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Britni Ann Oct 2018
My heart yerns for inspired words.
But I don’t have them.
I could write about my blessings but people only like poetry when it hurts.
I could write about pain but I’m determined to live life like it doesn’t hurt right now.
Even though it’s excruciating.
I feel so much yet have no clue how to express it.
  Sep 2018 Britni Ann
therapy is weird.
you can’t just go once and feel better.
you go,
and then you go again,
and again.
when you leave
you feel out of touch with reality
trying so hard
not to overthink
the things that brought you
to therapy
in the first place
feeling needy and displaced
when will it all feel
Britni Ann Sep 2018
The way you left broke me.

But you have forgotten that I am a phenix

And I will rise out of the ashes from the fire you caused.

Only to be stronger than I was before.
Britni Ann Sep 2018
Maybe one day I'll share with you all the things I learned when I

danced amongst the stars.
Britni Ann Sep 2018
I often wonder what becomes of the stars that die.
Where do they go?
Because I don't like the thought of them burning or becoming a black hole.
I like the hugely romanticized version where they fall and become a shooting star to grant one more wish of a lonely person who still hoped that stars do grant wishes to those who believe hard enough.
Britni Ann Sep 2018
Something I will always look forward to is holding your hand when its old and wrinkly
And when I look up I see the same young eyes I met so many years ago wrapped around in the roadmap of where life took us upon your face.
How the hair I ran my fingers through is now wispy and white.

Something I look forward to is seeing our children grow from needing us all the time to not needing us at all.
I cannot wait to see your smile bordered up with my eyes in a little person we created out of love.

Beyond all, I will look forward to the day we stand in front of all our friends and family and say I do.

But right now I will hold your hand, I will run my fingers through your hair and I will be thankful that I have your heart and you have mine.
And we will wait until that day because it will be so worth it.
Britni Ann Sep 2018
My mom is like a sunflower, always pointed at the sun.
Taking in its warmth, receiving life.
What she gives is beauty to the beholder, she is beautiful and delicate but no where near fragile for the thorns she grew protects her from all sorts of weeds and hands wanting to pick at her.
She is strong and when something picks at her petals she smiles, and grows more.
And she doesn’t fail to give me shade under her bright yellow petals
She never forgets to make me smile on the bad days and she always reminds me of the beautiful things in life, even when she herself can’t see them sometimes.
She is beautiful and strong.
She is just like a sunflower.
My mom has cancer but never fails to remind me that God is good every day.
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