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449 · Oct 2018
Little did i know....
Side to side
His eyes were wandering.
"Are you fine?"
Came in my worried voice.
With piercing eyes,
Eyes I didn't understand
Of either hatred or wondering love
With eyes that pricked me, scotched me
Eyes that set my heart on the burning fire without smoke
With eyes that sent the burning heat in my tummy
He looked at me
Little did I know....

Diannie, look at me
At last he said.
It is over now.
With anger  I blushed my eyes
To the other side.
Diannie! Look at me.
"Ooh! What a hell is this?"
Something ran into my mind.
I can't imagine losing him
Tears watered down my cheeks
At a speed more than
The running waters of river Nile

Take it leave it, look at him
What if you miss on it
Something elaborated in my heart
Gaining my skeletal courage,
And grabbing tears off my cheeks
I turned
Only to see... Hmmm?
Little did I know... .

Diannie, my love
Shall you marry me?

Numbness swept me off the earth.
I can't believe it though I couldn't wait it anymore
My heart exploded with love,
Joy, happiness and excitement

Do you really mean it?
I asked just because
Little did I know  
That the communication in his eyes
Was not of sad news,breakup, desperation,disappointment, dismay
But rather...

Little did I know
That the eyes were communicating great news of
Joy, happiness, love and trust

Knowing that delay means denial
And denial might mean a breakup
My heart couldn't wait any longer
It applauded
In a shy soft and tender voice
"Yes my darling
Yes with all my everything
I trust in you."

Little did I know....
That bitterness can turn into sweetness
Little did I know
That such a bitter quarrel
Between us
Last evening
Would turn into
A sweet marriage proposal,
And now
Our hearts sing rhymes and rhythms of joy and happiness
Than never before.
Appearance is deceptive. Try to get to know inner communication before you conclude because little do you know... What thing someone is planning for you
367 · Oct 2018
The one I love
The one I love

The one I love is you

You are the center of my happiness
Thinking about you throws me
In the burning hell of joy
Being with you
Rolls me in unending
Flowing waters of positive emotions
You are the one I love

The one I love is you

You are the pivot of my pride
I love the greedy and jealous eyes
That feed on us with envy,  discomfort, uneasiness
Just because
The match made
Is the match that is real.
Just because
The match we make
Can never be dismantled
In fear of
Conforming  to the striking disaster
From our disaster striking love.
You are the one I love.

The one I love is you
And you are the one I love.
             Brenda Nambuya
Never fall in love, be in love, because if you fall in love, you shall be broken but if you be in love,  everything will be amended and firm

— The End —