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Maddy Jun 2023
Here it is again.
The pain dulls but never goes away
You missed sons-in-law, grandchildren, and now great-grandchildren
Weddings, graduations, our lives but most of all we miss you
Mom is with you now and that helps a little but hurts as well
Today is a painful day but luckily is also my husband's birthday
One of the sons-in-law that you never met
Dear Daddy, I miss you and can't believe it is the fiftieth Father's Day
Today I am fifteen again and tears have to stop until August 23 when we are reminded again of the Daddy we lost and miss

I was 15 when he passed from a massive herat attack which I witnessed
Maddy Jun 2021
1973  seems like yesterday and a very bad dream.
So were ages 15 and 12.
That is what we were
Another Father's day and the pain comes slowly but still with us
You are with our hearts and minds
Wanted to spoil you but time was against us  
On beaches and places you never visited
How we wish we could shower you with gifts
Most of all to hear your voice again
Love from all your kids the originals, the ones they married, your grandchildren and spouses and your great grandkids
Tell Mom, Hello.
We miss her and you!
Happy Father's Day!

Maddy Dec 2019
Blue skies to explore and soar
Diamond universes with velvet nights
Rainbows filled with newer colors and vibrant souls
Every beauty known to the world and new vistas to enjoy
May your wings glide boldly and gently
The very best if everything and so much more
Great adventures,Dear Dragon

Fir Larry
Maddy Jan 2020
What I wish and want for you could never be placed in a gift wrapped box
It really should not be purchased but this is 2020
We wont ask Alexa
The greatest gift literally is in front of your face
Either you don't notice
You missed something in the translation
Knowing your heart is open
Only somebody beyond special needs to take its place with yours
Promise that if you find this person be ready for all that you need to do
You don't deserve another broken heart
Dearest friend,my wish for you to be as loved by somebody the way I am but my husband and best friend

Maddy Jan 26
He can't see the forest from the trees
Common sense does not exist
Sense at all?
Heaven help us
How many lies can you listen to?
Maddy Dec 2024
Weather changes daily.
Climate change is very real.
Ducks swimming in pond happily ignoring the humans.
Squirrels thrilled with pounds of unsalted nuts from Aunty Human
No matter what you celebrate
Remember those you miss and those needing your help if you can
Furry friends too
Enjoy your families and friends
Walking hand in hand waiting for the roasted chestnuts you boughr me.
On our first date years ago
December in the City
Happy and Healthy all
Maddy Dec 2019
She is as bright as she can be
Her days are short though her spirit stronger
Her shadows remind us that longer days will come
Her sister May will bring sunny days and beautiful sunsets
Though we wish she were longer
Her temperatures warmer
She brings families and friends together to celebrate
Love and Joy.
May I wish all of you those two glorious things all year through.

Maddy Dec 2020
He is slowly losing what makes him special
He has not met him yet
His loneliness is strangling his joy
He has so much to share but a friend cant give him what he wants or needs
Not for them to do so
Wish magic could conjure up a spell to end this for him
He deserves so much more and decline is not a place for him to be
Maybe when he stops looking he will find him and make each other happy
If we could put the answers in a beautifully decorated box wand deliver it we would
You dont need or want codependent types fixing things for you

You love who you love and your friends want you to be happy
Maddy Jan 2020
Did you not look inside?
Did you not wrestle with yourself last night when sleep refused to come?
Did you let the demons in your heart find their way clear across the universe in limbo?
Did you really enjoy your day?
Did you embrace all the honey and lemon from every single moment?
Are you living for a weekend again?
Try sharing and and giving instead of wanting!

Maddy Nov 2019
Cervantes in Spain
Henry David’s in Concord
Words melded
Respect and reverence took over
Awe surrounded every aspect in the air
Eleanor’s near Hyde Park was enchanting
Her essence fills Val **** even today
They are more than desks
Their words inspire so much more than readers and writers
So much more than desks and words

Maddy Dec 2020
He's a breath of fresh air
All that and devil may care
Never seen a complete package like him before
Looked up and he walked through the door

He's a diamond in the rough
He's the bomb and all the right stuff
More than enough, the dude is tough
Never seen a dream come true
Better for me and not for you

When you stop looking you'll be found
Somebody makes your world spin right side up and upside down

Repeat first four lines

Chorus and then fade

Maddy Apr 2021
He's a breath of fresh air
All that and devil may care
Never seen a complete package like him before
Looked up and he walked through the door

He's a diamond in the rough
He's the bomb and all the right stuff
More than enough, the dude is tough
Never seen a dream come true
Better for me and not for you

When you stop looking you'll be found
Somebody makes your world spin right side up and upside
Repeat first four lines

Chorus and then fade

Maddy Mar 2023
Artificial Intelligence and Organic Symbolism rules your world
Words and language have been replaced by marketing and sales
How about doing it your way and not their way
Saying it plain and simple
Demonstrating and communicating messages
It is important and has flair
Working hard,achieving,and setting goals no longer seens to matter
Ojly sone can achieve
Some call it woke
Woke what?
Did you know?
C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Sep 2018
Always have been and will be
Mostly a loner
It is what I am
Deal with it
Have a Golden Circle of friends
My best friend as a child was my poetry
Other than my husband and BFF
Never lied,hurt,or judged me
Saved my life because all the pain was stored there
All the things I couldn’t say were said
It talked to a professional
Saved from Depression by my poetry
Still have navy blue days
Along with sleepless nights
His arms are there to rock me and comfort me
My poetry has always been my friend and therapy
Please don’t take Depression lightly.
So e people need education and talk therapy.
I was lucky because writing saved me.
Maddy Jul 2020
Not oil and water
More like asteroid and galaxy
There is nothing wrong with either
Only blood is the major connection
Your way or the highway is no longer working
Friends are chosen not relatives
You have to remember that there are many sides to a story
Truth does not make those versions correct
Once you find out who you are and are comfortable with that knowledge than it different works for you
Others are not able to understand and their acceptance or lack of should not condemn you

Maddy Jan 2023
Listening is a very important skill
With full attention and whole heart
Far different from hearing which is sometimes half-hearted
You are entitled to your opinion
That is as far as it goes
Tears are shed
Hearts are broken and may be healed
Along the way, it becomes incredibly clear that your auditory skills need to be sharpened along with your visual
Not worth bad dreams and restless sleep
Being introverted has its benefits
Being sensitive has two sides
Positive is better

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Mar 2023
We are storytellers too
Short and long lines
Storytellers none the less
Our cinematography and special effects involve words
I know because Media and Digital literacy is my subject

Maddy Sep 2023
The squirrels decided to entertain with acrobatics while they found the roasted nuts left for them by several trees.
Some leaves were soaked from the rain while others stayed bright and green refusing to fall
The humidity and dew point have made walking a melting Olympic sport
Hypocrisy and ignorance dance around us while others just try to move forward and carry on
People have enjoyed meeting others while putting prejudice and arrogance behind them and that is delightful
Wardrobes are still in Summer for now and probably will be until November right before Thanksgiving
This is an East Coast September and used to bes like Neil Diamond wrote Just lie on the floor til you sweep them away
It is a different September no matter what coast you call home
I met my husband forty-four years ago this week so I have a thing for September and tall blue eyed men.
Married in October 1980, Wedding Song Time in a Bottle

Maddy May 2024
Following Your Dreams Doesn't Mean You Can't Follow Another Path
You Can Listen
Take It In
Decide Knowing How Long to Keep On and how as well as when to Let Go
Create New Paradigms
Make Heroism Happen
Strive For Achievement
You Never Thought You Would Attain
Keep Reading and Climbing
It's Not Vague
Beyond Reproach
Damage To Truth
Too Many Broken Souls
Who Dont Understand Laws, Regulations, And Rules
Need to be Followed And Respected
When They Can Be Adapted and Reexamined
For Change Takes Time
And Effort
Rules Can Be Bent and Broken Fior The Good

w any Broken So
Maddy Feb 2020
Do we know what we need?Or Whom?
No disrespect intended ever in writing or in person
Being politically correct has nothing do with this equation
Many of our Ancestors came  through Ellis Island or  other places
with a dream
Some deferred and others accomplished
History does not repeat itself and other times it rhymes
Some look for a beat or an echo
Is it really a toss up between a boutique world or a Walmart mentality.
Nothing in the middle?
Where have we gone?
Where are we going towards or away from
Maddy Jan 2021
The sounds echo into the night and return in the dawn
Listen very carefully and they call out to you
The echo of your heart
You can hear it, can't you?

Maddy Sep 2024
Woven threads that unravel
If you don't make an effort or care
Reaching out is helpful
Leaving yesterday and what was behind
Do you know what might have been?
Do you even care?
Leaving well enough alone ?
Maddy Nov 2021
Do the trees sigh?
Does the wind cry?
Do they gather to remember the loved one or friend and say Goodbye?
Was it a fire caused by a careless human, an architect, was it sick
and Mother Nature called it home or to let go?
What happened to the tree when it was young ,strong, and tall long ago?
How many creatures scurried across its arms to play or hide food?
Find shelter?
Was it Maple, an Oak, a Redwood?
Maybe a Ponderosa Pine?
Did maple sap run from it or apples grow for all to see?
Does a tree make a sound when it falls in the forest?
Did an eagle rest on its branches and then take flight?
Next time, we'll have to get to know a tree better and perhaps
we'll do more than ask questions about out Dear Departed friend,tonight.

Henry David Thoreau influenced this one.
Walked Wakden Pond and touched his desk!
Maddy Mar 2021
Looking for a home
Please don't pass me by
A place to belong
Where food and love surround me
Where hugs and head pats are my companions
Where I dream and awake to find you returning to me
Looking forward to greet you and welcoming you when you come into a room
I dream of this when nobody chooses me at the end of the day
It is always an almost and then they don't return
I dream that the nice people that pay a visit or donate things could take me home with them
I dream of this when the volunteer tells me tomorrow girl
Looking for a forever home

Maddy Apr 2021
She had the nerve to call me Do gooder
The kind that talks a good game but contributes very little to the world
Whenever she passes my way, Feeling sorry for her comes to mind
The truth she and those like her are a waste of our time
Quietly and without applause or aplomb
My very best is to go my best in this world
Do good no matter what you do
As for her, get out of our way

Maddy Jan 2020
Poor philanthropist
Definitely take issue with this
You don't have to be fabulously rich to volunteer or help
A little here and there does go along way
Time and effort make a huge difference
If you are so consumed with yourself
Selfish and cruel
It is your issue
If it a burden, that is different avenue to walk on
But don't call a human being that cares a Do Gooder
They are in great company and we need more in the world
Rather be selfless and caring

Maddy Jul 2024
No matter what
No matter when
It would be you all over again
Stepping low and high
So many multitudes of reasons why

Hellos and Goodbyes
Surprises and the Unexpected
Climbing mountains
Falling into Valleys
Silence that echoes
Music that holds you and lets you go
Doing it all over again
It would only be you
There is nobody else in the Universe that wlll do

Maddy May 2023
Spoken from experience on all fronts
If it's not there
It's not worth the time, effort, or pain involved
You are so much more and if that isn't enough
Noted or accepted
Don't go chasing love regardless of the source or sources
Either it finds you or its not worth the time or effort
Why should you feel as if you don't matter?
Don't go chasing love

Maddy Jul 2023
Seek a higher ground and attitude.
There are days you wish you could stay in bed and tune the world off.
You still have to care.
You still have to try.
You still have to live.
If you can't understand another's story then just listen.
Say nothing.
Have we seen too much to ever be wide-eyed again?
Where were you looking?
Have you stopped to look?
Don't go there.

Maddy Jan 4
An old friend said writing it down won't do
He was unclear that writing is my art and my lifelong friend
Every essence,nuance,color  travel is captured in my mind
Then it is crafted and when I feel it works then it becones a poem
So Dear Danny ,who left us long ago
I do down because I am a writer
Maddy Aug 2021
Been there and done that
Highly sensitive person in progress
Know the difference between worrying and caring
I am the latter
Real human Care Bear
Life lessons learned and still evolving
When learning stops you are over and done
Learned that liking me is more important than what others think
Doing good in this world and wanting to do the very best one can is fine
If you don't like it and are selfish and cruel
Don't let the door hit you as it closes

Maddy Dec 2019
Kept my word to myself
The dream came true
Need to redirect for the next challenge
If that is possible
The voices still rear their messages
Silencing them is always a chore
No excuses just not ready for whst is next
Writers always have doubts
Is this all there is?

Maddy Feb 2024
Walk it
Run it
Drive it
See it with different eyes
Embrace what you remember
Open your heart and mind for what may come your way
Down that road again
Down that road again
Dont take me down that road again
I know where I am going and where I have been
Just wanted you to let me in
Hoped to follow a  different bend
Don't take me down tbat road again

(Song lyrics?)

Maddy Aug 2021
Just one look
That smile
The style
The low key swagger.
What a sandwich for a female Colon Firth and Patrick Demsey ,delicious.
When dawn came I was happily in your arms
Dream baby
Maddy Sep 2021
Crying in the night
No tears just bad dreams that awaken partners
Better that you wake and not remember
Even though deep down and inside you do
For you accidentally hit your partner in your sleep
Sometimes you don't let go
You just keep it in a place that only comes to light in your dreams or nightmares
Pleasant dreams

Maddy Jan 13
Long ago not so far away
Monarch butterflies accompanying you on walks
Squirrels twirling their tails
So others know that someone came to feed them again
The aroma of the nuts called to them
Placing a lei on The Pearl Harbor memorial
The quiet was deafening
Dual rainbows over Pearl Harbor bidding us farewell
The weathered and damaged plaques remembering Amelia Earhart
Hoping it will be repaired as she deserves to be remembered
All that and so much more leaves an impact
Sometimes forgotten but remembered in dreams
Henry David remember when I touched your desk near Walden Pond
Maddy Jan 5
Need to visit Alaska
Visit you and see you soaring so high
Wish I could fly with you and view the world from your perspective
Flying High
Soaring splendidly
Hope to visit you
Until then go flying high and know I am watching with glory
Maddy Feb 3
5am and the words woke me
Similes and metaphors
Partial ideas and new twists
It happens now and then
Record some and write other things down
This has been going on for years but more often now
I guess I really am a poet and a writer
Maddy Feb 2023
Kiss and cry yesterday goodbye
It always reminds you like Monarch and other butterflies near you
You deal and move forward but you never really let go
You always remember
Easier said than done

Maddy Feb 2022
You pay your dues
Some still owe
You know what payback can be
One day at a time even that feels like months and years
Perhaps with a different tune or melody
You accept what you can't change
We can write volumes on that alone
Knowing change will be a constant companion
Even though it is it your nature, you must put yourself first
Without this,you are no help or good to anybody else
Still learnng that
work in progress
Being yourself is more than okay
To the Princes and Princesses out there we will let go of those that wish to rearrange the status quo for those unlike them
Those in your corner will cheer you on and it goes two ways.
One way streets are dead ends
It has taken time for this easier spirit to emerge but she has

Maddy Jun 2021
Effort and work pay off
Not when you expect or want it
If you can make it look easy than bully for you
You are more talented than most or figured out just how and want to do effortlessly
The office said Goodbye and Good lock to a Blonde Adonis running for the elevator
They welcomed a quiet young man all a glow for his first job
He could write and the other just looked good on camera
Easier than it seems

Maddy Oct 2020
All these yellows peppered into greens
Autumnal spice rack

Maddy Apr 2021
Just enjoy it all
No fuss no muss
No awards though they are nice
Concentrate on what makes your heart happy
Singing in the car
Laughing at a memory
Savoring the greatest dessert of
Easy and the pleasure is that enjoying it strengthens you more than you will ever know
Facil mis amigos

Maddy Jan 2021
The eyes of the blind
The ears of the deaf
The joy of those mourning
The memories of the dead
The laughter in tears
The brightness ina pitch black
Animals laughing at human foibles and follies
Echoes in the wind

Maddy Jul 2020
She played favorites
Breaking a heart that would never heal
That heart sought writing as comfort and befriended it forever
Forgiving and forgetting live on the same plane
Something as precious as acceptance and care would go a very long way
That never happened and it made life intolerable when it never should have been
The greatest pain is to accept it so life as one would like to enjoy it can go on
The echoes come and go but happiness won even though she never accepted that
Despite every effort and still at the strangest of moments the pain still echoes but more quietly
Maybe that is the best way to move forward and on

Very difficult when you dont like someibe you lovr.
Maddy Aug 2022

Maddy Nov 2018
Your spirit
Your culture
Your vibrant and loving nature
Always hated Death andHalloween
But your Marigolds honor lost souls
The celebration of people and memories is very much alive
Could have sworn I saw my late mother-in -“law tonight
She was standing on my staircase
Que pasa?

I don’t have Spanish accent marks or. Upside down question marks on my keyboard
Maddy Jul 2024
Walking around Vak-Kil
Your advice and words remind us that the purpose of life is to experience it
Taste it
Enjoy it
Savor it all
When FDR was still living and after
The walls echo of the great and small you entertained there
Many photos and feeling as if your spirit is there even now and forever more
You were almost President for you filled the role at a time it was not accepted
Wonder what advice you would have for Vice President Harris today?
As we left your gravesite at Hyde Park, you left an impact

All of the books written about you and those you authored still amaze a person who lives in a different time and place


Maddy Jun 2019
Found you
Was searching but encountered the unexpected
Accepting every person and puzzle like the gems they are
What was and what is are on two different uinverses
Those that connect us are no longer here to tell their stories

Knowing that finding things out might be surprising and shocking
Still need to know why things happened and how we got to now
Have to embrace and release

In memory of the Mandel Siblings
Maddy May 2023
Will fill it with great care
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