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Maddy Nov 2023
The woman is a blessing
The forever kind
Changed lives and lived every day as an inspiration to us all
A Storybook Love and Life
To Honor she isn't enough
She would not want that anyway
Your politics and ideas don't matter here
What she accomplished still grows and helps many
What matters is that we say farewell to this amazing human being
We should strive to be as kind and incredible as she was
To say the mold was broken is not enough but she was so much more than enough
She more than cared she did something with it and about it

Maddy Apr 2021
New vibrant and muted colors
Combinations we've yet to encounter
Always after a storm
A four letter word
Beauty with thorns
Wish you could be adorned with both
without out any harm
Roses and Rainbows ( 4 times)
Reality isn't always pretty
Neither is airbrushing

Song n progress,lyrics inyterest me
Maddy Jan 2021
New Colors
Shades we've yet to see
Always after a storm
A four letter word
Beauty with thorns
Wish you could be adorned with both without any harm

Roses and Rainbows (Four times)

Reality isn't always pretty
Isn't it a pity?
There is so much more it could be
(Repeat Chorus and fade)

Song lyric in progress
Maddy Aug 2020
Cant listen to them yet
Tears drown the carpeting and my face
My husband tries to dry them with hugs and smiles
Promises of better days to come
John Denver's song, Sad song sums it up
Dear John , nothing is perfectly and things are not the way they used to be for many not just me
My heart has many healed breaks and the healing has yet to come
Some never heal until you are ready to let them
I am not all alone without her but being an adult orphan isn't what it is cracked up to be
Dear Alexa, not ready for songs at all just ocean sound effects
Not waiting til September comes
Just not talking very much except for a chosen few
It is different in this world without you

In memory of my late Mother who passed on August 3, 2020
Maddy Apr 2020
Alas another four-lettered word
No expletives but anxiety mixed with hope
Hold people closer and dearer
Appreciate everything and help those who have lost little and much
Just a small gesture translates into a snowball effective of help and concern
We will get through this
We will look back and wonder how and why
We will never exactly be the same
Change is a constant but this time we will wonder why
Who is to blame?

Maddy Dec 2021
She was a very good little girl
Chores and school work done
Polite and listened
Respected her elders
Listened to all the Holiday stories
She quietly sat by the window and fell asleep waiting for the reindeer
and Santa
He never came
When school started again it is not what you think
Her teacher and friends asked what Santa brought her
She replied he doesn't come to my house
We have no chimney and no tree
We have a menorah and tops called dreidels
Back then it wasn't thought of
Adam *******'s Chanukah song was a hit for many for this reason
As was Chanukah Harry
Which is why some say Happy Holidays or Season Greetings
They don't know Christmas
They don't know Kwanza
They might not even celebrate Chanukah
Santa didn't arrive because they were not taught to believe in him
I believe in his magic and all that help him

With all die respect to those who celebrate the birth of Christ.
Maddy Jan 2023
Nasty dismal overcast day with rain on and off
Then this little one appeared on a tall tree
In blue finery bopping,tapping,fluttering and shimming,.
A dancing solo
Bravo little dynamo
Take a bow
You made a gray day sunny and bright

Maddy Mar 2023
Nasty dismal overcast day with rain on and off
Then this little one appeared on a tall tree
In blue finery, bopping, tapping, fluttering and shimming
A dancing solo
Bravo little dynamo
Take a bow
You made a gray day sunny and bright
Sapphire Dancer

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Feb 2021
They are different since Covid
Going out has become staying home
Which local restaurant to order from hrom
But then
That lasted all night long
Saturday night.......

Maddy Nov 2021
They have no voice
They have no choice
But they have us
Before it's too late
Remember saying goodbye means forever
Save them

C@rainbowchaser 2011
Maddy Jun 2022
It is permanent like solid cement
No cracks  and no dents but permanent
Tarnished brass and photographs and memories you need to forget
Those you cherish remain and always stay around and with you
Saying goodbye isn’t painless but healthier than you used to think
Saying Hello and see you soon is so much better

Maddy Oct 2018
Watching squirrels perform acrobatics on phone wires
Admiring blue jays in October
Enjoying skaters at Rockefeller center from a restaurant window
Giving a donation to a homeless man and his canine companion
Eating that Lindt chocolate very slowly
Taking a bubbly bath while drinking white wine in a crystal goblet
Loving someone exactly like you did in a younger time
Say yes

Maddy May 2023
Are you a card-carrying member of the Scapegoat Society?
They live in another time and place.
Archie Bunker lives
How about a world where cynicism disappears
Ron DeSantis disappears
Where being nice is so much more than being important
Hearts and minds work together as one for  the good of all
The superiority issue is on the wrong side
Sorry I am walking with Nature on the right side
Isn't that what we are supposed to be
History will only repeat itself if we don't learn from it

Maddy Apr 2021
History and Herstory
So much to learn from and revisit
It is behind us and past
Too many stories there told and untold
We are broken
We are imbalanced
Yesterday once more just doesn't cut it
What are they saying behind closed doors?
Behind backs
It's a schism
You have to be carefully taught to understand and accept not hate
Is there any chance of this happening before it's very past too late?

Maddy Jul 2019
Sometimes third place
Always something better,brightier,prettier
Plain Jane became my moniker
Even when the  one person who said it
Shouldnt have
She never knew better
Substance was always took second place to appearance
Never got that message
So in the World of Hertz being the champ and Avis being runner up
That is how it used to be
The mold was broken and second best is fine
Nobody to prove myself to but me

Hertz iis a car rental agency always billed itself as number One.
Avis was number two.
Maddy Nov 2019
He watched something right before his eyes
Hard not to notice
Harder still to forget
He cant let go until it lets him
He has to put it to rest
Be rid if it no matter how horrible it is
Some get it embedded like DNA being used for the wrong reasons
There is nothing right about this or any other trauma
There are second chances to let yourself put it behind you
It takes time and great care to do so
If you need help just reach out for it
No shame in not doing this alone

Maddy Jan 17
Second Love
Love of my life
First Love
One way street I should never have walked down
Contour impressing you not size
Hug contour or size?
He saw what you were unable to see
I was a nineteen year old with ripening hormones in college
When I stopped looking in graduate school
Surprise second love came by and stayed
Received first Masters and Mrs
He earned his as well.
He married me
Earned second masters degree
Several years later and
So did he
Very happily married
Maddy Oct 2018
The first love
Puppy dog and exploding hormones
Hard to explain and harder to control
Then when you aren’t looking
Prince Charming or Princess Charming appears
Just because you are you
Your grace and kindness
The look that another person didn’t appreciate
Now matters
The second time around is forever
Just be ready to accept it when it comes your way

Maddy Feb 2023
You can see with your eyes precisely and carefully as possible
You might miss someone or something
When you see with your heart not only is the perspective different
Things are very clear
Seeing things differently as they should be from the heart not the head

Maddy Mar 2023
You don’t want to be a cliche or live like one
Somewhere along the way when there are more thorns
than roses
You have to decide what you want for yourself
Used to think that was selfish but as the caring and giving type
not so sure anymore
Kindness is something to strive for and is my nature
Lately, not sure if the good ones can seize the day
The members of that team are wiping tears away hoping a smile will come through while trying to seize the day
Listen very carefully
Then do your thing your way
Upside down
Downside up
Getting mixed messages
How much common sense and sense did we lose in 2020?
Are we still losing?
Are you still arriving?
Are we writing the truth?
Find a balance between old school and new school thinking
Getting lost in the shuffle
We are imbalanced as it is
Find your balance
Cervantes taught us that living passionately is the best course to follow
As caring and as giving as you may very well be
Seize everyday passionately
Your very own way
Always find time to keep learning

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Sep 2024
Some think we are special
Am I an empath?
Some think something is very wrong
Others very right
Some people need to initiate brain before opening their mouth
They runneth over and know not who they hurt or why
We are artists,writers, and creative souls
I am sensitive, deal with it
Maddy Sep 2022
Monarch butterflies are no where to be found
Lovely but dangerous Lantern flies are hiding
No jumping today
Squirrels are taking a nap
Birds flew away into higher trees
Count the small wet rings that become large circles
Like the chorus
Melody and harmony is soft but you can sing along
Altos and Sopranos
This one is for you
The light gray cloudy sky turning to an angry dark gray with a patch of black
The syncopation, harmony, melody and rhythm are all here in the September rain song

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Dedicated to Scott T, Jim Music and Carlo
Three talented Poets and friends
Maddy Feb 2022
Don't cry because it’s over
Smile because it happened
No matter the loss of a dear one or something else
Don't just let it go set it free
Keep the memory in your heart
The ache has to subside
It is in its place
You can move on and set it free and yourself

Lost Mom in 2020
One friend in 2021
Another in 2022
Maddy Jul 2019
Locked in the horns of a dilemma
One conundrum folds into another
Like a cake with unfolded ingredients
Sometimes you feel separate and then apart
Life's curve ***** require adaptation,revision,rethinking
Yet, you take your seat at the table
Whatever you do criticism will follow
Going with the flow works for some
Shadow walking occurs in the wee hours of the morning
Wasn't you I saw?

Maddy Jun 2021
A year will soon come and go just like she did
A chasm is there and just is dormant
Photographs, videos, and memories
Like a spirit rising in a balloon out of sight but not out of mind
Covid started the downfall but though she fought valiantly there was never another August
She has the company of her husband and others gone before her
She comes  in the middle of the night
She visits when things fall down when they should not
She watches over her great granddaughter who never knew her
She did see her from a window in a hospital
She did meet her great grandson who will turn three when late Summer arrives
She knows we still grieve but people and places to see and visit
She is gone but not forgotten but everybody knows that she is somehow always around
Every now and then the cell phone doesn't ring and Heaven is a long distance call that can't be made
She is every shade of purple in a rainbow of her own design

In memory of our Mom who passed August 3 , 2020
Maddy Dec 2019
Wasn't the prettiest
bright and maybe even intelligent
Was a loner because fitting in never happened
She didn't have what they had and even if she did
They made it clear she wasn't wanted
Sometimes the creative and different kids are never given a chance
She became a butterfly of her own choosing
Watch her soar, she doesn't need their approval or yours anymore

Maddy Nov 2018
Greets the squirrel chomping on his acorn
Knowing he sees her but scurries up his tree
Dogs jumping and hoping they get a pat on the head
Perhaps a scratch on the head
The very last butterflies of autumn
Know she stops to watch them and admire their finery floating in the breeze
There is a respect and admiration as she enjoys what others may not take the time out of their day to see
She talk s to animals knowing how precious they are

Maddy May 2023
You will always love sports, especially Hockey
It may or may not interfere with our plans
If you get tickets and only one is available just please go and enjoy
Been there and done that
Baseball and Tennis are the exceptions
So tonight will find a chore to do or there is always my poetry to keep me company
Should have known better with your sports and media background that this would not change
Thought one cup would make you happy but another will make you happier

Maddy Sep 2018
Do you cry there too?
The facts flow down the drain
They awaken you in flashbacks
Even with help and guidance
With lots of love and care
Once you make contact with the past
No matter how recent or long ago
Find your pain and find a path
Someday happiness will share those tears
You can only live happy if you Welcome it

We are all works in progress while we are six feet above on this khaki coil.
Maddy May 2022
Lots to be said for open doors
Great metaphor for life
One door shuts another one opens
Let's examine the opposite
Be happy for the people and places that have come and gone
Close the door
If somebody moved on and left you behind
Lock the door and don't look back
It is,it was,overdue,expired,not Today or Tomorrow
Sleepless nights and worry like chicken little on warp speed
Go for a walk or do something that requires effort and positivity
No matter the situation
Shut the door
Maddy Feb 2023
Crying into the wind
Screaming into lined pages or computer screens that listen and don't judge
You can reexamine many things but once you are grateful things get lighter and easier
The flashbacks,memories,and nightmares don't leave you they just go away reappearing every now and then
My loyalties and kindness remain constant but in those
silent moments my confidence and caring remain as pure as my heart

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Feb 2022
Patch of soft baby blue in a soft heather gray sky
Patch of sky blue in a steel gray sky
Pearl white Herons dot a tree as it sways back and forth
The plane getting ready to soar towards anoher conference destination
Trenchcoat and umbrella at the ready when we land and deplane
Ready for take off in the silvery skies

Maddy Aug 2021
Clearly and obviously
Wear a mask
Lies to rationalize and for no other reason
Opponents of sanity with no regard for what is right
The violence
The square pegs in round holes and vice versa
Democracy always
Autocracy that needs never to return because it is dangerous and pathetic
Simply a sin
Please don't let your opinion **** another human being
Too many of us said goodbye to loved ones
Just how selfish are you?

Maddy Dec 2020
Stay home and take care if you have a medical or health issue
Condolences if you have said too many goodbyes
Take care of yourselves
If gyms are closed
Walk, bike, jump rope,dance
Just get up and move every day
If you have not had a manicure,pedicure, hair service message etc
Either learn to do it yourself or hire an at home service
If not deal with it
Joe Biden is our next President
If you love or hate our elected officials please silence yourself
It is beyond deafening
Zoom meetings and get together are great but they don’t beat in person
Seeing and spending time with family and friends is a treasure and gift
You know your UPS,FedEx,and Amazon service people by first name.
CNN and MSNBC are your choices for entertainment
Some  watch FOX or have access to a multitude of streaming services
If your libraries are open and disposable income or lack  of one is an issue utilize them
Volunteer in person or  virtually to a. Charity or organization of your choice
They all need your help
Please stop ranting,raving ,commenting on Social Media
Prejudice and ignorance are overdue and lost their prime and need
Let them go and  adopt kindness and sensitivity
Think what you want but keep it to yourself
You really don’t know what others are dealing
Be patient and caring
Wear a mask
If you don’t grow up and wear one anyway
Free ones are available at Police precincts and Firehouses
Even in many parks
Stay safe and well

Maddy Jan 2020
Make yourself comfortable as you are in good company
Spring day in January
The Theme song for Global warming in undertones
Thoughts and feelings some in check
This is where they are placed
Others wandering in Space or in an alternative Universe
Turning a deaf ear doesn't always work
Especially as a writer who is awakened at strange times at night with prompts and ideas
If you can let things go and go with the flow
That is good for you
Us sensitive types, the creative kind
This is not one of our gifts
In fact, sitting on the shelf over there puts things in prospective
for the time being

Dedicated to Tiffany Haddish,the comedienne
Maddy Nov 2020
The gray round belly and happy demeanor made people having a snack stop and take notice
Happy little one, one of Mother Nature's children
Unless she was pregnant, what a jolly little creature
Unafraid of the humans and hoping they would leave a tasty morsel  or treat for her
What a delight while taking a break visiting this lovely zoo
Hopefully Skippy will greet us again
Stay safe little friend

Dedicated to my darling Sunshine,my nephew Leo,
Maddy Oct 2020
You are exactly what the future needs
Many women of all kinds and worlds are behind you
Just be sure to reach out and in to different people
Understand and accept
Then move on to grab on towards your dreams
Go for it and if you need help
Some of us are here or a click away
Proud to meet you fellow poetess

Maddy Jan 2020
when you cant fight the call
you wake before the sun
yawning throughout the day
wondering why and what it was that got you here
perhaps nothing more than you had enough zzs
Or a blank screen or page was calling you again
So Della and I sit with an early breakfast
Looking for meaning when we dont want to wake our partner

Della is my computer, a Dell.
Maddy Jun 2024
Many Countries
Many locations
Many different people
People with hopes and dreams just like yours
Some are different which is amazing
Together and separately
Leave us unhinged and incomplete
Together in unison
One can only imagine what we can achieve and accomplish
How far can we go?
What we can become and what we are
History ad Yesterday are complete we can look back and move ahead
Forward not back
Today and Tomorrow could be wonderful
Smaller world then
you think
What do you think?

C@rainbowchaser 2024
Maddy Aug 2022
Social Media has it place however
Please read Books, Magazines, Newspapers
Listen to Podcasts
Tune in but don't tune out
Watch documentaries and different types of News
Choose what you like but agree to disagree
Talk to different people
Visit different places
School is not the only classroom
As an educator I speak from the heart
I wish you peace, joy, and good health
Most important good vibes
Change is the only constant but for the good

Maddy Sep 2019
Many charity walks in Autumn New York
All worthy causes and very important
A smaller new one
Is in a small park on Staten Island
All the faces honored on banners overdosed on drugs
Reasons are not important but taking the time to listen
And take action is
You can’t dwell on the families and love ones left heartbroken
Yet So long,until then only makes sense
When we band together with help and understanding to stop this
Will you?
Or will your turn your head because you never took the time to understand
Maddy Dec 2019
Herstory and History will talk things over
Children will not be taught to hate and fear what their relatives tell them
Hopefully they will learn to accept and understand, then decide for themselves in many ways
Our world will be more gracious and kind
We are broken and working the kinks out
as advanced as we like to think we are
In many ways we are backward

Maddy Feb 2022
The Beach was vast
Velvet sky kissed the diamonds
She ran till he gently broke her fall
He was the blanket
She was the pillow
The ocean their lullaby
Until night turned into morning

Maddy Apr 2022
Wasn't looking for anybody
My somebody,so I thought ,
Broke my heart and spirit
He didn't take my soul
When looking seemed beyond even the humdrum
There you were
You took me over and under
Back and forth
You were not in my plans but my friend became my everything
You are my love
You share my life
You honor my soul
Some how an angel sent you
You found me

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Apr 2023
When you least expect it you are reminded that we all have an expiration date
The passing of a celebrity ,world figure, or somebody you know
The Universe let's you know that what you have waited for,
longed for, dreamt about is around the corner
Patience, Tolerance and staying Resolute works sometimes
In the meantime, seize the day.
Make the most of it and don't put things off
Learned the hard way
Sometimes you have to follow your heart and not your head

Maddy Oct 2019
Dreams start out the same with different endings.
Unresolved issues and dreams still in progress towards reality
Another time and place cliche works for some and  steps on the souls of others
Trying to get through their days and praybtheir nights are less lonely evrn when they are not alone

Maddy Dec 2024
Long-stemmed strawberries dipped in dark or white chocolate
Cups or glasses of your choice filled with Champagne,Ginger ale or Prosecco
Play your kind of Music
That special some one with you
Near you
Heart to Heart
Soul to Soul
Gentle hugs and lose control
Sometimes,Life is Good
Maddy Jan 2019
When you have been thrown under the bus too often
When you are ignored like a once loved toy
When the words no longer have meaning
It is not the way you wanted it to be
Yet,it is what it is
Sometimes never applies and the door is hermitcally sealed because dealing with the pain makes no sense anymore

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