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Grace E Aug 2022
I can’t be bought
Can’t be bribed
Keep your cash
Give me your life
I don’t want your power
Keep your empire too
I don’t want your money
I just want you
Grace E Aug 2022
Take me under
Take me down
Baptize me
Beneath the ground
Where there are no others
No material or wealth
Let me die
Die to myself
For as I go under
Dripping with sin
Life will flood my being
And I shall live again
Live new
Live fresh
New life attained
Through this death
Grace E Aug 2022
All talk
Just a yapper
Fake friend
Back stabber
So it’s long term
Long game
Big picture
Such a shame
Icy vengeance
Shall unfold
Revenge, I hear
Is best served cold
Grace E Aug 2022
Black suits
Predator eyes
Black hearts
With valuable ties
From the underworld
In a sky rise
Cigar smoke
Thick as their lies
Grace E Aug 2022
Say my name and taste it on your tongue
Like whiskey burning on your lips
I trace your neck with my mouth
You stare at me like a sailor caught in a storm
Adrenaline pounds in your chest
You shake and pray and realize
You’re about to relapse
Hooked on the girl who smells of flowers and gunpowder
Grace E Aug 2022
My light burned bright
Writhed, stunned, pierced the night
My fire was too much for him, he said
So he blew as hard as he could and left me for dead
But the smoke danced from within me and my resolution grew
The embers glowed, flowed and he knew
You cannot **** the heart determined to rise
No shadow may quench passion of that size
Grace E Aug 2022
Perhaps she was a sunrise
Perhaps she was comparable to dawn
A new beginning, bursting with promise
And so much possibilities,
But she became what all days become
Full of duty and obligation and work
She became another thing to check off your list

But me, darling,
I shall be your night
Refreshing, calm, perhaps a bit disorienting
But so deep and dazzling
So wildly uninhibited
Drenched in silvery starlight
Far away from the prying, judgmental eyes of daylight
A safe haven to explore every fantasy locked away from the sun drenched world
Let me be your starlight
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