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Harriet Shea Dec 2018
Hope your day went as well as mine
it is always so wonderful to see you
when I get home from school, you know
your my number one.

Funny! how I can still remember you
watering the ice rink you made us, in twenty
below weather, you never stopped loving
us, in all your special ways, what a daddy
you are in my heart, my very special

Working never delayed your attention for
us all, jumping all over you to play with
happy faces and smiles.

Wow Daddy! you are and always be the
best daddy and man in the whole wide
world, wish I could be so lucky to fall
in love with a man like you when
I fall in love.

Will always slip a little note in your shoe
to let you know, just how much I love
you, and to thank you for being my

I know you love these little notes I
write when I see that smile upon
your weary face.

Daddy I love you, my number one!
with a golden heart, and light
that forever glows.

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jul 2018
Walking down the stone brink path
I saw it, a castle, it's beauty made me
stop and stare, amazing stories
behind this castle I thought!

Flowers outlined the old gray walls
bars covering the windows, behind
the high trees, mountains stood brave
like forbidden mounts, of snow and
green, accented from stars shining
brightly from above.

Lovely! just standing their, taking
in it's beauty, from a hard day, now
strolling in the woodlands of sheer
delight, collecting natures art free
of charge.

Fragrance from flowers stood still
not a breeze, only sweet smell of
perfume that brought thoughts
creeping in, of times, when kings
queens, roamed these paths so
worn with history.

For a instant I floated on the cobble
stone path, in a gown sparkling
like the stars, veil draping down
my shoulders, as I drifted among
night blooming jasmine, mesmerized
from the tremendous beauty, and peace
of my imaginational movie in my mind.

In the background the sounds
of flutes and laughter of children,
echoing through the air, till the sound
of traffic and horns broke the spell.

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Apr 2018
Imagine for awhile, what it would be like, to hold the one of your dreams
How great the sparkle and glow of it, just imagine how complete
Thoughts mingling together for a short time, as we would feel
Just imagine.

Imagination goes a long way, if you do not disturb the pleasure
Of a dream that could become a reality, if you believe one second
It can be, just imagine it all.

A poet travels down many roads, each very special
Just imagine the thrill that we can create in a second
If we love in a special way, tell the world how you feel
If only for the excitement of feeling loves sweet caress
Write it down, scream it from the mountain tops if you
Must, but release it..

Imagine what can be said in a few words from a poet
Determined to set his mind free, his heart flowing
Within the depths of his own imagination, no words
Need to be expressed, only thoughts written at the
Moment of creation..

By Derena

© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2019
I may be only a dreamer,
drifting along in my
own little world, singing
my own songs, writing
my own little poems..

My world turns in a
silent peaceful way,
I bring smiles to friends
around, to people who
forgot what a smile was..

I may be just a dreamer,
but I am me, with a love
only I know I hold, a
deep magical gift
God has given me when
I was born..

Understanding heart,
loving those who look
the other way, no malice
in my heart, only a loving
flow of sparkling light
that shines down on me..

I may be only a dreamer,
but I follow my heart, I
touch mankind with
compassion, and never
ending love..

Just a fun loving
lady, that has lived
two life times in one,
life has dealt me a fair
deck of cards, even with
the heartbreaks and pain,
they were lived out, with
tears not really cried in

I may be just a dreamer,
but without the dreams
and rainbows, what would
life really be, maybe a
life without purpose..

I capture all the treasures
that lie before me, and never
forget to smell the roses,
they have a sweet perfume
that goes along with lifes

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jul 2018

I'm flowing away, cannot resist this breeze,
freshly blowing across my path, I'm free,
never thought different..

Flowing away on this winter day, filled
with promise, with joy, I'm flowing,
skating on horizons glory..

Snow dancing, touching earth, touching
bliss beneath my feet, in silence flowing
away, where I've always been, from
the start..

Here one minute, gone the next, how
sweet each storm is before the
light, mother your right! you've
always known..

'You'll know my child, when the rainbow
appears,' I grew, hearing her words
through life, never knowing what she
meant till now..

Now mother, I'm here, gazing into
eyes, smiling brightly, all I've ever wanted!
was to see you smile, now I'm
happy at last..

You'll never see another tear fall,
upon the thirsty earth, you hold no more fears,
no more doubts, no more sorrow,
you finally found a place where
laughter flows..

Now I'm glowing as I flow, toward
you, where sorrow and pain has no name,
now I see the rainbow appearing as
you told me many years ago..

(Mother You'll always be beautiful to me)

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jun 2020
((Must think before you make your move
it is hard to sign your heart away in a
moment of passion.))

Baby blue, eyes sparkle, blonde hair
soft as silk to touch, tempted
to devour away, the site before me

Impulsive thoughts combine together
lust and love as one, no mind to decide
what would be wise to do, in this lovely
situation, that stares back at me.

Sultry attraction plays forward unto
me, I must touch and ******, a sculpture
so perfectly made, an angel that does not
exist before I stand.

I silently close the door where you stand
trying to forget I saw perfection, unknown to
me or anyone, that lingered among this
site, not meant to be seen by human eyes
nor love, that swam toward your image
as fast as I caught myself, fleeing away, with
tears dripping softly to the floor once again.

© DerenaBree (All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Feb 2019
Indian dreams from years long pass
soar in my head across the open skies
and land so free with love.

White men took their dreams away
locked them from their motherland
told them they would be taken care
of, all promises were broken.

A New World Has Now Been Created

We are all free, created from
one Father, to roam this dimension
of dreams, promises, finally awakening
understanding, what we thought was
separate, was only an illusion in our minds
all is love, peace, harmony, no one is better
wiser, more complete, all are one, and one
are all, in this world so fragile filled with
multitudes of distractions, and destruction
destroyed without knowing what men
ever were.

Man is Love and Nothing Else


By Derena
© 2019 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jul 2021
In my heavenly way, I cross my heart
with admiration never forgetting the
gift of unconditional love I was
born with.

Composed with attention to my
the human soul of power brightens
with love, laden with golden light
for those who carry burdens of

Lesions open with graceful knowing
that we control our every thought
in this time of slumber with searching

Warmth opens the void of cold remorse
closing no more on souls in this now
time, where we feel that golden light of
awareness once again, where darkness fell
upon love happiness and harmony.

Our New Consciousness awakens  and
our new world radiates love that was
so bright.

In my heavenly way, I know we are
on the right path once again.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Jul 2020
Calmness is lightly floating across the sky of
tranquility, you cannot touch a flame without
burning the skin of depth.

You cannot stop the bird flying to the nest to
feed her little ones, that is installed in her
soul of souls, to perform what makes her
complete her duty as a mother.

Why do we fight against feelings that grow
deeper with pain, when we hurt and cannot
stop thinking why we were the one, instead of
someone else, not true! Someone hurts more
then you can imagine, the one who was
given that hurt, learned how to grow from
it, no matter how the pain, compassion lives.

We can find out many answers  to questions
asking Our Heavenly Father in heaven, only
they come out to be different than the questions
we  asked him, he gives us answers that are best for
us, his children.

What comes our way is not always what we
ask for, but for certain, it is what we will
live with the rest of our lives, if we fail to
follow our hearts.

We walk the walk and talk the talk and pass
only once upon this earth of hard knocks.

(Now go knock yourself out, and do your best)

We all love, radiating light raising high changing
our vibration, being reborn in divine consciousness
and self-awareness.

Miracles are happening around Mother earth
nothing will ever be the same again the evil
will be extracted, and the honey shall
pour sweet and free.

With no more fear, we can flourish in the
fullest extent possible, by creating our
own reality will the leaves continue
growing on the tree of life, roots
growing deep with knowledge.

Within we grow in peace, finding our
own reality free from illusion, free
living in this now.

A new world with a deep understanding
meaning what living life is all about
not following a coded lawless
outer-intentional being, we use to be
before we moved within ourselves
becoming inter-dimensional beings of
love peace and harmony.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Jan 2019
Search the skies of the universe, nothing but vastness
beauty surrounding our little world of confusion, hills
mountains, so many never been gazed upon, words
what are they, when you cannot express what makes
the breeze blow so softly across your face..

Why do the heavens light our way in the sadness
of today's uncertain times we may ask, why, are their
any answers, only self peace, that inner peace, that
makes the darkness light..

Words written down, some poems, some stories
some news that can bring a tear flowing, when a
child has suddenly disappeared for no apparent
reason. when a women has been *****, a child
Molested, a police officer shot to death, child
abuse, where did the love go or is it in the
parallel universe we live!

Coronal Mass Ejection and Solar flares getting
to be dangerous, space shuttle having trouble
may not come home, the meteor shower will
be attacking the universe the time they are
to come home.

Was a reading that the crop circles are the places
you will be safe when the fatal Coronal Mass Ejection
is headed for earth, it will take one third of the
human race, much sad news, yet look pass the bad
depressing times, search for peace, it will bring
you home.

Inner Harmony is where it's all at, search, the gray
will leave the rainbows shows, just a look, a prayer
said from the heart, and a thank you shall bring
that peace, that inner harmony, it's like a good
song, music really calms the savage beast..

(Search! find your inner Peace and Harmony)

By Derena
© 2019 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jan 2019
Chamber of the inner mind
silently controls thoughts
flowing to the surface..

Satisfying energy blows
away unknown fears,
assembling a file, where
information is stored..

This information is called
memories, where the vault
is opened merely by a

Thoughts that hurt, are
shoved deep within
the chamber of the inner

Love, happiness, peace
are files most wanted
never always able to
unlock this area with just
a thought, you must need
a happy heart to be able to
unlock all thoughts of love
and happiness..

By Derena
© 2019 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Nov 2021
An inner spirit of wisdom and love fills all hearts
with light and peace, bring them through the
mist of understanding and knowledge of a
journey strong with effort, determination, and

Bring forth mother nature's beauty to be seen
by heart and soul, where the depth of life is
light, connected to the universe of mystery.

Raise your arms toward the sky where warmth
flows deep within us from birth, into death
when we all become spirits of light.

Learn what makes love surround us without
our knowledge of it, find the truth that
will calm the restless heart, rejoice, and swim
among the waters of tranquility.

Listen to your inner voice, it will flow through
helping you climb the mountain of hardship
and tears, it won't be hard if you have the
faith to believe, hope to make it possible.

The inner spirit of love and peace carves your message
in the heavens for all God's children to radiate there
light from their souls to complete unity throughout the

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2024
An inner spirit of wisdom and love fills all hearts
with light and peace, bring them through the
mist of understanding and knowledge of a
journey strong with effort, determination, and

Bring forth mother nature's beauty to be seen
by heart and soul, where the depth of life is
light, connected to the universe of mystery.

Raise your arms toward the sky where warmth
flows deep within us from birth, into death
when we all become spirits of light.

Learn what makes love surround us without
our knowledge of it, find the truth that
will calm the restless heart, rejoice, and swim
among the waters of tranquility.

Listen to your inner voice, it will flow through
helping you climb the mountain of hardship
and tears, it won't be hard if you have the
faith to believe, hope to make it possible.

The inner spirit of love and peace carves your message
in the heavens for all God's children to radiate there
light from their souls to complete unity throughout the

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Oct 2020
Inner spirit of wisdom and love, fill all hearts
with light and peace, bring them through the
mist of understanding and knowledge of a
journey strong with effort, determination, and

Bring forth mother natures beauty to be seen
by heart and soul, where the depth of life is
light, connected to the universe of mystery.

Raise your arms toward the sky where warmth
flows deep within us from birth, into death
when we all become spirits of light.

Learn what makes love surround us without
our own knowledge of it, find the truth that
will calm the restless heart, rejoice and swim
among the waters of tranquility.

Listen to your inner voice, it will flow through
helping you climb the mountain of hard knocks
and tears, it won't be hard if you have the
faith to believe, and the Hope to make it possible.

Inner spirit of love and peace carve your message
in the heavens for all God's children to radiate there
light from there souls to complete unity throughout the

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved).
Harriet Shea May 2019
Before eyes so blurred, behold beauty
no other can gaze upon, wonders so
magnificent no words have power to

Treasures of vastness, beauty, nature
in its splendor, appears so still among
years of growth, what happened through
centuries when Indians roamed this
mighty land I wonder!

History born without notice among this
land so thick with wonder, sit and listen
to sounds of nature, music not forgotten
new sounds, new life, new treasures no
other can make so complete.

Glory is each moment spent with life's
mysteries, many thoughts, much peace
comes from a heart so sensitive to
mother nature. God was creative in his
thoughts and deeds, we should be in the
same in thought.

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Apr 2018
Mischievous thought carefully fly across
my minds eye, achieving one thing that was
important to control another disappearing
attempt, to conquer the most distinguishing
meaningless insignificant accomplishment, for
the reality of just one glance of interest that
you thought could not be achieved by a clumsy

Dismissal source comet h about before the
eyes close tightly with disappointment, and
revenge from savage behavior on time for
the first landing, of your inhumane insanity
magnifying twice the multitude of worth and
clueless behavior any one with control would
think, misleading truth, from evil interpretations
upon arrival, disapproved by the leaders of
the worlds manufactures, causing collapse
destruction of a worthy cause to bring world
peace and harmony back once again

Insignificant Dismissal is upon us.

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Oct 2020
In silence of mind
we collect each thought
as they appear and go
releasing, adding another
different, from the last.
Complex ed or confused
we settle for what may
come to us.
Calmness divines two
different individuals
in one, with one thought
differing sufficiently
excepting the difference.
Stronger or weaker we fight
for the challenge to
perform perfection that
does not exist.
Silence of mind play
silly games when serious
thoughts must not falter
risking uncertain
Be silent, listen to mind
it speaks without words.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Oct 2019
How inspiration leads us to
a different world altogether.

No words to explain how it can be
our life's guide through the help of
our Heavenly Father.

Our inner voice speaks so softly, we
must be very aware to hear it.

It's like our super- consciousness speaking
words of advice, wisdom, answering
many questions, we have no answers

A song, poem, music, creating something
from nothing, our inner voice speaks called

Do not forget to meditate!
Meditation comes deep within, and
can calm a being of terror, to a being
of peace.

Let your mind travel far away and you shall be
inspired beyond compare.

(Inspiration lives within us all)

© 2019DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jul 2019
In the midst of my day's inspiration
I capture each though tucking it
away for another time when I may
need a little extra love.

Silently observing calmness of a
cool evening breeze, listening to
the whipper -wills in the tall pine
trees of summer, and waves hitting
Rocks below, I look up among
the stars kissing the moon.

Nature filled with endless beauty
touches deep within my heart not
having any explanation of God's
sweet love given me each
day I live.

Time floating by blissful with love
sweet appreciation and devotion
I need not think what would happen
if I never had faith hope and love.

(Love and gather those flowers
that grow in front of you)

God Forever Keep you in his Arms
while you shone down your light

Harriet Shea Nov 2020
Inspired thoughts climbing to heights that have no explanation to who we must have been once upon a time..
We cling to the imagination and what was once a matter of interfering love caught in a time of space.
We assumed that love was just a word without meaning, only one thing they forgot to mention that love did not come from us it came from a higher power fill with enlightenment and peace
Inspired but once only in those ways can you really understand the knowledge and wisdom you really have and comes out in thoughts without notice.
Flowing through channels unknown to man thoughts gather together to make meaning clear once again what a civilize thought use to mean in long lost centuries
Cannot gather snow among the wilderness once that craved rainbows filled with brightness and truth.
Enlightenment casts her shadow upon people of light and peace, people are known for their strength and courage to resist evil and darkness that comes with it.
No more shall the largest star anoint us and bring us untruth to our fellowman known now as the white angels of understanding and knowledge.
Come collect your favors of love which is true to your spirit that brings wisdom, and wisdom brings understanding, to your questions without answers.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Dec 2020
Inspired thoughts climbing to heights that have no explanation to who we must have been once upon a time.
We cling to the imagination and what was once a matter of interfering love caught in time of space.
We assumed that love was just a word without meaning, only one thing they forgot to mention that love did not come from us it came from a higher power fill with enlightenment and peace
Inspired but once only in those ways can you really understand the knowledge and wisdom you really have and comes out in thoughts without notice.
Flowing through channels unknown to man thoughts gather together to make meaning clear once again what a civilized thought use to mean in long lost centuries.
Cannot gather snow among the wilderness once that craved rainbows filled with brightness and truth.
Enlightenment casts her shadow upon people of light and peace people known for their strength and courage to resist evil and darkness that comes with it.
No more shall the largest star anoint us and bring us untruth to our fellowman known now as the white angels of understanding and knowledge.
Come collect your favors of love which is true to your spirit that brings wisdom, and wisdom brings understanding, to your questions without answers.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Oct 2019
Inspired thoughts climbing to heights that have no explanation to who we must have been once upon a time.
We cling to the imagination and what was once a matter of interfering love caught in a time of space.

We assumed that love was just a word without meaning, only one thing they forgot to mention that love did not come from us it came from a higher power fill with enlightenment and peace
Inspired but once only in those ways can you really understand the knowledge and wisdom you really have and comes out in thoughts without notice.

Flowing through channels unknown to man thoughts gather together to make meaning clear once again what a civilize thought to use to mean in long lost centuries
Cannot gather snow among the wilderness once that craved rainbows filled with brightness and truth.

Enlightenment casts her shadow upon people of light and peace, people are known for there strength and courage to resist evil and darkness that comes with it.

No more shall the largest star anoint us and bring us untruth to our fellowman known now as the white angels of understanding and knowledge.

Come collect your favors of love which is true to your spirit that brings wisdom, and wisdom brings understanding, to your questions without answers.

© 2019DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Dec 2021
Inspired thoughts climb to heights that have no explanation for who we have been once upon a time.

We cling to the imagination and what was a matter of interfering love caught in a time of space.

We assumed that love was just a word without meaning, only one thing they forgot to mention, love didn't come from us it came from a higher power filled with enlightenment and peace.

Inspired but once only in ways can we understand the knowledge and wisdom we have in our thoughts without notice.

Flowing through channels unknown to man, thoughts gather together to make meaning clearer, what a civilized thought used to mean in long-lost centuries.

We cannot gather snow in the wilderness once it is installed with rainbows brightness and truth.

Enlightenment casts her shadow upon people of light and peace, people are known for their strength and courage to resist evil and the darkness that comes with it.

No more shall the largest star anoint us and bring us untruth to our fellowman known now as the white angels of understanding and knowledge.

Come collect your favors of love which is true to your spirit that brings wisdom, and wisdom brings understanding, to your questions without answers.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2023
Inspired thoughts climb to heights that have no explanation for who we have been once upon a time.

We cling to the imagination and what was a matter of interfering love caught in a time of space.

We assumed that love was just a word without meaning, only one thing they forgot to mention, love didn't come from us it came from a higher power filled with enlightenment and peace.

Inspired but once only in ways can we understand the knowledge and wisdom we have in our thoughts without notice.

Flowing through channels unknown to man, thoughts gather together to make meaning clearer, what a civilized thought used to mean in long-lost centuries.

We cannot gather snow among the wilderness once it is installed with the rainbow's brightness and truth.

Enlightenment casts her shadow upon people of light and peace, people are known for their strength and courage to resist evil and the darkness that comes with it.

No more shall the largest star anoint us and bring us untruth to our fellowman known now as the white angels of understanding and knowledge.

Come collect your favors of love which is true to your spirit that brings wisdom, and wisdom brings understanding, to your questions without answers.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Mar 2022
In the stillness of the night, we listen
to the silence that connects the gems
of awareness deep within ourselves.

Thoughts dance tranquil in the cavern
of solitude where perfection lives deep
with the love we carry.

In conscious behavior, we balance uniquely
in the untamed forest of questionable
authority, that becomes alive with majestic

Surrendering unto the mighty power we carry
through infinity, we now pronounce the magnificent
the reality of what we have discovered by letting
no illusions we have never created.

In calmness, soaring high like an eagle in flight
a breeze passes uncovering the truth we never
thought would be so easily understood or questioned
by a complex mind.

In the mind of ethologists, there are no answers that
can explain the  human mind through our many

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Jun 2020
Continuous decay raffles diligently, remorse
never noticed silently in the frailness of equal
respect in an orderly fashion.

Embark against embroidered contempt, bringing
an alternative understanding of ignorance that is
welded in steel without disillusionment.

Insulate material strength using well the power
it carries when used correctly, it never deceives
only remarkable consequences arrive when the mind
does not fight the truth.

Compare each union with another watching how
everything comes together, knowing only love of
self can bring everyone together without a thought
to recover what was, only love shall open a crack
that keeps the light from shining out to cover each
sphere that darkens brighten.

Understanding can starve out evil while goodness
can radiate power to bring harmony among all with
truth and love, ending decay, remorse, and stagnate

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2024
In the collective mind, we stop a moment in awareness listening to the silence of uncertainty, knowing we live for the now, this very moment,  each breath released is all we have.

Lasting a lifetime collecting thoughts of what have never been our
thoughts but an assumption of our supper human consciousness.

Assembled well, the core of existence follows the song that insistently echoes through.

Darkness falls in desperation, confused about where the light is
through the absent-minded people with no consciousness or beliefs
of our ancestors who loved life dressed in all, its glory.

Nothing but hearts that grew strong in those days when storms came, leaving doubt but holding onto hope, having enough
faith that all shall be conquered gracefully in love and equality.

Wherever our minds have floated too, they have come from ourselves first, leaving as fast as the misunderstood thoughts of the uninsured idealistic race of clones of 5G.

Astounded, we blame another for what took place in seconds when we lost awareness to cope with self-truth uniting as one with each
other as we are all one divided, turned face, dividing into a void
of weary confused people who made a choice, not rewarding compliments only facets of misunderstanding choose the
the direction of defeat and darkness.

Fly by the airs of sophistication  watching and caressing a misplaced era of corruption, taking pleasure in what makes one
bleed deeply now, expanding around a new way of eternal thinking of unbelievers wanting attention through devotional weakness of fear that they created.

No hesitation controls motivation, only deception rules the mind
of lost freedom of spirituality.

Desperation scrolls the pages of life's new desires upon arrival
of re-birth without knowledge, understanding, and wisdom deep
enough to know the results of constructed ideas in the old era
had once upon a time in that world of freedom, love, compassion
for others as we still are Divine Spiritual entities lost and alone
trying to find our way back to God.

Paradise returns when we think of paradise.
Love returns when we think of love.
Trust returns when we think of trust.
Unity returns when we think to unite.
Light appears when we find our purpose.

We are all Divine Beings, regardless, of whether we believe or not, this is why
we need to go within and find our force, our reason for struggling
our satisfaction of happiness and devotion to ourselves for
remaining strong in our beliefs.

We must live and be released flying free in the heavens of
our higher self of Love Divine.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved).
Harriet Shea Nov 2020
In the collective mind, we stop a moment in awareness listening to the silence of uncertainty, knowing we live for the now, this very moment,  each breath released is all we have.

Lasting a lifetime collecting thoughts of what have never been our
thoughts but an assumption of our supper human consciousness.

Assembled well, the core of existence follows the song that insistently echo's through the fabric of the Universe.

Darkness falls among desperation, confused where the light is
through the absent-minded people with no consciousness or beliefs
of our ancestors that loved life dressed in all, it's glory.

Nothing but hearts that grew strong in those days when storms came, leaving doubt but holding unto hope, having enough
faith that all shall be conquered gracefully in love and equality.

Where ever our minds have floated too, they have come from ourselves first, leaving as fast as the misunderstood thoughts of the uninsured idealistic race of clones of 5G.

Astounded, we blame another for what took place in seconds when we lost awareness to cope with self-truth uniting as one with each
other as we are all one divided, turned face, dividing into a void
of weary confused people who made a choice not rewarding compliments only facets of misunderstanding choose the
direction of defeat and darkness.

Fly by the airs of sophistication  watching and caressing a misplaced era of corruption, taking pleasure in what makes one
bleed deeply now, expanding around a new way of eternal thinking of unbelievers wanting attention through devotional weakness of fear that they themselves created.

No hesitation controls motivation, only deception rules the mind
of lost freedom of spirituality.

Desperation scrolls the pages of life's new desires upon arrival
of re-birth without knowledge, understanding, and wisdom deep
enough to know the results of constructed idea's the old era
had once upon a time in that world of freedom, love, compassion
for others as we still are Divine Spiritual entities lost and alone
trying to find our way back to God.

Paradise returns when we think of paradise.
Love returns when we think of love.
Trust returns when we think of trust.
Unity returns when we think to unite.
Light appears when we find our purpose.

We are all Divine Beings, regardless, believe it or not, this is why
we need to go within and find our force, our reason for struggling
our satisfaction of happiness and devotion to ourselves for
remaining strong in our beliefs.

We must live and release flying free in the heavens of
our higher-self of Love Divine.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved).
Harriet Shea May 2023
Completed forces take away mindless memories
forsaken by the lost who cherished them once!

No place to capture thoughts that wander spaciously in
glorified unblemished visions, spreading lighted realities
forward in the misty bleakness that must now turn away
the darkness of uncertainty.

Behold your spirit of knowledge-creating splendorous
sights beyond our expectations, marvelously moving
past familiar sights, atmosphere beyond our insight
of knowing, was never meant to be known till all
skies were purified.

Surrendering, we catch sights much to glory to gather
within the truth that created seeds made from our
magical love so profound to understand!

Lost in sparkling delight, the entrance appears plain in
image, luxurious swirling colors surround the mind
of untouched realities unknown, amazed by the sight
of every dream imaginable in one lifetime.

Succulent desire unfolds miraculously, releasing sweet
remembrance splurging from the depths that were never
meant to shower down love that destroyed evil!

Strength gathers power in time of immersed lacerated

Gather together what must be gathered fleeing to
the side you desire.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Mar 2022
Completed forces take away mindless memories
forsaken by the lost who cherished them once!

No place to capture thoughts that wander spaciously in
glorified unblemished visions, spreading lighted realities
forward in the misty bleakness that must now turn away
the darkness of uncertainty.

Behold your spirit of knowledge-creating splendorous
sights beyond our expectations, marvelously moving
past familiar sights, atmosphere beyond our insight
of knowing, was never meant to be known till all
skies were purified.

Surrendering, we catch sights much to glory to gather
within the truth that created seeds made from our
magical love so profound to understand!

Lost in sparkling delight, the entrance appears plain in
image, luxurious swirling colors surround  the mind
of untouched realities unknown, amazed by the sight
of every dream imaginable in one lifetime.

Succulent desire unfolds miraculously, releasing sweet
remembrance splurging from the depths that were never
meant to shower down love that destroyed evil!

Strength gathers power in time of immersed lacerated

Gather together what must be gathered fleeing to
the side you desire.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Oct 2019
In this quiet night of love, she
thawed threw the ice, melting
away from the coldness of gloom
and confusion.

Must have been the time to feel
the gravity that hid away in
the distance, never showering
away from her mystified shade in
silent refrain.

Carefully the touch continued
on with compassion, and the
stars once again sparkled
like they never did before
the storm touched down and
chased away each fear.

In the silence of night glass
became filled with awareness
one more time before it leaked
out slowly with few regrets.

Now, without concern, filtered
smoke disappeared, no more
reason to have it return, cause
the silence has entered, clouds
have no reason to cover away
the truth..

© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jun 2020
Into the unknown, I fall
so aware how I have always
known where I was going
in this wilderness of
desired journey's.

Now that I'm sure where
my path leads me, it does
not despair me as it did
once upon a time when
darken trails led nowhere
or brought enlightenment.

All troubles are not sorrows
we would like to forget in
moments of being alone, they
are the power of achievements.

Moments of being alone are
like flowers waiting for the water
they are so thirsty.

We need the knowledge to understand
the work before we begin the

We tumble dry till we know
the fall will never be so
bewildering crashing without
finding the truth.

It is rather pleasant knowing
life has struggles we fight
they make us strong to take
another leap toward a brighter

One day at a time, one
moment to moment
is worth pain
if we learn the
whole truth
of life.

So keep falling into the
unknown till you stop
worrying how long
you're going to fall!

Keep reaching within yourself
till you find your love-fire in
your soul, that will be the knowing
you have been waiting for all your life.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Oct 2024
Into the unknown, I fall
so aware of how I have always
known where I was going
in this wilderness of
desired journey's.

Now that I'm sure where
my path leads me, it does
not despair me as it did
once upon a time when
darken trails led nowhere
or brought enlightenment.

All troubles are not sorrows
we would like to forget in
moments of being alone, they
are the power of achievements.

Moments of being alone are
like flowers waiting for the water
they are so thirsty.

We need the knowledge to understand
the work before we begin the

We tumble dry till we know
the fall will never be so
bewildering crashing without
finding the truth.

It is rather pleasant knowing
life has struggles we fight
they make us strong enough to take
another leap toward a brighter

One day at a time, one
moment to moment
is worth pain
if we learn the
whole truth
of life.

So keep falling into the
unknown till you stop
worrying how long
you're going to fall!

Keep reaching within yourself
till you find your love fire in
your soul, that will be the knowing
You have been waiting for it all your life.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Oct 2021
Intuitive Insight

We cannot be what we are with only thoughts
flowing down the hallway of our minds.

If we are wise in times of invisible turmoil
completing tasks that follow with rewards
blowing softly across determined
obstacles, connected favorably
we are warriors of spirit.

Select careful, armor that protects depths
of instability unsteadily maneuvering across
segments of dense structures separated by
multinational realities.

Programming capabilities capture untruth
among dominant individuals unstable, unreliable
to take the sword by the handle instead of a blade
cutting deep with untruthful discolorations
of nun-wholesome gratifications of handlers
of misunderstood non-believers of unknown
illusions corrupted by those who never found
the love fire within!

Easy to manifest a thought, only be sure each
thought captures light instead of darkness
leading to disturbing imaginative truths
we create without our knowledge.

Sign each thought with love from
soul, heart, collecting your reward when
you have tuned in with your intuition.

Insight is most definitely our intuition!

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Nov 2020
Invaders ******* darkens
with awareness, locking
immensely layered thoughts
pronounced in moments of simplicity
liquefying away the outer surface of
momentary understandings.

Not in doubts that surround a
the wondering heart will the hammer of
resistance fall among the strong that

Invaders become weary in moments
of conflict, surpassing grounds they
themselves do not understand.

Desperation envelopes it's victims in
silence, where no sound can distract
the unknown invader of confidence
and true devotional motivates.

Multitudes of believers invade grounds
of uncertain surroundings that control
the upper Superior, existing among
the unsupervised delinquents of fervent
disciple d coded revolutionary regiments
of the new order of commitment.

Invaders rule in firmness locking away
individual belief in its new dominate
ability, to rule in fairness, so strength
controls weakness untouchable
and fearless in the end.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Apr 2018
I open my mind to catch the other
me, singing in the moonlight, of each
tender thought of those I love.

I open my heart from my soul, knowing
their is the other me, hidden away from
evil that lurks beyond.

I open my eyes wide enough to see what I
never seen, before I found the other me
looking for me that breezy chilly night.

I opened my mouth to taste the forbidden
fruit, before finding the other me with a
sense of humor, a open mind, that could
of caused me to never find the real me.

I opened my ears to listen to music, wishing
I had listened to before, I found the other
me, playing with fire.

I opened up my whole body and found out
I was a light being, now that I have found
the real me, I dance with glee.

I have no desire to find another me, so I shall
close my mind, and just be me..

(Now go find yourself, I found me)

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2019
The way I think and feel! is it of importance?
I don't think of it, in a way that makes one
of importance.

Always love yourself first

We grow, we know it's not a clearly paved
road, yet continue believing in what has
made us grow, what made us
feel of importance through

Always love yourself first

If we share just a small part of our happiness
with another, they'll forget why they
feel the way they do, left to
ponder on, of their own

Always love yourself first

You see! the way I see it! it is not
how we feel about ourselves, it is
how we feel, making another
feel important enough for us to

Always love yourself first

Selfish desires do not count, not in
my book of life, it is the one who
has nothing important, enough
to know his worth, they are the ones
of importance and truth.

Always love yourself first

They are the ones who radiate, the teacher
of life and wisdom, it is not of himself
he cares, but those that don't care!

Always love yourself first

We must care enough to care, enough
to know, life is not only for the man
that has everything, he is the one who
has nothing, the one who cannot
share his worth.

Always love yourself first

(You cannot be happy without sharing)

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2021
The way I think and feel! Is it of importance?
I don't think of it, in a way that makes one
of importance, as long as we love deep
enough in our higher self, that is the
importance of our existence.

Always love yourself first

We grow up knowing it's not a paved
road, yet continue in what has made
us grow, what made us shine our light
for our fellowman.

Always love yourself first

If we share just a small part of our inner
happiness with another, we'd  forget why we
ever felt the way they do now.

Always love yourself first

You see! the way I look at it! it is not
how we feel about ourselves as long
as we know we love ourselves enough
to make another feel loved and important
in his own eyes.

Always love yourself first

Selfish desires do not count, not in
my book of life, those who have
nothing, knowing  his self-worth
searching deep enough to have found
that divine love we all need to exist
in this troublesome confused world
we live today.  They are the survivors.

Always love yourself first

They are the ones who radiate, the teachers
of life and wisdom, it is not of  himself
he cares, but those that don't care!
He already knows the love of his higher self.

Always love yourself first

We must love enough to care, enough
to know, that life is not only for the man
that has everything, he is the one who
has nothing, the one does not love his

Always love yourself first

(You cannot be happy without loving your higher self)

©DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jan 2023
How we carry the load upon our backs of
memories we wish could once again be our

We keep time in different ways like music use
to make our hearts skip a beat to a happy
tune, now the music of the soul is gone replacing it
with unanswered questions, fear, and doubt
isolating man within a place of cold unawareness.

Confinement we seem to choose to live each
moment making no difference how fragile the
world of unconscious thoughts used to glow with
hope, faith, and love we shared among all the species
here on earth, appreciating the happiness that we were
free to make dreams come true without the darkness
and shades that surround us.

With unwillingness, we no longer believe or care
for ourselves, only drifting deeper into the void of
nothing matters just time that passes on the darkened
paths that go nowhere, minds empty, forgotten brightness
of light that once filled all hearts and souls.

Now! Look around and see the emptiness in the eyes
of people who threw away their faith for
something they thought was better.

The wind blows past empty hearts that use
to enjoy the simple life, now emptiness
darkens the light away.

Now, all has changed because we choose
to live differently forgetting the joys of
just living as Children of God.

Our Heavenly Father once said hanging on
the cross before he died! “Forgive them, Father, for
they do not know what they do!”.

Maybe in the new world that is upon us now, we'll
remember exactly why we even existed! Till then
we roam without a thought of what Love even
means.  We merely exist.

We are no good to ourselves when we have no
idea who we are!

Many answers may satisfy man's distorted
mind!  But in time we shall find the answers

Copyright © DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Apr 2021
How we carry the load upon our backs of
memories we wish could once again be our

We keep time in different ways like music use
to make our hearts skip a beat to a happy
tune, now the music of the soul is gone replacing it
with unanswered questions, fear, and doubt
isolating man within a place of cold unawareness.

Confinement we seem to choose to live each
moment making no difference how fragile the
world of unconscious thoughts used to glow with
hope, faith, and love we shared among all the species
here on earth, appreciating the happiness that we were
free to make dreams come true without the darkness
and shades that surround us.

With unwillingness, we no longer believe or care
for ourselves, only drifting deeper into the void of
nothing matters just time that passes on the darkened
paths that go nowhere, minds empty, forgotten brightness
of light that once filled all hearts and souls.

Look around and see the emptiness in the eyes
of people who threw away their faith for
something they thought was better.

The wind blows past empty hearts that use
to enjoy the simple life, now emptiness
darkens the light away.

All has changed because we choose
to live differently forgetting the joys of
just living as Children of God.

Our Heavenly Father once said hanging on
the cross before he died! “Forgive them, Father, for
they do not know what they do!”.

Maybe in the new world that is upon us now, we'll
remember exactly why we even existed! Till then
we roam without a thought of what Love even
means.  We merely exist.

We are no good to ourselves when we have no
idea who we are!

Many answers may satisfy man-distorted

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Jul 2020
It's a hateful world, which we can go around
ignoring the lost who roam needlessly, for they
will soon find true happiness, within the depths
of their own souls, by finding themselves.

It's hard enough to move a mountain, but the warmth
can melt steel, as miracles can change this life of

You can build walls as high as the sky, ignoring
life for what it is, but soon those walls will fall leaving
us unprotected to weather the storm.

It does no good to be as bitter as our mistreatment's
become memories, and our hurts a reminder of what
never has to be again.

We can live in a bubble and dream only dreams that
are beautiful, but life is cruel and so unfair, so unlike
when you were a child playing in your sandbox
building sandcastles.

Now the castles have fallen and can never be built
the same, but another castle can be built from your
own strength and understanding, one that will never
fall through all the storms.

Still, though life's sorrows, there are many memories
that carry us through with laughter and sunshine
coloring our times we didn't care if the rivers over
flowed, the trees still were nourished and the roots
deep enough to survive.

So how cruel life can be, people can be also, many, have
no knowledge how cruel they can be, even though they
say words can never hurt you, words can bring you to
your knee's.

Ever gazed into a pair of eyes that had no expression?
no feeling, just a dark void! An empty shell just existing
for existing! how sad, you can actually feel the
person crying, feeling their anguish.

They are someone's son or daughter and loved ever so
much one point in time, somehow something drained
the very life from us, making us the living dead.

This is one reason we should not be so involved in ourselves
alone, when we think we have it bad, we must never forget
someone else has it worse than us.

Have you ever went without food for a week, and as
the hours passed, the pains became so intense you
wanted to die? We may not, but take a look at all the
people who are dying because they cannot nourish
themselves to live.

Look at all the food that is thrown away while others
are dying from lack of it. Yes! this world is cruel and
we are trying not to notice, but it's thick as fog
it will never be hidden from us or the world.

There are many that care much to help those who are
less fortunate, but we need more in this world
to make love shine throughout.

We need to check ourselves each and one of us, and find out
if we are following our own judgments of self! or going
along with the crowd? Going within to find who we are
is essential for the survival of human life on planet earth.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Feb 2019
I want to see the light shine through the eyes of men, as it does through the eyes of a child.

I want to watch a falling star zoom across the heavens, and know if I made a wish it may just happen to come true.

I want to swim in the rivers of tranquility and feel the warmth of love showing face throughout the world.

I want to feel the wind kiss my cheek as I make my journey through this world not always understanding and kind.

I want to find God in my life and think only good thoughts of people may they be good or bad.

I want to collect memories of goodness and put them in my heart for safe keeping.

I want to fill my treasure chest full of good deeds and put a smile on faces who forgot how to smile when they should have been smiling all the time with gratitude.

I want to walk among the wildflowers and smell the sweet grasses so fresh and inspiring.

I want to skate just one more time across heaven with clouds fluffy and white.

I want this world to come together realizing that we are all united as one.

I want to feel the warmth of the mother sun and see the face of father moon. That both are here for us to survive and understand the meaning of why we must learn to love and respect one another in the eyes of Our Heavenly Father.

I want to sing my songs in peace and shower down all my knowledge to those I love with heart.

Derena Bree
Harriet Shea Aug 2020
I want to see the light shine through the eyes of men as it does through the eyes of a child.

I want to watch a falling star zoom across the heavens, and know if I made a wish it may just happen to come true.

I want to swim in the rivers of tranquility and feel the warmth of love showing face throughout the world.

I want to feel the wind kiss my cheek as I make my journey through this world not always understanding and kind.

I want to find God in my life and think only good thoughts of all men may they be good or bad.

I want to collect memories of goodness and put them in my heart for safekeeping.

I want to fill my treasure chest full of good deeds and put a smile on faces who forgot how to smile when they should have been smiling all there life with gratitude.

I want to walk among the wildflowers and smell the sweet grasses so fresh and inspiring.

I want to skate just one more time across heaven with clouds fluffy and white.

I want this world to come together realizing that we are all united as one divine spirit.

I want to feel the warmth of our mother sun and see the face of father moon.

Want to understand the meaning of why we must learn to love ourselves with the power of love within all of us!

I want to sing my songs in peace and shower down all my knowledge to those I love with all my heart.

I want to feel the breeze of new days to come, being
cherished by all who have awakened to the light, circling
all dimensional life excepting the journey we had to take
to find our way.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Jan 2020
How deeply she composed her
Journal before she let
the world read her heart.

Never can one understand
thoughts blooming and exploding
into the sunset of all tomorrows.

Let it be in the silence of each memory
flowing peacefully above clouds waiting for
a moment such as this to mediate completing
the circle of life

Softly like a breeze playing her
songs with rays of light
shining forth, portraying her
secrets in-depth, her spirit mixed
with love showering down shades
of color, peacefully flowing from
her heartfelt form, mingling with
the moonlight, breathlessly she connects
with her deepest desires of life sweet
repour flooding from each thought she
ever had to the surface of this wonderful
experience, sweet essence of a new
birth, a new beginning of a never-ending
magical Dimensional journey.

Each journey only gets easier, more
lovelier than the one before shining
brighter each time souls exchange
we are Multidimensional beings.

(2020DerenaBree(All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2020
How deeply she composed her
Journal before she let
the world read her heart.

Never can one understand
thoughts blooming and exploding
into the sunset of all tomorrows!

Let it be in the silence of each memory
flowing peacefully above clouds waiting for
a moment such as this to emerge completing
the circle of life.

Softly, like a breeze playing her
songs with rays of light
shining forth, portraying her
secrets in-depth, her spirit mixed
with love showering down shades
of color, peacefully flowing from
her heartfelt form, mingling with
the moonlight, breathlessly she connects
with her deepest desires of life sweet
repour flooding from each thought she
ever had to the surface of this wonderful
experience, sweet essence of a new
birth, a new beginning of a never-ending
magical Dimensional journey.

Each journey only gets easier, more
lovelier than the one before shining
brighter each time souls exchange
we are Multidimensional beings in
love with love.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Mar 2021
Thoughts that made me strong today
when all my life was filled with doubt
and insecurity, I realized through all the
pain we go through, it never lasts but strengthens
our hearts.

Life's memories captured much to be blessed today
when I thought we'd never make it, we made it
with our love, faith growing together, and hope
only grew brighter.

We can surely make everything work if we have
to, found out in those days when the dark clouds
of fear drifted too close to my reality.

Found out believing, creates miracles that we never
dream pt could happen, but faith has wings like
angels flying above our heads.

''Time of the now, is all we have and what has been
lived, a lesson we all have to learn to become
wise, strong in love.

Always beneficial to remember thoughts that
made us strong through hardship and struggles
we shall grow to evolve within the depths of
our own knowledge through living.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Nov 2020
Do not fear what is nothing to fear about
just awaken to your higher-self!
Awaken your emotions to your desired
self, you'll shiver with regret if you
do not surrender!
Your destiny is only a heartbeat
away from all possibilities created by
you alone!
Do not dismiss your happiness
following the storm, when hearts
been waiting for so long to intertwine.
Awaken without delay, grasp unto those
dreams hanging among the flowers
growing more impatient as your
illusions begin to fade and truth
announces love of higher-self.
Awaken, gaze within, nothing more
is needed to find your love fire, your
the essence of the Universe. You
can awake and be your own divine
We are love radiating brightly, in this
the new world of knowledge and knowing.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Feb 2020
Be free, be you, never stand
uncovered unaware, always
share your love and peace with
those who are lost.

Be the one you were meant to
be, when you were first created
from love.

Be the flower no one can see, it is
only you who can see what you have
become, your world is brighter, fresh
with an understanding of heart, you
dance with songs you hear within
a satisfied mind.

Be the mist upon the trees that
sparkle in the early morning sun.

Be free flying through the clouds fresh
and white.

Climb mountains of deep knowledge
sow what you have learned in this
world of unbearable difficulties.

Show them freedom comes from the pool
of tranquility, eternal peace, love of new
enlightenment, power of the Universe.
Be free, be you, there is no other, just
you, to be the one you are, becoming
the best you can.

Be free, keep hope you carry, let
faith grow daily through your life
sweet embrace.

(Be Free, Be You)

© 2020DerenaBree(All rights reserved)…
Harriet Shea Aug 2018
You sit quietly believing in
yourself, you can smile, you
can cry, but remember your
heart will always care in a very
special way.

Your the keeper of your heart
soul, keeper of all you believe
keeper of your spirituality and
believer of God.

You sit at the hand of the
beholder, knowing the
distant of mind, distant
of secret thoughts, capturing
blue flames of your own destiny.

Derena Bree
Harriet Shea Oct 2018
Life sits quietly believing in
ourselves, you can smile, you
can cry, but remember your
heart is always yours.

Your the keeper of your heart
soul, the keeper of all you
believe in, the keeper of your
own destiny.

Life sits at the hand of the
beholder, knowing distance
of the mind, distance of our
best kept secret, through out
life's path we walk.

We are forever keepers of
the stars that shine, light
that radiates from within, and
the love that is shared with
respect and sincerity..

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
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