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our irony is that we are made of love
yet we seek it in the wrong places
in faces and in feelings
we never find our reflection
all our elements are watered down
and we need to rise above
when tragedy is upon us
we must learn to drown in love
all our feelings give us hope
but we can't out run our pride
all our emotions form a web
that eventually covers up our eyes
lies and loss
live in everything
keep moving and you will be the king
drink from the spring of yesterday's owls
drunk on words we become foul
cool down your heart
we blister in the desert
churn the ocean and make it sweaty
dread nothing
forever we are free
to inspect the clouds
for subtle signs of tyranny
 Nov 2018 RonliSong
you wear your depression
as a mask of undeniable normality-
don't say you're messed up.
it carves wells beneath your eyes,
streaks your face with a natural glow,
weighs down your heart
so you don't fly away to the stars...
away from us-
don't tell me it steals your beauty.
it keeps your pen going
during those early mornings
after all the caffeine
has run out
and your mind can no longer battle
the long, black fingers of sleep
grasping for you-
don't write any more society-approved lies.
it leaves art on your skin,
whether it be permanent
or with assorted colors of paint,
that tell stories,
your stories,
without words.
no longer hide the battles you've fought-
don't let others scorn your victories.

you are a masterpiece,
you are perfection.
don't let this depression
own you,
but become more than it.
please share with whoever you think needs to hear this, stay strong my fellow poets, without you we lose not only a unique perspective, but a unique, beautiful person<3
 Oct 2018 RonliSong
Last week

seven of my

children were

all together for

the first time

in a long time.

and as each one

came into the room

to greet me.

I felt my roots


deeper and

deeper to

the center

of the universe.

and in their smile

I saw the smile of

my father,

the smile

of my mother.,

and as I drank

in their laughter

I became

drunk with


and when night


I looked up to

the heavens

took a deep

breath into

my soul.

then I


the exact place

of every star

and shimmer.

and I knew

I had finally

found my

place in

the universe.
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