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Britni Ann Jul 2018
I helped build your walls.
You knocked them down again and again.
I knitted you a blanket to hold you together while you were breaking.
While I was breaking there was no blanket for me.
I gave you all of me
I saved you oh so many times.
I have picked you up with my bare hands and put you back together like glass.
I bled too.
But since your stars didnt seem as bright as mine
You decided to walk away.
Britni Ann Jul 2018
My world is beginning to shake again.
The ground is starting to crack,
The houses I built are starting to crumble.
I spent so much time fixing my houses,
Planting flowers in the ground to make it look presentable.
And again, I am starting to break
All over again.
Britni Ann Jul 2018
She dreamed that anything could happen.
She thought the world had magic.
That the stars really do grant wishes.
She knew for a fact that the brightest star led to Neverland.
And that somewhere deep under the sea mermaids lived.
She prayed every night that she could wake up with a mermaid tail.
That Peter Pan would take her away where no one leaves her.
She wanted a prince to save her from an eternal slumber with just one kiss.

But they told her that she needed to grow up.
They told her that stars were just ***** of fire in the sky.
They said that the bright star was a planet and thinking it was Neverland was nieve.
That mermaids weren't real because it wasn't a realistic thought.
And wanting Peter Pan to take her away was just plain stupid.
And princes don't exist anymore.

They broke her to fit into society's mold.
Dreaming was just for people who were already famous.
Thinking like that would just let her down in the end.
They broke her heart.
"Society doesn't have room for people like you," They told her.

She no longer wishes on stars.
She knows that mermaids aren't real.
She is certain that if Neverland was real Peter Pan would never come for someone who no longer believes in the magic of this world.

But everyone has to grow up sometime right?
Britni Ann May 2018
Is there something else out there?
Something to take away the pain?
Does anyone even know?
Or are people, people everywhere you go?
Britni Ann May 2018
You tell me that you are going through hell.

I nod

I tell you that I am going through my own hell too

You look at me and laugh

You say to me, "Show me, show me your wounds."

But I can't.

You shut me down

If I show them then everything I am working towards will only

d i s a p p e a r

So instead I shake my head and agree

Because I can't tell you that my hell is bad too

Yours is the only one worth crying for.
Britni Ann Apr 2018
No amount of showers in the world could rid me of the feeling of not

belonging, feeling out of place, wanting to disappear into the


Wanting to wrap myself up in bubble wrap to protect my heart from

the comments and stares and courtesy smiles.

But he tells me its okay to unwrap my raw, bruised heart.

He tells me that I do belong,

I fit into this place just as well as anyone.

Despite the screaming voices in my head I continue to shower and

unwrap my heart.

I am scared but that doesn't mean I won't try.
Britni Ann Apr 2018
You tell me that I am beautiful.

I want so much to believe your words.

But when I look in the mirror, what I see is not beautiful.

I dismiss your words even though it hurts me.

There is a voice that tells me the exact opposite.

Most of the time the voice wins because it is louder.

It is so loud it hurts my ears and I cannot think.

You are the one I want to believe...

But I am unable too.
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