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Kelsey Sep 2022
Dont give up
On the real you
Just because
Others thought
You were
Someone else
Kelsey Jul 2022
Like the moon,
Waxes and wanes.
Kelsey Jul 2022
Is the hard brake of your car
After realizing you have a stop sign.
Watching the familiar pedestrian walk across the street in horror.
You could have killed them
If you didnt stop.
You didnt notice them.
Your mind was driving you with negative thoughts.
Snap out of it!
The person staring at the front of the car in fear
Is you.
Your thoughts almost killed you.
But that one good one
Saved your life.
Imagine what could happen,
If you just paid attention to the signs.
Kelsey Jul 2022
Seek accomplishment in love

And you will never fail again
Kelsey Jun 2022
I am made of the moon and stars
A sparkle of fairy dust drifitng idly in the wind
The glint of sunlight kissing the calm ocean waves
For all I know
The world is beautiful
A balance of cosmic energy shifting from one medium to the next
The electricity bouncing back and forth between lovers
The first gust of air a baby gathers in it's lungs
This is the lulling harmony traced around the world
A silent reassurance
That everything
Will be alright.
Kelsey Apr 2022
I slipped out of the house
It was so congested in there
And family prodding
Scurrying from wall to wall
Furniture packed tightly
Papers and trash littered along the floors
The clock tick-tocking
Piercing my ears.

I stepped outside
Onto the concrete step
Shut the door to the noisy world
Life was still,
And I could breathe
So I cried.
Kelsey Apr 2022
What does it mean?
It means to cosmically follow the universe.
To tell it what you most desire.
And trust that the experiences,
The people,
The hard times,
Are all a part
Of how you will get it.
Dont question your situation.
Dont weep or smash or give up.
Trust that the flow is real
And go with it.
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