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“…the war…often seems to have happened to someone else.”

-C. S. Lewis, Surprised by Joy

A pickup truck beside a Navajo road
Tables of souvenirs, a Thermos of coffee
Clotheslines of dreamcatchers catching the sun
For now; the dreams must wait for sleepless hours

“You were in Viet-Nam,” the old man said
To another old man. No mystery;
He simply took a chance to make a sale
And did, for both had known the Vam Co Tay

Old men along the road, catchers of dreams
Who burned their chances in the long ago
These ******* winter months always chills me to the bone.
We would have been together by three years next month.
No one else has been able to keep my heart warm ever since.

My grandfather is slowly losing his mind and he can’t stay himself.
In just a few more years I’ll be entirely alone without a family.
Those Christmas decorations are like flashing neon signs at a funeral.

All of my holiday cheer is pure ******* it’s been a con for a long time.
The future approaching me is grim but I figure that I deserve all of this.
I’m used to dancing with the dead anyways.

“Merry ******* Christmas I might see you again next year.”
I told my reflection in the smudged mirror.
Why did it turn out this way?
I’m alone, *****, and bitter.

I can’t stand how you found happiness.
But thats what I wanted all that time ago.

I’ve always have been a ******* at heart.

What destroyed me had felt so good in the moment.
It’s almost funny really.

I’m breathing but still far from truly living.

Yet your just **** full of life and energy.

But I know if I relived it over I would still make the same choices.
Because I always loved you way more than me.
He’s six and he can’t do anything right.

The humiliation and shame of failure swelled up in his chest.

A pencil was almost worthless because his hands are close to useless.
He was outcasted by the teacher away from the other kids every single day.

No one had taught him how to read and the page was completely alien.

He couldn’t sleep at night no matter how hard he tried and he was spanked.
Deep down he only wanted to please his mother but he simply couldn’t.

Although he was “gifted” in a few ways he was incompetent in most others.

He could never make her proud so he had just to erase her from his mind.
She was dead and now ****** only to exist in the past.

The boy knew he was a burden and was only a mistake that was too late to be fixed.
For a time simply existing was a state of intense remorse.

No matter the punishments or pain inflicted on him the guilt still lingered.

He knew that he truly didn’t deserve love.
But he wanted it so badly from those who cant give it.
The wind bends the tall brown stalks
of some unknown plant that I
am unable to identify.
it is odd to think that
                                   time isn't real
but it is more odd to believe
                    that it is

          if time was real                                                             ­ 
it would be a walk in the park to                
turn back the clock to                        
fix a little mistake and          
put things in place to  
your satisfaction


                              it is odd to think that
          life has an end destination
but it is more odd to believe    
that it doesn't

          if life didn't have a end destination                      
     there would be no point to                        
going to school to                            
      prepare for a journey and            
         for a satisfying life in order to  
leave an impact        


                           it is odd to think that
                    people can change
but it is more odd to believe that                  
people can't

if people couldn't change                              
it would be difficult to                        
find the will to                            
put effort into friends and
        a future partner one day to
    spend your life with


it is odd to think that
written words can leave a mark
but it is more odd to believe
that they can't

if written words couldn't leave a mark
what would be the point of this poem?

my native language is thought
and so spoken/written/signed language
frustrates me to no end

words do no justice
to what is in my head
like a photograph of a sunrise
taken with the first camera
or a drawing
of the northern lights
by a toddler

i am a novice when it
comes to voice/expression/communication
my thoughts become disjointed when
they leave my head
through my mouth/pen/hands

i cannot make myself understood
i cannot understand myself

hey, to whatever higher power is listening,
developing telepathic abilities would be nice about now

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