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Mike Jan 2019
Feel the wieght of all the worry
A hundred fold if on your own
Emptiness builds in a sick flurry

To share boldly with God your
Deepest wants and angst
Hope become your reservoir

Hence is it as limitlessly
Complicated and sublimely
Simple as the Mystery of
Faith demonstrates
Mike Jan 2019
Tethered by each breath
Can feel you move an inch
Lost in togetherness

Cold water to the moment
It stops the gears from turning
Your touch is longing

Is that the dawn coming ?
In my heart of hearts
I feel you, I am succumbing

To loves gentle touch
One of tenderness
Of compassion
And gracefulness

It is you, my only love
The one I give my breath
My heart and soulfulness

Pretty girl  you are
The most amazing gift
I will treasure and protect
Each part of us in foreverness
Mike Jan 2019
Drops of water fall
off the endless edge
becoming a pilgrimage

Each one creating
infinite arrays
of waterways

In a breath
a ripple starts
many bind our hearts

Seemingly small ones
made in an instant
can become permanent
even resistant

Some remarkable drops
larger than the rest
become a lover’s manifest

Then the cycle repeats
each drop now our own
to sculpt and make known

The ripples that come next;
waves within your control  
as you’re the ocean in my soul
Mike Dec 2018
Dream of you every night
Do I
Can’t quench my passion
Of You
Tease my every sense
Do you
Enchanting by the beauty
Of you
Make me unimaginably happy
Do you
Sweet as Daisies, the scent
Of you
Love you without end
Do I
Mike Dec 2018
The hands of fate
Into which God winds
Our adventure is
Charming time

Clock gears connect
As if limitless  
Sometimes to see
What could be  

True Love’s chime
Sounds so define
I know this to be true
My heart found you

— The End —