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227 · Feb 2019
T Feb 2019
These feelings they run deep inside of me......if you dig down you will finally see
They hide in there just for one.....she is the only person that lights my sun
I will wait till the end.....and I am afraid this powerful attraction will never bend.
# this blood runs deep within my always has right from the start
These feelings for her will never.....forever my love do send.
225 · Jun 2018
Life without you
T Jun 2018
I don't want my love to get it wrong
Because the love I have for her is still So strong
But if this is the way it was supposed to be
We will wait awhile and we shall see
Being away from her is so very hard
I think Of her every day
I miss her smile and her charm
I never meant to do her no harm
As I go about my daily routine
She is by far the most beautiful I have ever seen
Not only for her good looks But for the way she handled every day life
The person she is inside and out
It is so **** hard to live without
I will always treasure the time we had
When it comes down to it I am really sad
But I must stand up tall
Because of her I will never fall
She taught me things I did not know
About life and love and it will always show
She will live in my heart for the rest of my life after all she was going to be my wife
Now I bid you sweet adieu
I still can't believe we are through
#love will always find a way
225 · Nov 2019
One of a kind
T Nov 2019
The feel of her skin the sweetness of her lips......the feeling of my hands on her hips.....being without her i just can't come to grips
She was my life and she still is.....always in my heart she still lives
A song played just the other day......and it all came back to me in a big way
The love I have for her there is no compare....and the way I feel is crystal clear
My life and love I will never give up on her have her back it will always be on my mind.....never in my life a greater love will I find.
# in this love i will always believe
224 · Mar 2018
A day In the life
T Mar 2018
In my life I have my share of ups and downs
And plenty of smiles and frowns
But now I find myself madly and deeply in love
With a woman that's got it all and truly sent from above
I love the way she smiles the way she walks and talks and the way she moves me
With just one look it's plain to see
I know in my heart
And I have known this from the start
Together forever we will never part
#in love
223 · Jun 2018
These Tears
T Jun 2018
Right now as these tears start to fall
I know that I am to blame for it all
But I hurt so much
And I really miss her special touch
I know she can't keep forgiving me
But she is the only one there could ever be
If we could give it one more try
I swear this time and I will not lie
Because living without you my love I would surely die
# I am not too proud to say I cry every night and I want the whole world to know
223 · Aug 2018
The signs we both can see
T Aug 2018
On this clear and very hot night I can count the stars in the sky .....there is a big smile on my face and listen close I will tell you the reason why
The woman I love is starting to see the signs that I could see...although it is not as clear as I hope it to be thing we both see is together is a great place to be......just for the two of us to watch the sun rise and set together would be so great ..........for her to be in my arms again I just can't wait.......for many months these tears have fallen from my eyes .....just like raindrops from the skies....the signs are there we both can see..........for in her heart she holds the look her in the eyes and tell her how I feel .....and tell her how my love was always real....there is a place it is in my heart .....just for her and it always was right from the start
It is a place only she can be .......and always and forever she will be a part of me....
# for it is true love is it not
222 · Nov 2018
A New Begining
T Nov 2018
Today is a brand new day........I feel blessed in every way
The one I love has no idea if I am alive......but I must believe a new beginning is on the horizon....or I will never survive
Just because the last time I did everything wrong.......this time will be different so I must be strong
If I begin with myself.......this love of ours will come off the shelf
To show just how much her love means to me.........for this shall open our eyes so we both will see
# this may be my one last shot
222 · Mar 2018
The waves of life
T Mar 2018
Life is full of doubt
I don't know what it is all about
They say why do you always look so down.always walking around with a great big frown
Because there is only one thing that makes me happy
It is her the only one and I know it sounds sappy
But in this life we find only one
A person with that personality that really grabs you
The one true love that makes your world go no matter what you do
This woman that I love so
Is the one that does this to me
For this can happen to all of you
You will find a love so true
As long as I live I will be by her side
When the time comes we will be washed away with the tide
#for my baby
#I will love her forever
222 · Apr 2021
FeElinG oF lOvE
T Apr 2021
as the rain falls to the ground...traces of your love cannot be found
my heart it beats with every drop........feeling your love it may never stop
as the days get longer and my breath gets true feelings they do come fourth
with every breath i take i know it may be my last........for my love for you shall always be cast.
222 · Nov 2018
T Nov 2018
To hear her see her face it would be my first choice
Holding her it is  what I want to do......and show her that my love is true
As I sit and stare at a picture of us.......I see how happy so what is the fuss
Her and I are beautiful together......I read the picture and it says forever....
For what..... I am trying to say.....a picture tells you thousand words ......about the people or place which it holds........if we look real close the future it  will be told
We take the pics to remember it all.......we hide them away until our memory does stall
We capture the joy and happiness of our daily routine...........and all of the bad is better unseen
Sometimes ...we.... they drift apart......and you save the pictures that are dear to your heart
Some are dark...and some are light...and in some of them we look just right
There are pics I will keep with me forever .......they are the pics that we are together
We take them alone .......and with each other......some don't come out and we don't even bother
When I look at the pictures of you and me.........I think of the way things they ought to be
#the memories I will always treasure
For three letters of the poems name spell it is written
220 · Nov 2017
Salem willows
T Nov 2017
As I lay my head on my pillows
I remember the days at the Salem willows
You had beat me at ***** ball
And we ate goat and all
I will keep all the days with me as I sleep
As I pray the lord my soul to keep
All I see when I am in dreamland
Is you and I walking hand in hand
220 · Jun 2018
The Madness in my Tears
T Jun 2018
You thought it was only sadness in my tears
But no the sadness turned to madness when I realized that you didn't even care
To lose you forever that was my biggest fear
I thought that we loved each other
Or did you have a love for another
Was it because of what I did
We even loved each other when I was just a kid
Our love should last a lifetime
When I cry no one hears
All the pain and no one really cares
Never will I love like I did you
Never ever this much is true
You were my forever
We should have been together forever
One thing I know is true
I will never regret loving you
# the flame it still burns
220 · Dec 2018
A cHrIsTmAs WiSh
T Dec 2018
For I know what I want under the tree....
She is beautiful and **** and made just for me
I know in the past have I done her wrong
But for the holidays and the New Year
I will be truthful and honest and sincere
I have grown so much and learned to be true
In the years past I thought I was doing it all right....but really didn't have a clue
I was doing things I didn't realize
I was going about it explaining it all wrong that's why it didn't materialize
So this holiday what I did was find out how to love myself first
Because any more hurt in my heart I think it would burst
So to my Angel on this day
I must tell you I have changed in so many ways
And may peace be with you on these coming holidays
I shall wait as my body heals
To be with my only true love as my fate it seals.
#my Christmas wish
219 · Nov 2017
T Nov 2017
I would run to her but I have no legs
I would hold her but I have no arms
I would kiss her but I have no lips I would look at her but I have no  eyes
I would write her but I have no hands
Tell me what should I do
I would talk to her but I have no voice
I would smile for her but I have no mouth
Even if I have none of these things I would still love that baby of mine
No one could ever take my heart
I pray to God for a brand new start.
Thinking out loud
219 · Oct 2017
Lost love
T Oct 2017
I am so sorry that I cry
Maybe tomorrow I will die
Remember the story of Romeo and juliet that is how my feelings so strong
I don't know if it is wrong
It feels like a knife through my chest
maybe it is good and I will get some rest
It's not her fault it's all mine
Maybe come morning  I will be just fine
But there always that chance
Be what it will
It might happen if I don't get my fill
This is story I will tell
If and when my love fell
I love her so much
As you can see
I know what you think
It's about me
That's not it i am sorry to say
Shes in my hear there
She will stay
I will be gone
just not today
218 · Jul 2018
One last wish
T Jul 2018
Did I ever mean something to you.
Was the way that you loved me really true
All the things we did and the memories we made
Baby for me it will never fade
My feelings are not a light you can turn off and on
Please I just can't take that you are really gone
The days are so short and the nights are very long
Especially when I hear our favorite song
I just need to know if it was real
Because nothing can explain the way I feel
Just look to the sky and I will too
And make a wish for me and you
We must ask the lord above and ask ourselves why we are through
I will sleep with this and always remember your kiss
Someday soon may the Angels smile upon us and grant me one last wish
#the last wish I will make?
217 · Mar 2018
Pen to Paper
T Mar 2018
The day started early work at five
Always thank God I am alive
Showered and shaved ready to begin
It's a good feeling when you have the key so you can get in
Her beauty is beyond belief
And knowing how to act it's such a relief
To spend the evening with her is a must
For a a lifetime it's in God we trust
The timing couldn't be more right
To kiss and hold her through the night
I know in my heart this will last and her love is just out of sight
To have to be away from her at all I just can't take
Even eight hours is more than I can take
Now the lights are dim and the sun has set
To say that I am in love with her is a safe bet
So the night begins and the pen put down
Please be quiet and don't make a sound
A trip around the world with her that's where I will be if i cant be found
My life right now couldn't be any better at all
#to be in love with her is the greatest feeling ever
217 · Jun 2018
Letting Go
T Jun 2018
To let her go was the hardest of my life
This woman she was supposed to be my wife
I made mistakes she couldn't bear
I said I was sorry but she didn't want to hear
I love and miss her so very much
I also miss her gentle touch
I had to let go it was her wish
My love for her is still So strong Loving her was never wrong
Maybe somewhere down the line
Her and i will be as one
But for right now its over and done
Maybe she is better off now without me
Give it sometime and we will see
She must know I will always be here
For her safety and happiness that's how much I care
Please listen my sweet
I love you so much I would bow at your feet
I will leave you with these three words
And this I vow until I fly with the birds
#my love for her will always live on
217 · Oct 2017
T Oct 2017
She is and will always be
The only woman I will ever see
I alone from this day
It didn't have to be this way
This is the only words I will speak
My heart will always be here
Just for her let's try to make this clear
I will wait till the end of time
For again someday she'll be mine.
For now I cry on the beach
My baby's love is so hard to reach.
216 · Oct 2018
You Are
T Oct 2018
You are the electricity that lights my world....You are the music that plays in my are the spark that ignites my flame and my love for you
You are the smile on my are the rocket that takes me to outer space
You are the ship that sails my ocean
You are the magic in this love potion
You are the blood that flows through my vein
You are the rails that carries my train
And you are also the thoughts in my head that won't let me sleep
You are the book that I can't stop reading
You are my cut that won't stop bleeding
You are my miricle that won't stop happening
And you are my fire that just won't stop burning
Baby you are so much to me And you mean the world to me....for your eyes I will open and you will see.......just so you can realize what you are  to me
#for this is what she means to me
216 · Mar 2018
Power of Love
T Mar 2018
Love is a powerful thing
When you are in it the birds will sing
Everyday I dance with joy
Just like when I was little and my parents bought me a new toy
This special woman that makes me feel this way.
I am extremely greatful every day
I thank God that I am alive
And for the gift he has Givin me to be with while I survive
I pray every night and in the morning light
Together forever her and I
And then we will hold hands and fly in the sky
215 · Jun 2018
A thousand Rivers
T Jun 2018
I cried a thousand rivers already
The flow of tears is steady
I know I must just let her go
But there are a lot of things you just don't know
She is not just any girl
She is my soul mate my best friend my lover and most of all she is the woman I love
I will never love another she is set high above
My legs have grown so weak
My voice is hollow I can barely speak
I know that time is against me
Hopefully just a little while and she will finally see
I know I should just move on
And accept that she is gone
This woman is so special to me
I really think that we were meant to be
I hope right now she is thinking of me
I will never forget her but I will set her free
215 · Mar 2021
T Mar 2021
you belong to me as i belong to you...our love was never to good to be true
my love for you is as true as it ever could not be blinded by the light open your eyes and you will see.
time goes by but but the bond could never be goodbye from our lips could not be spoken
#this to i do believe
215 · Jan 2019
AsTrO lOvE
T Jan 2019
Under a moonlit sky.........I sit in the sand and wonder why
The stars and sun and activity of the planets around us.....this feeling I have in my chest is just so hard to discuss
My hands are shaking and my knees grow is the love my life this is what I seek
My mind is in sync with astrology......and if you fail to understand my sincere apologie
As the sun it sets and so do my. Dreams.....but with my confidence I know it is not as bad as it seems
She is in my mind in my nightmares and also in my heart........I have loved her from the very start
She is my miricle and our love lives on in my veins......I am tired of this feeling and all my pains
To regain my love it is in the show her and the world how much I care
The sun will rise on our love again.....and I will make her happier than she has ever been
#to prove my love was always true
214 · Apr 2019
T Apr 2019
You and I and the poems that I write......will be remembered for our love had a guiding light
They see the good and the bad.......and see all the fun with the run that we had
To remember I will never forget....the love we shared I have no regret  will last forever this I know......
#just believe
213 · Mar 2018
Shine Bright
T Mar 2018
The sun has been shining so bright
I know in my heart everything is so right
If anything goes wrong with this love
I know that it was not controlled by the lord above
The. Presence of my mind
For it was not unkind
For my will is strong and my love it is true
Why in the hell do I feel so blue
I know in the end it will all work out
I promise you baby I will not sit and pout
We both made a plan that we will sit and talk
Before we get mad and stand up and walk
I love you baby now and forever
Icant wait to spend the weekend together
209 · Mar 2019
ThE rOaD aHeAd
T Mar 2019
The road ahead is long and is a wonderful and mysterious journey that we embark....
# the signs I do seek
208 · Feb 2018
T Feb 2018
My sweet princess I know my past not nice
And I almost paid the biggest price
My love for you got clouded somehow
But low and behold my head is on straight now
These feelings in my heart
They were always there from the very start
Now I will never let you go
And I will climb to highest rooftop and let the whole world know
T Nov 2018
This is tearing me apart but I must say goodbye.......this hurts so much but the lord can't say I didn't try
She said the love for me she has lost
I don't believe this look at the cost
I professed my loved time and again
There is nothing left just the memories
No one can take them from me.......all that is left is the keys
Those to my heart and to my life.....this woman was it right from the start
Today is the worst day for the rest of my life.......this was the woman that was to be my wife
As I sit here my head lost in pain.....I am here all alone I am going insane
Now that I know that her heart is not get on with my life I haven't a clue
My love for her will never die......and never will that sparkle in her eye
If we shall meet in another time.....I will just tell her that my love is a crime
So I bid sweet adieu to the love of my life.....and put an end to all of her strife
So please pretty baby with that look in your eyes...think of me when you look to the skies
I know that our love was not just a mistake....if I hear that come out of your mouth once more my heart will totally break...I will love you tomorrow as much as I do today
So be well pretty baby this I will pray
So now I say my last goodbyes......I say that now with buckets of tears falling from my eyes
# I guess we must say goodbye
207 · Jun 2018
T Jun 2018
My whole world is full of tears
I have not felt this bad in all my years
I know you will be better off without me
I tried so hard but could never really make you see
My love for you was bigger than both of us
The day I realized you were really gone felt like I was run over by a bus
I hope and I pray you find the happiness you are looking for
My love for you will be forever in my heart
Someday maybe we will be together for a brand new start
But for now we will try to find strength being apart
As long as you know I will always be here
Because deep down you know that I really care
All the struggles that you go through
You have the strength beyond your years
I always watched you from close and afar and my love for you it grew
No matter what you say or what you do
My love for you will never be through
I wish you the best please do not fear
If ever you need me I will always be there
207 · Nov 2018
She Left Her Mark.....
T Nov 2018
I've always dreamt of the perfect girl.....who had everything and made my world twirl....I had....I had her....And I let her slip......slip away from my hand.......for I will not let her get away.....I will show much I her and she will want to stay......for why have I done so wrong .....this thing they call love it was so strong......So the butterfly..that...that....slips by the net....
Its not the same without her by my side......for she was the best friend I could confide....she is the coat I wear when I get set me straight when I get to bold....she is the the diamond in my ring.......she is my voice when I sing.....she would take care of me when I was sick.......take me down when I was being a ****.....
This woman was and is just so more than this.......the way I felt from just one kiss......if I just let her go......she would live inside me just so you know...I know it is just me....... she left a mark that that no one can see
The moon and the stars were always a big part.....for they always were right from the start
So right now the planets aligned just right......I will have my baby back one of these nights.
#for on the full.moon.....together we will be very soon
205 · Jul 2018
T Jul 2018
As the fireworks went off in the skies
So did they in her eyes
I will never forget that day and night at our happy place
It was so awesome to get to see her beautiful smile as we fell in love again on that warm summer day
We were so at ease and in love in every way
We laughed we joked we sang and danced
And later on we even  romanced
She was so beautiful on that day
As I sit here and talk about it about her there is so much I want to say
It was a perfect day and a great night
Being with her on that day was just outta sight
I looked into her eyes and saw our future in them
The day and night were as close to perfect as it will ever be
And when we rekindle our love there will be plenty more I had to open my eyes wide so I  could finally see
No one else did this to us but me
I will fix everything she will see
There is no love in this world that is close to ours I know it's true
I still believe this to this very day
And I don't care what other people say
To look in her eyes again would be a dream come true
And this love that we have is made just for two
And that means me and you
#the sun will shine again
205 · Feb 2019
SeAsOnS cHaNGe
T Feb 2019
The sun has gone......the leaves they fall.....if the phone keeps ringing what a joy it would be for her to call
The snow comes down.....the cold seeps see her face again would ........recharge the love from within
Now the warmth it will return .....and with it will be a lesson in life to be learned
There is but one woman that I truly love.......with her again tightly in my arms.....for she was sent from the heavens above
This love of ours was ment to will not be long and the whole world will see.
# in all my life I have never felt like this.....I just cannot wait for that very next kiss
205 · Jan 2019
Of A nEw BiRtH
T Jan 2019
I am so in love and I don't know what do........I really ******* up and for now we are through
Everyday with her was like the time I had a problem I tried to disguise
She came into my life like an Angel to save me from tough times.....I have changed my life around because of my love for her and with the help from my rhymes
Maybe one day I Wil get her to return......I know she will think I will start with the same old lies...........but the the love of my life please hear  my cries
No same old song and dance......the love that is inside my heart has me in a trance
She is my miricle....and if she only knew....I will follow you the ends of the earth .......and together we can celebrate my new birth
And if she will have me...we should be together till ashes of Eden begin to fall
# for my love is sincere
204 · Nov 2018
A farewell to the queen
T Nov 2018
Never again will she or I will feel that love that was meant to be......I guess the light was not bright enough to see
I guess it never broke on through.......whatever shall I do
Should I just give up and bow my head......without her love I wish I were dead
The pain I must endure........if she don't love me I must make is funny I must laugh...........or should I cry...her love has just left me here to die
I must say this and you must mark my words for I do I stand here before you I will find out the truth or I will perish today
So now I am free to fly with any bird.......she is alone so I have heard
But listen to me and let me make this perfectly clear....if anyone harms this love that is close to my heart.......I will seek you out and tear you apart..
I will protect her for the rest of my time.....believe me baby loving you was no crime
even though you left me so cold ......I will watch over you until I am too old
Now that I am free ..........can't you see...that your love had a hold of me
Now deep inside I have already died.....too many nights so many tears I have cried
Now that you really left me ...for my eyes cannot see....the seeable signs that were in front of me......these tears that come down and they fall like rain..........I know you can feel all of my pain....
So now I say the love I once knew.......and I still can't believe that we are through
One more before I must go...I think this is something you should know
I will be here for you for the rest of our forever........and will never forget our time together
She was always my queen and I was her king.........I was left all alone with this black diamond ring.
# it should have been forever
203 · Feb 2019
TwO cAtS
T Feb 2019
Our two cats they are our life.....when they get hurt it cuts like a knife
They lay at our feet when we sleep....they sit and stare when we weep....
They comfort her when she does not feel well.....they come running when we shake that bell
There treats we give them every night...a few too many maybe I might
They are the children with four protect them with my life those are the laws
Our little friends come run with me.....our togetherness that is the key
I love them cats just like they are my was the best time in my life that I have ever known
My little kitties I miss you .......
almost as much as I miss her this is true...
#Mario..and Baby girl #
203 · Jun 2018
Raindrops from my eyes
T Jun 2018
The rain it falls just like the tears from my eyes
The water that flows down my face equals that of what falls from the skies
Day to day as I try to get over her
But the love was real
It was not her feelings that I tried to steal
The pain inside is bad it's just not something I can turn off like a switch
The love in my heart I could never ditch
As I try to swim out of these tears
I will continue to erase my demons but I need to know she really cares
So the rain and the tears fall endlessly
I will search for answers and continue the fight to get her back in my arms where she belongs
# This love is Real
202 · Jun 2018
Baby its you
T Jun 2018
I can see the full moon as I sit on the beach wall
All the time wondering if I should call
My sights are set on you
Baby you are the only one this is true
I think Of our special place down on winter island where we fell in love again on that hot July afternoon
And here it is the end of June
I miss all the fun together I know you miss it too
I just miss holding you in the sun this much I know is true
Your beauty is overwhelming and it took total control of me
The beauty that you have is not only on the outside but inside where no one else can see
The love for you that I hold dear comes from the heart and forever that's where it will Be
There is nothing better to me than holding you tightly in my arms at night
Having us back together soon would just make everything alright
When stars and the full moon are all lit up deep within the dark skies
You and I together that's when the sun will rise
#is love the answer
202 · Sep 2018
T Sep 2018
As my day winds mind a blank stare..dark and twisted....I just cannot figure it out I am hurting so bad inside......I ***** up one thing and I want to run and hide...stand up ...stand up don't back down ...don't run and are making yourself look toxic...she says you are.... how could this are doing so good just wait and see
I will not give up the fight ....why should you...for this love is's not toxic.....I must just rest haven't been able to sleep since yesterday....when my head went blank...must you just walk the plank...I don't think so our love is not toxic's real and it's true......when you said those words to me my head hit my shoe....I will not hang my head ....I will not run and hide time I will bide...for our love is not my tears fill my cup ......I will never give up
For I know deep in my heart that our love is not..........toxic
#I will prove myself true
202 · Oct 2017
T Oct 2017
Baby, since we have been a part
My world has been torn and it's breaking and tearing at my heart.
My love for you is strong or even stronger than it has ever been.
You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen.
I long for your beauty and your touch.
Since I have been away from you is just too much
I can't handle much more of this part of my life
I love you so much and I want you for my wife.
I have to get through to you before it's too late.
Neither one of us deserve this fate.
You are the only woman I have ever loved and still love I need you so much..
You seem to think I don't love you.
Baby all I do is think of you and my love is stronger this is true.
I can't live my lfe without you in it.
All of my life I have been waiting for someone like you
And now that you are on the outside looking in
I need you back no more living in sin.
I will never give up nor will I  ever stop loving you.
I will never hurt or lie to you ever again why I did in the first I haven't a clue.
Just one thing I must say
My love for you is for real
I long for your touch and your skin to feel.
Not much more I can say
My love for you is here to stay.

Life with you is all I need
This chapter I hope we will write together I love you and need you.
Inspired by True love
201 · Sep 2018
Path of the lonely star
T Sep 2018
This lonely road that I walk today.....I know in my heart that you and I will be ok
Life throws us lots of love the path that we both must travel  is a long one......and along the way I know we can have some fun....but in life we must face all kinds of trials.....and to know that we are not alone ......I must step up and give you more than what I have shown
Sometimes I feel like that one lonely star I have come to realize that together we are one......and that star is you and I and like that star we have traveled very far........not in distance but in space......the path chosen might not have been the straightest but it is the right on in our case
As long as that star continues to shine bright......we shall be together in this fight.....for our souls will be joined as one......and we will love each other forever under the on this path of the lonely star you will always know I will never be far...late at night just look to the will see that lonely star .....and never again will you ask why
#the star shines so bright
201 · Oct 2017
T Oct 2017
As I sit here all alone
I stare at the walls and gaze at the phone
Although it never rings
I wait and wait with hopes she will call
Who am I kidding my mind tells me
I'm all alone can't you see
My life turned around I  shut everyone out
Now that it's gone I sit and I pout
The phone never rings not a knock on the door
I am so pathetic that's for sure
She was my life can't you see
Now I'm alone alone as can be
201 · Jun 2019
AlIvE aNd KiCkInG
T Jun 2019
I finally found the girl of my dreams......from my grasp she did slip despite all of my screams
Fate and destiny set it all in stupid mistakes went and took her away
Now the universe is telling me that the time is right now and the clock
Is leaves me to wonder if this love is still alive and kicking
The telling signs say yes..... but it still remains to be seen......I am picking them all up but still ask what does it all mean
So as I try to figure all this out.......i will not rest nor will I sit and pout
#dreams do come true
201 · Jun 2018
This is the End
T Jun 2018
My Angel is gone
There is no more tomorrow
My life is just filled with sadness and sorrow
I was never playing any game
Now I am lucky if she remembers my name
How do I go on without my true love
I will look for strength from the lord above
Maybe she will see that I am the one
But for now it's over and done
Will the sun ever shine again for me
Ask the mighty one and wait and see
Please give me the will to carry on
I don't think k I can live now that she is gone
#real love does last forever
200 · Feb 2019
StAnD aNd DelIvEr
T Feb 2019
For I can't escape these clouds.......they seem to come in crowds
The love for her is trapped inside me.......if only the heavens could send me a sign And set me free
I know it sounds funny but without her there is no light......and for my sake I will never give up this fight
I will travel the long road.......and do all I am told
I would swim the Nile river ......for then I would stand and deliver.
# I do still feel it
198 · Jun 2018
Divided We Fall
T Jun 2018
My love for you it soars higher than the mountains highest peaks
It is your  happiness that I seek
Together there is nothing we can't do
For your hand I will do anything this is true
I made a mistake and said I would let you go
But both of us know that is something I can't do
I have tried and tried it just can't be done
Because of this there is no more sun
We will join together one more time
Because our love destined from the start
And to tell you the truth it's always been in my heart
So now is the time once and for all
Becauase you and I know that divided we fall
T Jul 2018
I know more about you than I know myself
You want to lock away our love and put it on the shelf
This crazy feeling that I have inside
This burning love you have for me you are trying to hide
I know you just want me to do the right thing
There is a poem for you I would like to sing
I don't even think you know
These feelings I have for you I must show
We are both treating it like it is a game
And inside our hearts are feeling the same
Is this a game I just can't win
You think I could just give you up ....that would be a sin
Baby I don't care how many innings I must go
I am in it to win just so you know
# Until my last breath
198 · Jun 2018
All of Me
T Jun 2018
I must make you see
That you and I were meant to be
I think that you already know
But to tell you that I do and we both must make a show
I know we both miss each other
We must not run for cover
If we love each other
We must bond and stay together
If not we will fade away
And I know we will regret the day
You will always get the best of me
I will do whatever I can to make you see
You mean the world to me
And never again will any other woman get any of me
Your love has a hold of me
But it's something I love Can't you see
I love you with all my heart
And I have from the very start
There is one thing that I want you to know
You will get all of me
The real me and together we will make the whole world see
That you and I were meant to be.
#our love will open doors to happiness
197 · Feb 2019
FoR iT wAs FoR oUr LoVe
T Feb 2019
My dreams were shattered .......and so was all that ever mattered
All the good in my life turned to bad......and then all the happiness turned sad
My love for her is all I ever needed.......and I know in my heart the plant I seeded
She and I were meant to please baby see the signs before you flee.
# my love for her it will never die
196 · Nov 2018
LoVe iS ThE AnSweR
T Nov 2018
The days we live are full of good and day happy next your sad
It is strange in so many ways....just sit back and see how it plays
Because the good will always outweigh the bad
As long As you and I are alive.....we have what it takes for us to survive
Love is the answer it's in your heart.....I know that you and I will never be apart
# for it is my wish
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