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Harriet Shea Jan 2021
A New Year has appeared out of the
blue as it always seems to do in
perfect time every year.  Now it is a
special year of miracles designed to happen
with all man coming together for the good
of all mankind in this new year 2021.

It is all up to mankind how they want to
live together. In Confusion or Peace! It
is all up to mankind how they would
love to live life on earth!

A change would be glorious for sure
drinking the fresh waters of peace
shared among all nations.

Why not live with love, it is never too
late to find it growing on your side of
the fence.

All we need to have is one loving thought at
the same time and it will be manifested
and love will never shine brighter.

Sound like a good idea to you this
New Year just around the Corner
Let's make it happen!

Peace to all mankind this New year of

Harriet Shea Dec 2019
A New Year has appeared out of the
blue as it always seems to do in
perfect time ever year.Now it is a
special year of miracles designed to happen
with all man coming together for the good
of all mankind in this new year 2020.
It is all up to mankind how they want to
live together. In Confusion or Peace! It
is all up to mankind how they would
love to live life on earth!
A change would be glorious for sure
drinking the fresh waters of peace
shared among all nations.
Why not live with love, it is never too
late to find it growing on your side of
the fence.
All we need to have is one loving thought at
the same time and it will be manifested
and love will never shine brighter.

Sound like a good idea to you this
New Year just around the Corner
Let's make it happen!

Peace to all mankind this New year of
Years 2020

(2019DerenaBree(All rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Dec 2020
Have a Blessed Christmas in the name of Our
Lord in Heaven. This day we celebrate his
birth and love for all his children.
A very special day we'll never forget for
God came to earth to spread his holy
word to us.
Remember the Christ Child who was born in
a manager with the brightest star shining
down from the heavens above.
He is Our Heavenly Father and we must
love him with all our hearts.
This is why we celebrate Christmas Day
for Our Heavenly Father in heaven.
We must always be caring in our everyday
endeavors treating everyone and everything
Remember our treasure is in all of us filled
to the brim with love.
Have A Blessed Merry Christmas!

With Love
Derena Bree
Harriet Alexina Shea
Harriet Shea Dec 2020
I have a head full of memories, a heart full of love a soul full of repentance, and a handful of friends.
We are lucky to have all we have, before saying good-bye to our delightful mysterious world so
luscious filled with wonderment and grace.

Unpacking essentials for our long trip to somewhere that light will be our guide to comfort with abundance to survive equal opportunities, a patient heart to know that life is another journey we all must continue on till the day we arrive at our paradise of souls deepest dreams.

Have now loved enough to make life comfortable, with few little regrets
and a smile to comfort the world if I should travel it, so as much as I have to admit, there is not a thing I really need, but my Maker, Family, one true friend, and peace of mind that shall be with me while my life on earth is perfect like the breeze that kisses my face so gently.

Have my way to much, wishing I could pass a little of my peace to another
who has nothing but confusion, no love to share the life of goodness and forgiveness, only lasting thoughts that continue, those who have peace welcome each day with a smile, excepting what comes!

Satisfied in mind, I donate my attention to people who need something more than food, clothing, and money, something not given very easy, but willing to take if given, an open heart filled with understanding, this is what everyone needs to make them feel happy.

I always wanted to share the happiness I found throughout life from struggles and many showers before the
rainbows appeared...Life will always be the best lesson I have ever understood while living it.

(Now the truth has become the true reality of life with each flower opening in the silence of light)

© Derena Bree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Nov 2019
I have a head full of memories, a heart full of love a soul full of repentance, and a handful of friends.
We are lucky to have all we have, before saying good-bye to our delightful mysterious world so
luscious filled with wonderment and grace.

Unpacking essentials for our long trip to somewhere that light will be our guide to comfort with abundance to survive equal opportunities, a patient heart to know that life is another journey we all must continue on till the day we arrive at our paradise of souls deepest dreams.

Have now loved enough to make life comfortable, with few little regrets
and a smile to comfort the world if I should travel it, so as much as I have to admit, there is not a thing I really need, but my Maker, Family, one true friend, and a peace of mind that shall be with me while my life on earth is perfect like the breeze that kisses my face so gently.

Have my way to much, wishing I could pass a little of my peace to another
who has nothing but confusion, no love to share the life of goodness and forgiveness, only lasting thoughts that continue, those who have peace welcome each day with a smile, excepting what comes!

Satisfied in mind, I donate my attention to people who need something more then food, clothing, and money, something not given very easy, but willing to take if given, an open heart filled with understanding, this is what everyone needs to make them feel happy.

I always wanted to share the happiness I found throughout life from struggles and many showers before the
rainbows appeared...Life will always be the best lesson I have ever understood while living it.

(Now the truth has become the true reality of life with each flower opening in the silence of light)

© 2019DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Dec 2020
Hear the wind whispering pass!
it speaks to those who hear her
softly blowing within.

As our mood changes, nature does
also, as we get to know her passion
filling our desires in time.

Spirit of the soul pours through her as we
find her dressed in garments never found
anywhere but heavenly paradise.

The wind blew evil from lands dark
sending sparkling light, freshened
with soft inspiration.

Hear the mighty wind she has a strong
voice forcibly heard, making us aware
it won't be the last.

Ignoring her message we may regret, she comes
in calmness growing impatient with those who
have no spirit of love.

Feel her touch you deeply, she is you
you have touched her heart, as she has
touched yours.

© DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2021
Hear the wind whispering past!
it speaks to those who hear her
softly blowing within.

As our mood changes, nature does
also, as we get to know her passion
filling our desires in time.

Spirit of the soul pours through her as we
find her dressed in garments never found
anywhere but heavenly paradise.

The wind blew evil from lands of dark
sending sparkling light, freshened
with soft inspiration.

Hear the mighty wind she has a strong
voice forcibly heard, making us aware
it won't be the last.

Ignoring her message we may regret, she comes
in calmness growing impatient with those who
have no spirit of love.

Feel her touch you deeply, she is you
you have touched her heart, as she has
touched yours.

© DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2019
Hear the wind whispering pass!
it speaks to those who hear her
softly blowing within.

As our mood changes, nature does
also, as we get to know her passion
filling our desires in time.

Spirit of the soul pours through her as we
find her dressed in garments never found
anywhere but heavenly paradise.

The wind blew evil from lands dark
sending sparkling light, freshened
with soft inspiration.

Hear the mighty wind she has a strong
voice forcibly heard, making us aware
it won't be the last.

Ignoring her message we may regret, she comes
in calmness growing impatient with those who
have no spirit of love.

Feel her touch you deeply, she is you
you have touched her heart, as she has
touched yours.

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Apr 2021
Hear the wind whispering past!
it speaks to those who hear her
softly blowing within.

As our mood changes, nature does
also, as we get to know her passion
filling our desires in time.

Spirit of the soul pours through her as we
find her dressed in garments never found
anywhere but heavenly paradise.

The wind blew evil from lands of dark
sending sparkling light, freshened
with soft inspiration.

Hear the mighty wind she has a strong
voice forcibly heard, making us aware
it won't be the last.

Ignoring her message we may regret, she comes
in calmness growing impatient with those who
have no spirit of love.

Feel her touch you deeply, she is you
you have touched her heart, as she has
touched yours.

©DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jul 2018

Heart dream, drift across my path
of promise, here you lay softly
hesitating, another heart beat
pause not, another after..

Linger thoughts roam, today
a tender moment, another heart
beat among promise and

Heart dream, drift across my path
echo haunt silence of night, heart
dreams continue, into my mystery
spot, serene, composed, exotic
in dawns early light.

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jul 2018
Drifting silently through my dreams
touching within, songs only I see a
lark of beauty, floating by in a glance
of silver light..

Softly lingering along with the whisper
of whispering pines, swaying in the
misty dawn, thoughts memorize
the heavens of the night before..

Beautiful desire planting roots deep
where are you little one, your glow
still radiates through each touch you
have given to me..

None but the sensitive heart knows
how deep the waters flow, yearning
touching realities now dear one, you
fall upon the ground like leaves of

Captured heart of love, stroll along
the valley of no return, remember
the dusk, when all was only a glow
of silence, remembrance of sweet

Drift through my dreams, touch my
heart, feel the storm calming, carving
deeply, a diamond made of promises.

'From my 'Heart Expressions Collection'

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea May 2021
Hear you hear me, we walk among mountain pines
high, reaching heaven, discovering fields
of wisdom among the wild, never seen
before we reach inside, we find who we
are and are not, we run away satisfied, when
 finding answers to questions no one knows
only people from another world, one in one
the universe we are.

Men as walked among each other for many years
we may look alike, but we may not think alike
many are like seeds rolling around barren hills
valleys around the universe, planting there
seeds where they will grow best if birds fly
pass, not afraid, your soul may not be
from this world, you live.

Hear you, hear me, wash in the still waters
of life, listen to your forefathers, they beat
away memories of the time, leaving a sweet
fragrance, disappearing, only now
 a vision of truth, leaving their imprints
upon minds of drifting sands.

Lay your head among the grass that grows
among the weeds exploring life's mystery
creeping with universal knowledge, we
organize our  thoughts, blinding away
the truth of existence, which will  rise higher
then a simple question, power above
collects understanding.
©Derena Bree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea May 2020
Hear you hear me, we walk among mountain pines
high, reaching heaven, discovering fields
of wisdom among the wild, never seen
before we reach inside, we find who we
are and are not, we run away satisfied, when
finding answers to questions no one knows
only people from another world, one in one
the universe we are.

Man as walked among each other for many years
we may look alike, we may not think alike
many are like seeds rolling around barren hills
valleys around the universe, planting there
seeds where they will grow best if birds fly
pass, not afraid, your soul may not be
from this world, we live

Hear you, hear me, wash in the still waters
of life, listen to your forefathers, they beat
away memories of the time, leaving a sweet
fragrance, disappearing, only now
a vision of truth, leaving their imprints
upon minds of drifting sands.

Lay your head among the grass that grows
among the weeds exploring life's mystery
creeping with universal knowledge, we
organize our  thoughts, blinding away
the truth of existence, which will  rise higher
then a simple question, power above all
collective thoughts.

©Derena Bree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Dec 2018
We search our souls to find
heavenly light bursting from

Creeping silently across
our path, into a direction
other then ourselves..

A light bright enough
to guide our darkest
side, bringing our peace
back again.

Our angels appear to teach
us how to share the light
within, and radiate love
among all men.

Little children come and
pray, angels shall teach
you one and all, heavenly
light is in our souls which
flow to our hearts and
out bringing Universal

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Oct 2023
By my side you walk, and you see the fire, it flies past
your head, you now in harm's way, you there to
fight, for the freedom you love, you'll die to keep another
strong, so true your heart, it's no longer yours.

Your arms are drawn, and you ready to take another
life to save yours, O Lord, why must one have to die before
his time, to see the clouds of glory part before his eyes
what has to be proven to make the fire stop, you wonder
till then you are on the fighting field to heaven.

You walk beside me, your angel so proud, I'll help
guide you along your way to freedoms Road, the
reason angels walk, help, and cry, you're the reason
all men must die before their time, cause your on the
field to freedom, you'll fight till your heart
beats no more, dear men of heavens run...

©DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Dec 2018
He glided across the skies
now free, no more bars
to hold him in..

Caged so long he was
never using his wings
God gave him wings
to fly fearful and free
now he is, flying
high and proud..

A bird so loved
like no other bird
he was more then just
a friend, he was so
much part of me..

Now he found away
to leave, in haste, he
flew from his cage
never looking back
just gliding across
the deep blue sky..

I shall never forget
that moment, he
took off so fast, never
to stay in that cage
any more.

He was my pal, my friend
indeed, a bird now free
to fly his way, the right

(Stay free inside and out)

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jun 22
How is your mind with mixed slants and disgusting complaints about another pleasing sight that you forgot to notice? As you know it is not you who forgot, it was the naked mind locked without practice and Identification you never saw the air bright with misty light flooding a confused mind.

No intrigued thoughts last indefinitely they pretend to be a reality but in the end, it is another place and thought you remember for a second to keep your understanding clear of interference causing frictions of mine and eternity.
Latch deeply the handle of sense and close the door to unwanted dispositions not meant to spoil a pure unconscious mind of evil surroundings lurking silently above dimensional lacerations beyond your pleasure. No words to express the thoughts that pour out of deeply conditioned thoughts.

So gather those thoughts you don't remember and lock them away till the moment comes and you can present to the world the meaning of our existence of a world set free of uncontrolled behavior in a serious manner.

Hello mind, it is almost time to close all thoughts in this dimension of restless sincerity mistaking all of your thoughts never remember when the time is right.

They will pour out in a different way that no questions will be asked. end the time is right. They will pour out in a different way that no questions will be asked.

Join your brothers and sisters and wake the mind of love, peace, and harmony, for taking the chalice will fill to the top of eternity and confusion will be softly lifted and put aside for other people locked away beneath a planet of sad dimensional longing to be known. Bleakness has just started with deep knowledge coming into place.

Comfortably each other and time will be easier.
DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Dec 2020
How is your mind with mixed slants and disgusting complaints about another pleasing sight that you forgot to notice? As you know it is not you who forgot, it was the naked mind locked without practice and Identification you never saw the air bright with misty light flooding a confused mind.

No intrigued thoughts last indefinitely they pretend to be a reality but in the end, it is another place and thought you remembered for a second to keep your understanding clear of interference causing frictions of mine and eternity
Latch deeply the handle of sense and close the door to unwanted dispositions not meant to spoil a pure unconscious mind of evil surroundings lurking silently above dimensional lacerations beyond your own pleasure. No words to express the thoughts that pour out of deeply conditioned thought.

So gather those thoughts you don't remember and lock them away till the moment comes and you can present to the world the meaning of our existence of a world set free of uncontrolled behavior in a serious manner.

Hello mind, it is almost time to close all thoughts in this dimension of restless sincerity mistaking all of your thoughts never remember when the time is right. They will pour out in a different way that no questions will be asked. end the time is right. They will pour out in a different way that no questions will be asked.

Join your brothers and sisters and wake the mind of love, peace, and harmony, for the taking the chalice will fill to the top of eternity, and confusion will be softly lifted and put aside for other people of locked away beneath a planet of sad dimensional longing to be known. Bleakness has just started with deep knowledge coming into place.

Comfort each other and time will be easier.

DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2021
She walked with her shadow, along the grassy lanes
peace-filled mind picking sugar plums among
wildflowers and berries, never had she felt
so at home among nature's beauty.

Now with pen in hand, she writes down her feelings
how she came about to find this transforming peace
that seemed to grow stronger each day.

Each drop that fell upon her face in the fresh
Summer rain was like a breeze kissing her cheek.

She spends her summers among God's beauty, and winters
among the rushed crowds working to save enough for
her summers by a lake shimmering with diamonds, when
the moon was full.

“Her paradise she called it”.

She roamed free for three months, swam in the streams by
the great Niagara wrote her feelings down in her journal
of life, (her diary of thoughts), she named it.

She never felt so worthy of God's love when she roamed
among nature, she caressed nature tenderly, her love
of loves, giving her a song only she heard from within.

Her little bit of heaven on earth.

Taken from my
'Heart's Expressions Collection'

©DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jul 2023
She walked with her shadow, along the grassy lanes
peace-filled mind picking sugar plums among
wildflowers and berries, never had she felt
so at home among nature's beauty.

Now with pen in hand, she writes down her feelings
how she came about to find this transforming peace
that seemed to grow stronger each day.

Each drop that fell upon her face in the fresh
Summer rain was like a breeze kissing her cheek.

She spends her summers among God's beauty, and winters
among the rushed crowds working to save enough for
her summers by a lake shimmering with diamonds, when
the moon was full.

“Her paradise she called it”.

She roamed free for three months, swam in the streams by
the great Niagara wrote her feelings down in her journal
of life, (her diary of thoughts), she named it.

She never felt so worthy of God's love when she roamed
among nature, she caressed nature tenderly, her love
of loves, giving her a song only she heard from within.

Her little bit of heaven on earth.

Taken from my
"Heart's Expressions" Collection

©DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2018
She walked with her shadow, along the grassy lanes,
peace filled mind she picked sugar plums among
the wild flowers and berries, never had she felt
so at home among natures beauty...Now with pen in hand
she writes down her feeling, how she came about to feel
at peace.. each drop that fell upon her face in the
fresh summer rain, was like candy pure and fresh...

She spend her summers among God's beauty, and winter
among the rushed crowds, working to save enough for
her summers by a lake shimmering with diamonds, when
the moon was full...Her paradise she called it.. she
roamed free for three months, swam in the streams by
the great Niagara, wrote her feelings down in her journal
of life, (her diary of feeling), she named it..

She never felt so worthy of God's love when she roamed
among nature, she caressed nature tenderly, her love
of loves, giving her a song only she heard from within.
her little bit of heaven on earth..

'Heart's Expressions Collection'

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2018
Hidden feelings thrown to the wind
all remembrance of reality turns
into a dream of spells, and magic...

Caught up with desire of life
thoughts rush through with feelings
of a tear shed in vain...

Lost emotions disappear, days
turn into lonely nights, and lost
love returns, to revenge love
without remorse...

Teasing plays a role, marking
the relationship once remembered
soon forgotten while children's
toys soon grow old...

Feelings once hurt with sorrow
lost it's glory, in a sudden
dream, turning it into a reality
now to be lived, the second time

Tricks of envy stand in silence
while the back ground takes
a new color of life...

Hidden feelings brings a tear
not in vain, only a lesson learned
along the grapevine of summer...

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Oct 2018
There are hidden places
down below, where
we hide in time of pain
and sorrow..

We feel much to safe
and much to peaceful
hidden down below
where no one can enter
only you..

We fine tranquility, we
fine ourselves when
we have to much stress
we hide down below
in the darkest part
of our very soul..

Life is easier, when
we escape down
below, a summer place
to go in the coldest
of winter, a cool
place to go in the heat
of summer..

Hidden places are our own
secret place, where no
one can enter, we can
leave quickly, and enter
just as fast, our own
little hide away, way down
below, our own hidden

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Nov 2018
Hold on tight throughout eternity
leave your thoughts and memories

Touch a heart, bring a smile, Don't
forget what you have always
wanted and never got..

Living is complex, worth a
million rainbows, dreaming shall
be your best friend..

Write on like you live, control
your deepest thoughts, each
heart has a secret of love

Dream on my friend, touch a
lonely heart, bring that smile
flowing to the surface..

Believe in yourself all the way
it shall be your shell of light
that shelters you from harm..

Be brave, hold on, don't give
up, there is strength deep
within each heart..

Remember your happy days
they are memories never to
be forgotten, they live on as
long as you live...

Treasures don't have to always
gleam and sparkle, the ones
that are the greatest, are the
ones you take for granted..

Follow your heart, remember
it has a mind of it's own, it will
guide you along your path
of life..

Judge no one, it is not us
who shall judge in the end
walk with your head high
never stop believing.

Hold another's hand, it may
not be smooth and soft
wisdom comes from deep
with each day you live..

Count each blessings, you
can see, feel, taste, you
can touch the heart of
God with a voice that
is sincere..

Be your own best friend
in the end it will be worth
a lifetime of living, with
you, yourself and I, three
people in one..

Just like the Father, Son
and Holy Ghost..

Life is never as bad as
you think, it is hard living
we want to much, not once
realizing we have every

Tears are shed along our
path of loneliness, we
wish, we dream, we never
really know the depth that
makes us wise..

Collect those dreams
keep them, they are priceless
they live in you, they shall
always be like a scar never

Hold on tight, throughout
eternity, leaving your
thoughts and memories

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2018
Homesick for a place not sure even exist outside
my mind, a wonderful place, a sanctuary of instant
satisfaction an eternal bliss.

We all have our space hidden deep within, a area
only we know that we go, in time of being alone
with our self of love, filled with wonder, we
become fearless of our own intentional pull.

Altogether with reinsurance, we gather a complete
essay on our wants, our needs, which are few
we need little, to have a satisfied mind.

Wanting is not of soul, it is uncertainty of hearts desired
optional attachment to understand the value
of true happiness within.

Making myself desirable of my own making, I
accomplish a unique set of intentional rules
to comfort the company in my minds soul,
called heart.

I miss my home, so deep, wild, free, establishing
a sense of belonging in a world I am not from
Yet! Their is a knowing we can make what we
desire, jumping in front of the line, getting that
intentional degree of satisfaction we may need
through much faith, hope and belief..

Remember! (Things All Happen For A Reason, Just Believe)

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Feb 2020
Throw away the thoughts that make
you sad, they will not exist if you leave
them behind, don't think of things
that will stop the light from shining

Imagine how long it takes to hollow out a
log to make a vase out of bamboo shoots
in a corner of a dark cold room, surely
not worth the effort making something
looking beautiful from the heart, but
the beauty of the effort is worth the beauty
that appears within.

Food for thought is food for the imagination
creator of majestic impossibilities possible
little bits of light to shine up a lonely spot
hiding away in your heart.

In case you stumble down the cliff of
memories you should have dismissed
many years back, now leave those
memories, the cliff is being worn down
by the waters of time.

It will now be perfect to give everything
and every one an honorable discharge
on command.

(Move on!)

Let's always be a winner!

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Feb 2022
Throw away the thoughts that make
you sad, they will not exist if you leave
them behind, don't think of things
that will stop the light from shining

Imagine how long it takes to hollow out a
log to make a vase out of bamboo shoots
in a corner of a dark cold room, surely
not worth the effort of making something
looking beautiful from the heart, but
the beauty of the effort is worth the beauty
that appears within.

Food for thought is food for the imagination
creator of majestic impossibilities possible
little bits of light to shine up a lonely spot
hiding away in your heart.

In case you stumble down the cliff of
memories you should have dismissed
many years back, now leave those
memories, the cliff is being worn down
by the waters of time.

It will now be perfect to give everything
and every one an honorable discharge
on command.

(Move on!)

Let's always be a winner!

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2023
Throw away the thoughts that make
You sad, they will not exist if you leave
them behind, don't think of things
That will stop the light from shining

Imagine how long it takes to hollow out a
log to make a vase out of bamboo shoots
in a corner of a dark cold room, surely
not worth the effort of making something
looking beautiful from the heart, but
The beauty of the effort is worth the beauty
that appears within.

Food for thought is food for the imagination
creator of majestic impossibilities possible
little bits of light to shine up a lonely spot
hiding away in your heart.

In case you stumble down the cliff of
memories you should have dismissed
many years back, now leave those
memories, the cliff is being worn down
by the waters of time.

It will now be perfect to give everything
and every one an honorable discharge
on command.

(Move on!)
Let's always be a winner!

Copyright © DerenaBree | Year Posted 2023
Harriet Shea Mar 2018
The rising sun how it rises
touches my heart, it tells me
many stories of how I'd love
it to be, when we were together
my dear.

That house of the rising sun, how
sweet you sang it, it made
me sing my own little song, and
made my life so whole. Your voice
was magical and I love it so.

You rise like that rising sun, with
a heart so golden, you'll never
know how, you are missed
I shall hold you always my dear.

Keep that heart raised, it shall
always be so golden like
the house of the rising sun.

I love the songs you sing my
dear, they always touch me deep,
remember when you feel alone
you'll never be, you'll always be
a special love in the heart of me.

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2019
How deeply she composed her
Journal before she let
the world read her heart.
Never can one understand
thoughts blooming and exploding
into the sunset of all tomorrows.
Softly like a breeze playing her
song with rays of light
shining forth, portraying her
secrets in-depth, her space
mixed with spirit-filled love
showering shades of color, peacefully
flowing from her heartfelt form
mingling through moonlight
breathlessly, admired by her
heart's sweetness, flooding all her
well-formed thoughts through the
surface of wonderment deep in her
magical dimensional journey.

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2018
The hunt begins when silence
ends, in the active evening
light, where once their were
dreams to hold, and lovers
sweet bliss.

The captive mind has wounds
to harsh to heal, in the light
of centuries, where only tears
fall in vain without a spoken

Echo's float above clouds
of white, lingering it's cries
among the best, where only
children of today seem to rule
one by one, without any remorse
marking innocence denied.

The hunt begins with prayers
in vain, with tears falling with
each whisper in the night, when
shadows are darkened deep
without thoughts or questions..

Dreams are still for dreamers
cutting out the mystic spells
that control a lovers heart while
only one glance, could make the
hunt end without destruction to
spirituality, and loves sweet

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2019
Am not here to gather information
from heartless souls, but souls of light
that will remember in time, love is
the light radiating from all souls.

Am not here to confuse anyone lacking
faith of spirit, only those who welcome
answers to the truth of source love
deepest power.

Am here to proudly announce to you! that
you are love, radiating love to those
who are still in search for that light still
remaining dim without understanding
love is the light of infinity.

Am here to help build the foundation of
love, life is not life without love
our deepest energy combining our universal
firmament together as it has always
been from the start.

We cannot gather thoughts that have
not been born to understand the reason
why love is love without substance!

When we awaken all answers shall be

The True Mystery of Creation!
And Our Creator!

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2018
I am me, how can I
be any other than me
when God created me
from his own image
and likeness.

Love yourself deeply
you have only you who
really cares what you

We wake every morning
not really thinking how
the day will go.

We do pretty much the same
thing, keeping our routine
doing what must comes

Thoughts of bad things never
enter our minds, we are
busy doing our every day work
and chores, sometimes not a
thought entering our minds
just going about our business.

I am me and must try not to
take things for granted
because the minute we lose
our awareness in life something
will throw us for a loop
that will awaken us to
the fullest.

I am me, I will always
be me, alert thankful
for being me, a child
of my Heavenly Father
in Heaven.

(You are you, love you, be kind
give Thanks to God for what
you have, it can be taken away
from us at any minute.))

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2019
I am who I am today always, stars twinkling brightly
in the evening of love and light, no thoughts to bring me
down, now that I found who I really am!

The door has opened for the last time showing me the beauty on
the other side, among desires unable to understand the full
meaning of life the way it is now.

I bow my head in respect, to mother my love of life, all these years
she has shown me why life has a plan for all of us, a devotional
pull of strings from the heart, mind, and soul, the gravity of conciseness.
connected with all.

Eyes water no more, flowers reaching full growth among
trees full with life and wisdom, peace holds the key to
eternal life. Love is the power to find it.

I am me, I have my thoughts, put away for the time I shall
walk the land of plenty, that land is perfect without
any flaws or deceit.

I am the wind blowing fresh and free among the elders of the
time before the world became cold and filled with uncertainty
I was light filled with love and harmony.

I am what I am and will remain so.

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Feb 2020
I am a woman, warrior of my
own existence, gathering strength
of courage and power of the mind

I fuse together thoughts of wonder
casting all metals earned to the

I soak in all that life has offered
me, with love, gratitude, patience
understanding, to except what must
be excepted, without weakness in
thought, becoming a warrior of
my own being.

I am a woman, warrior of completeness
lover of the universe, believer
of goodness, peace among men
united in spirit, in all dimensional
worlds of God's creation.

I am like the mighty tree of life
my branches grow to intertwine
together with strength, power
and determination.

I am a woman, I am loved, I am in
perfect control of my life's precious
Treasure, called life.

(Live life to the fullest! You only have
one chance)

© 2020DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jul 2018
I am woman, warrior of my
own existence, gathering strength
of courage and power of mind

I fuse together thoughts of wonder
casting all metals earned to the

I soak in all what life has offered
me, with love, gratitude, patience
understanding, to except what must
be excepted, without weakness of
mind, becoming a warrior, strong
in spirit.

I am woman, warrior of completeness
lover of the universe, believer
of goodness, peace among men
united with love, through all worlds
of God's creation.

I am like the mighty tree of life
my branches grow intertwining
together with strength, power
and determination.

I am woman, I am love, I am in
perfect control of my life's precious
Treasure, called life..

(Live life to the fullest! You only have
one chance)

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2020
I am a woman, warrior of my
own existence, gathering strength
courage and power of the mind
heart, and soul every day.

I fuse together thoughts of wonder
casting all metals earned to the

I soak in all that life has offered
me, with love, gratitude, patience
understanding, to except what must
be excepted, without weakness in
thought, becoming a warrior of
my own being.

I am a woman, warrior of completeness
lover of the universe, believer
of goodness, peace among men
united in spirit, in all dimensional
worlds of God's creation.

I am like the mighty tree of life
my branches intertwine together
with strength, power, determination
to fight against wrong.

I am a woman, I am in perfect
control of my life's precious
Treasure, power of love.

Warrior of my beautiful universe.

(Live life to the fullest! You only have
one chance)

© DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Dec 2018
I borrowed love from my flowers
in my flower garden, for a little
while, how warm, fragrant, as
they quietly entered, like soft music
in the misty dawn of summer

Love every where inside and out, just
notice the song that flows from
all living creatures, they have a special
note all their own.

The first snow in winter falls, gracefully
each different in shapes and song
as they drop lightly to the frozen

I borrowed all of natures love for
one season, feeling sensations of
communication and song, through
out time, she sowed her sweet
love in my soul.  

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea May 2020
I Bow My Head

I have traveled the universe in glory, touched a star
beyond reaching, I've climbed a mountain, flew
high like a hawk, free and fearless, I left each song
play through, like sparkling glitter in my soul.

I've swum streams of understanding, realizing life
maybe a struggle, only in living, shall we learn
the reason we are among the flowers blooming in
the wilderness of creation.

I have sought perfection in my own behavior, correcting
each motion that brought sadness, I've walked many miles
in many shoes, felt pain, brought laughter to those who
wore a frown.

I crossed the roads without a rose staring me in the face
I swept the paths of selfishness aside when the dust began
to pile up without notice, I've calmed the lonely heart
with love and affection, never looking back what could
cause friction and pain.

What was in this life I lived is no longer needed, I let it go.

I made friends along trails of knowledge, wisdom growing
as years passed, new roads appearing, destiny brightly
soaring forward, no dark clouds only shadows in the
distance, soon radiant  light shall cover the heavens bringing
the mighty wind of promise to a new world we have been
waiting for all generations.

Thoughts that appeared in mind no longer
shall bring dismay, we shall have our own
free spirit, as we were born with free will.

We vibrate higher with tranquil thoughts rising
higher, in the rivers of tranquility and valley
of goodness among the weeping willow
trees that weep n more.

DerenaBree(all rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jul 2021
I could wait a lifetime for the leaves of compassion
to fall upon our hearts, and watch the sun play
with rainbows after a summer shower.

I could go to sleep under a giant tree, flowers falling
upon me while dreaming peacefully in wonder.

I could count all the rocks in the green shallow
stream of color, that colored my path of golden
reddish-blue pink cobblestones offering the poor
and saddened people who laughed within, a
comforting hand from my heart of light.

I could call my name on top of a mountain, and
listen to my name across fields and streams filled
with earthly treasures, and gather each thought
and put them in a clay *** for my ancestors to
read my thoughts with clarity.

I could ride the waves of glory catching lightning
like fish. Throwing it toward the clouds of dark

I could capture the evil that lurks around
each corner, crack, hidden under dirt
filled paths of yesterday's dreams and
promises, trying to renew the stardust
yearning in eyes disappointed and
disillusioned with darkness.

I could shine my light and brighten the
earth bringing world peace, in just a
second, it would become a true reality
of unconditional love.

(Pray for that to happen every day)

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Nov 2020
I could wait a lifetime for the leaves of compassion
to fall upon our hearts, and watch the sun play
with rainbows after a summer shower.
I could go to sleep under a giant tree, flowers falling
upon me while dreaming peacefully in wonder.
I could count all the rocks in the green shallow
stream of color, that colored my path of golden
reddish-blue pink cobblestones of offering the poor
and saddened people who laughed within, a
comforting hand from my heart of light.
I could call my name on top of a mountain, and
listen to my name across fields and streams filled
with earthly treasures, and gather each thought
and put them in a clay *** for my ancestors to
read my thoughts with clarity.
I could ride the waves of glory catching lightening
like fish. Throwing it toward the clouds of dark
I could capture the evil that lurks around
each corner, crack, hidden under dirt
filled paths of yesterdays dreams and
promises, trying to renew the stardust
I could wait a lifetime for the leaves of compassion
disillusioned with darkness.
I could shine my light and brighten the
earth bringing world peace, in just a
second, it would become a true reality
of unconditional love.
(Pray for that to happen every day)
Harriet Shea Jul 2023
I could wait a lifetime for the leaves of compassion
to fall upon our hearts, and watch the sun play
with rainbows after a summer shower.

I could go to sleep under a giant tree, flowers falling
upon me while dreaming peacefully in wonder.

I could count all the rocks in the green shallow
stream of color, that colored my path of golden
reddish-blue pink cobblestones offering the poor
saddened people who laughed within, a comforting
hand from my heart of light.

I could call my name on top of a mountain, and
listen to my name across fields and streams filled
with earthly treasures, and gather each thought
putting them in a clay *** for my ancestors to
read my thoughts with clarity.

I could ride the waves of glory catching lightning
like fish. Throwing it toward the clouds of dark

I could capture the evil that lurks around
each corner, crack, hidden under dirt
filled paths of yesterday's dreams and
promises, trying to renew the stardust
yearning in eyes disappointed and
disillusioned with darkness.

I could shine my light and brighten the
earth bringing world peace, in just a
second, it would become a true reality
of unconditional love.

(Pray for that to happen every day)

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Apr 2018
I could wait a life time for the leaves of compassion
to fall upon our hearts, and watch the sun play
with rainbows after a summer shower.

I could go to sleep under a giant tree, flowers falling
upon me while dreaming peacefully in wonder.

I could count all the rocks in the green shallow
stream of color, that colored my path of golden
reddish blue pink cobble stones of offering the poor
and saddened people who laughed within, a
comforting hand from my heart of light.

I could call my name on top of a mountain, and
listen to my name across fields and streams filled
with earthly treasures, and gather each thought
and put them in a clay *** for my ancestors to
read my thoughts with clarity.

I could ride the waves of glory catching lightening
like fish. Throwing it toward the clouds of dark
I could capture the evil that lurks around
each corner, crack, hidden under dirt
filled paths of yesterdays dreams and
promises, trying to renew the stardust
yearning in eyes disappointed and
disillusioned with darkness.

I could shine my light and brighten the
earth bringing world peace, in just a
second it would become a true reality
of unconditional love.

(Pray for that to happen every day)

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea May 2020
I do not weaken in the midst of this temptation
I stand on solid ground in defense of a more
powerful Realm.

Words alone do nothing, they are spoken falsely
Collecting courage to face what is not to happen
Now, and forever.

I do not weaken, I grow stronger as grounds begin
To crumble from the injustice that grows with each breath
We take.

Surrender leaves no crumbs untouched, their ******
under without notice, when skies darken, hiding
the light that nourishes life.

I do not weaken, it's much too late for that, it has
only begun, our destiny laid out in gold, sparkling
brightly above the atmosphere of knowledge.

© Derena Bree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Feb 2019
If tomorrow never came I would
hold all my blessings in a basket
made of straw.

I cannot change the past, it
is now a memory, but I can be
the best I am this very minute
each and every second I live.

All my moments of today will
be used wisely. Soon they shall
pass away into yesterday.

I confront what comes my way
kissing the unkind deeds good-bye
being grateful for all God has
given me.

The days I've lived have never been
always good, but just living each
experience and breathing in the
freshness of each circumstance, has
made me aware, that the most simplest
things are never always simple.

(Bloom, breath in the freshness
of each day)

By Derena
© 2019 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Oct 2023
For if you only knew your power.
There wouldn't be paralyzing doubts that hold you back from speaking your truth.

For if you only knew your power.
There wouldn't be ANYTHING that anybody else could say or do, that kept you from being YOU.
For if you only knew your power.
The world would know nothing of you, but the beat of your heart, and the song in your Soul.

Remembering your power is to remember who you are.
Remember who you are and you'll also remember what it is you came here to do.

Nothing can get in your way, only the illusion of any limitation that you may perceive can make it seem so.

Shine the light of awareness on any part of you that thinks you aren't enough, capable, and/or deserving of everything your Soul desires.

Your heart-centered and felt desires are of the reality that is unfolding for you. Will you let it?

This is your power.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Jan 2022
For if you only knew your power.

There wouldn't be paralyzing doubts that hold you back from speaking your truth.

For if you only knew your power.

There wouldn't be anything anybody else could say or do, that kept you from being you.

For if you only knew your power.

The world would know nothing of you, but the beat of your heart, and the song in your soul.

Remembering your power is to remember who you are. Remember who you are and you'll also remember what it is you came here to do.

Nothing can get in your way, only the illusion of any limitation that you may perceive can make it seem so.

Shine the light of awareness on any part of you that thinks you aren't enough, capable, and or deserving of everything your soul desires.

Your heart-centered and felt desires are of the reality that is unfolding for you. Will you let it?

This is your power!

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Jan 2020
For if you only knew your power...
There wouldn't be the paralyzing doubts that hold you back from speaking your truth..

For if you only knew your power.
There wouldn't be ANYTHING that anybody else could say or do, that kept you from being YOU.
For if you only knew your power.
The world would know nothing of you, but the beat of your heart, and the song of your Soul.

Remembering your power is to remember who you are. Remember who you are and you'll also remember what it is you came here to do. Nothing can get in your way, only the illusion of any limitation that you may perceive can make it seem so. Shine the light of awareness on any part of you that thinks you aren't enough, capable, and/or deserving of everything your Soul desires. Your heart-centered and felt desires are of the reality that is unfolding for you. Will you let it?
This is your power
Harriet Shea Sep 2019
In my life, I have deeply loved with all my heart
from the day I learned to know how mother
nature made me one with her.

Nothing made me so happy to walk among the stars in the evening and
among the flowers in the day.

I have loved everything that passed my way in my life
the skylarks, birds of all kinds keeping time to each heartbeat,
the fireflies around in the summer night making
all awake and alive.

The kiss of the ocean breeze on my cheek while I walked
among the seashells and driftwood faded by the sun
the sound of the waves singing their own song under
skies of wonder and warmth.

The pine trees blowing in the wind, strong with
pride and glory, kissing each day with maybe
a final good-bye.

I have loved much more with deep awareness
never forgetting how mother kept me alive with
her brightness, restoring my bruised confidence
her beauty brought me faith in my heart that
love could bring all nations together.

I have loved to the extent of pleasure-loving each
soul God made of his own image, and through
life, till the day I breathe no more, shall I love deeply.

I have loved and cherished my children God let me share
for a while in my life..My children are the breath I take
my food of happiness, the art of glory that captures
each scene of beauty appearing in God's universe.

Have no hate to share, since I have no concept of it's
meaning! Loving is all I know and always shall know
Mother taught me at a very young age the meaning
of love with every sound of nature, majestic surroundings
that only love exists, nothing about hate, only brightness
of heart and soul excepting what each day brings with delight.

How can we hate when there is nothing but beauty
for us to see? it continues on day after day with a
the different scene for us to rejoice, and smile along
our miraculous journey, we have wondrous treasures
among the mighty Universe in all, it's heavenly glory.

Yes! I have deeply loved, my treasured life, right in front of me
worth living every day, with a thankful heart, a happy smile for
those who have never smiled from deep within.

We must all reach out to heaven's above and Thank
God for all we have! All we really need to live for in grace
is to follower the blueprints of our Master.

I hope in life! our children will be blessed, we will find the
true meaning of living in his glory, warmth grows always
without a trace of evil.

(Find your love, it's just underneath the divinity of our
beloved soul.)

© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jan 2020
In my life, I have deeply loved with all my heart
from the day I learned to know how mother
nature made me one with her.

Nothing made me so happy to walk among the stars in the evening and
among the flowers in the day.

I have loved everything that passed my way in life
the skylarks, birds of all kinds keeping time to each heartbeat,
the fireflies around in the summer night making
all awake and alive.

The kiss of the ocean breeze on my cheek while I walked
among the seashells and driftwood faded by the sun
the sound of the waves singing their own song under
skies of wonder and warmth.

The pine trees blowing in the wind, strong with
pride and glory, kissing each day with maybe
a final good-bye.

I have loved much more with deep awareness
never forgetting how mother kept me alive with
her brightness, restoring my bruised confidence
her beauty brought me faith in my heart that
love could bring all nations together.

I have loved to the extent of pleasure-loving each
soul God made of his own image, and through
life, till the day I breathe no more, shall I love deeply.

I have loved and cherished my children God let me share
for a while in my life..My children are the breath I take
my food of happiness, the art of glory that captures
each scene of beauty appearing in God's universe.

Have no hate to share, since I have no concept of it's
meaning! Loving is all I know and always shall know
Mother taught me at a very young age the meaning
of love with every sound of nature, majestic surroundings
that only love exists, nothing about hate, only brightness
of heart and soul excepting what each day brings with delight.

How can we hate when there is nothing but beauty
for us to see? it continues on day after day with a
different scene for us to rejoice, and smile along
our miraculous journey, we have wondrous treasures
among the mighty Universe in all, it's heavenly glory.

Yes! I have deeply loved, my treasured life, right in front of me
worth living every day, with a thankful heart, a happy smile for
those who have never smiled from deep within.

We must all reach out to heaven's above and Thank
God for all we have! All we really need to live for in grace
is to follow the blueprints of our Master.

I hope in life! our children will be blessed, we will find
the true meaning of living in his glory, warmth grows always
without a trace of evil.

(Find your love, it's just underneath the divinity of our
beloved soul.)

DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
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