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In the parks cold outdoor winter cafe
Huddled to my cardboard cup
Of hot Americano coffee
I sit and just watch

The dogs bark
The people walk
The joggers jog, grim faced
And a man skis, on wheels

The wind blows through the trees
Void of leaves
With the views of castle and city
Grey and sleeping

A squirrel
Sifts through the blanket of leaves
Watched by the lone Magpie
I salute him

I take another sip
 Jan 2019 faith
Zane S
 Jan 2019 faith
Zane S
fall in love with someone
who treats your scars
like birthmarks
On the last day of love
I filled my bath
With warm waves,
Sprinkled rose petals
And salt,
And soaked my lonely heart
Until it blistered,
A song
Of resilience
 Jan 2019 faith
the black rose
you can’t keep the pace
but live anyway
you will love in vain
but love anyway.

— The End —