enough
It will surely break your will

The summer for some has its moments
Some say it’s great fun
But I’m in the minority I guess
For I can’t stand the heat of the Summer Sun

The winter is cold and the winter *****
The winter is harsh and the winter is long
Between the Summer and Winter for me
They’re both a like a very sad song

I’m a Spring and Fall man
I’ve always been that kind of guy
The extremes of Summer and Winter
To me is like nature gone awry

So if you were to ask me, I’d say
Give me Spring or give me Fall
If you can’t give me one or the other
I don’t want anything at all

I know you don’t care to hear me whine
And you may take pleasure that I suffer
But I won’t back down on my statement,
I hate Winter and the dog days of Summer

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 07/07/2021
All rights reserved
72 · Mar 2020
Beautifully Broken
Chuck Kean Mar 2020
Beautifully Broken

    We know that you’ve been hurt
Deep down in your soul
The music no longer plays your song
There’s no country there’s no rock & roll

You think there’s no love for you
The ship passed unseen in the night
Love for you is just a dead star
And what’s left is it’s dimming light

But I know that love will find you
And recognize the sparkle in your eyes
It will be so spectacular and it will be
The most wonderful of a surprise

The planets will someday all align
Though I know the universe is vast
And it seems completely impossible
But you will find a love that last

The music will play again and
I know the birds will sing
The flowers will bloom and from the grey
Color will again be returned to everything

Your heart will beat and be warm like it’s
Wrapped in a quilt that’s beautifully woven
Happily ever after is waiting for you and
No more will you be beautifully broken

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/30/2020
All rights reserved
Just for you Beautifully Broken
Chuck Kean Mar 2020
I Will Re Evaluate
          My Own Intelligence

   It is the year twenty, twenty
We have come a long way right
So our intelligence should be high IQ
Our future well and bright

This was my thought as I go about
My every day simple task
But I look and see intelligence must
Be blocked by some type of casque

The brain of modern mankind
Has not advanced as it was perceived
Intelligence is far from reach
And is going un received

A media panic was put upon our nation
And for whatever reason everyone needed TP
Some one please help me, for now I feel
As if it’s fifty billion BC

What is the connection between the
Coronavirus and this
Was there a memo or warning of
Some kind, what did I miss

Are we a people of caveman brains
I really thought we were smarter
If we are, I guess everyone’s brain
Just left town on a charter

But the reality is, no we haven’t advanced
At all and so now with great diligence
Because I was wrong About us humans
I will re evaluate my own intelligence

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/14/2020
Or should I say fifty billion BC
All rights reserved
72 · Jun 2020
Chuck Kean Jun 2020

   Is it a fantasy or is it just a dream
A mythical place free of hostility
People living in harmony and in
Complete enlightenment and tranquility

Here upon this Earth somewhere between
The vast desert of the Gobi
And the mountains of the Himalaya
How wonderful it would be

I’ve heard the songs they’ve sang
And one by Three Dog Night
A beautiful image of walking the streets
And halls an overwhelming delightful sight

To be one with mind and body
And with each other in peace
The hatred and division at an end
So divine as the fighting would cease

Should we have to venture far out in
Space or even in our Milky Way to Aquila
Or is it really a possibility to come to
This achievement in a place like Shambhala

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 06/21/2020
All rights reserved
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