Hold on tight throughout eternity
leave your thoughts and memories
Touch a heart, bring a smile, Don't
forget what you have always
wanted and never got..
Living is complex, worth a
million rainbows, dreaming shall
be your best friend..
Write on like you live, control
your deepest thoughts, each
heart has a secret of love
Dream on my friend, touch a
lonely heart, bring that smile
flowing to the surface..
Believe in yourself all the way
it shall be your shell of light
that shelters you from harm..
Be brave, hold on, don't give
up, there is strength deep
within each heart..
Remember your happy days
they are memories never to
be forgotten, they live on as
long as you live...
Treasures don't have to always
gleam and sparkle, the ones
that are the greatest, are the
ones you take for granted..
Follow your heart, remember
it has a mind of it's own, it will
guide you along your path
of life..
Judge no one, it is not us
who shall judge in the end
walk with your head high
never stop believing.
Hold another's hand, it may
not be smooth and soft
wisdom comes from deep
with each day you live..
Count each blessings, you
can see, feel, taste, you
can touch the heart of
God with a voice that
is sincere..
Be your own best friend
in the end it will be worth
a lifetime of living, with
you, yourself and I, three
people in one..
Just like the Father, Son
and Holy Ghost..
Life is never as bad as
you think, it is hard living
we want to much, not once
realizing we have every
Tears are shed along our
path of loneliness, we
wish, we dream, we never
really know the depth that
makes us wise..
Collect those dreams
keep them, they are priceless
they live in you, they shall
always be like a scar never
Hold on tight, throughout
eternity, leaving your
thoughts and memories
By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)