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Mar 2020 · 147
Puzzle Piece
Secret T Mar 2020
I'm not a psychic but I can see how good this thing we have could be if we watered it.
This natural connection I felt between us. I've tried to look past this feeling but something in me wont let me.. something keeps telling how good this could be for the both of us.There's always gonna be a reason not to do something but I would hate to give up on a intuition without trying.Sometimes it  scares me because I felt it within a short moment of knowing you. I feel safe around you safe enough to expose the parts of me not many have seen. Safe enough to remove the amour I wrapped around my heart from past encounters with people who were so careless with it. With you I feel it would be different. I see your heart I recognize the pain it's been through the situations may be different but our hearts.... those are very similar.I I feel we've both been through so much hurt,pain,and betrayal that we would never put each other in the position to even experience that again .One thing I've noticed about people is that they tend to know how to care for things more when they've experienced situations for themselves. Honestly I would second guess this bond we have at times because it came so easily but I have to tell myself that not everything has to be a struggle some people are just puzzle pieces you find throughout your life that are waiting to be put together.
Feb 2020 · 339
OG (Original Man)
Secret T Feb 2020
Since birth you've had a target on your back  created by wicked people envious of the crown God ordained specifically for you 
The evils of world have always tried to ****** it from you
destroy your legacy **** your image
They created a malicious plan to make you seem worthless to everybody espically your own because if your own community doesn't see you worth the vicious cycle of destruction doesn't end
In spite of it all I still see you for who God made you to be
I vow to love you to life because you've recieved enough death threats.
Jan 2020 · 105
Thoughtful Intercourse
Secret T Jan 2020
Everytime we lay down
I feel my spirit go down
You start to kiss my neck softly
All I can think is you gotta get off of me
Because I know where this leads
But then you grip my thighs
You look me in my eyes
I forget you have the key
I start to unfold
I open my legs you slide in
With every stroke
My thoughts get provoked
Wondering why I'm so weak for you
Why can't I just say no
But we're in to deep
You're in to deep
I'm overthinking
I get on top and I start to ride
Not because you love it or because I'm A1
But I need to do something to distract my mind
We switch positions we go into backshots
You know its my favorite
It's getting to that point we're reaching the ******
Everything I was thinking fades away
I feel the euphoria kicking in
Jan 2020 · 144
You Deserve Me
Secret T Jan 2020
You derserve to be with someone who can help you. Heal all the deep cuts you attempted to cover up with band-aids.
We could turn your cuts into scars and make them disappear like cocoa butter.
You derserve to have someone by your side that won't have you second guessing.
I can guarantee you've never had a backbone as strong as me.
You derserve to feel safe if you want... your home can reside in me.
You derserve to confidently love knowing the energy will be reciprocated.
You derserve to smile and laugh more than just a short moment.
You derserve to feel the type of love that will make you feel you never actually experienced love before.
You derserve to be treated like the king I see you to be.
You derserve for someone to speak life into you . To plant small seeds that would allow a unique love to grow and flourish inside of you.
You derserve it all even though you think you don't.
You derserve a women like me
Jan 2020 · 109
Secret T Jan 2020
My heart is here I am writing a poem... how cliche of me. Crying over a man who told me I was worth the fight but still let me cliche of me. Mind running laps searching for all the faults I made, all the things I could've done better knowng I gave 150% to him knowing that if my efforts were honestly valued you would still be laying next to me instead of me laying by cliche of me. I thought that if I allowed him into me that he would see or that he would feel just how much I loved him and that I was forever by his side but for him... it was just itch to be scratched.. a urge to be dealt cliche of Us

— The End —