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A way to release
The moments I freeze
A chatter I couldn't cease
When nothing to appease
I wandered like an idiot
Came across HP by Elliot

On HP we socilise
The might of pen we realise
What if my poems don't trend?
My passion doesn't end....
No sunshine not given light
Yet HP has taken me to a new height

"Daily" never selected
Yet people appreciated
Made friends across the globe
Found a new ray of hope
A plateform for poetry
Love you dear HP!
Wrote few lines    Just to express my gratitude.....
it is accepted wisdom
that the system is the system
and theyll tell you if you listen
that the system cant be changed
that you must accept their wisdom
is a given you were given
before you knew you shouldnt listen
before you saw another way
they get us when we're children
force themselves into us
tell us noone else will listen
if we ever dare to say
make us culpable in our acquiescence
responsible for their hindrance
while the world around us keeps on spinning
theirs is still the only way
the more things change the more its in their best interest to keep things the same.
Not all lies are lyrical
Not every city is safe
Not all bruises are galaxy spirals
Not every spirit's a wraith

Not all poetry is written to please
Not every song will go viral
Not all jobs contain passion
Not every foe is a rival

Not all skies are this sunny
Not every rose has thorns
Not all of my thoughts are happy
Not every devil has horns

Not all of these demons are shadows
Not every rhyme can be catchy
Not all confessions are truth
Not every poet is happy

you could cut her out of the photograph
she'd still be there
no matter how much you try to edit the past
the past doesn't care
you can only pretend that the love and the laughs didn't happen
as you rip and you tear
or that the tear spattered mass of torn fragments in your lap
somehow got back at her
until you've eaten
crushed up vitamin pills on toast
get the **** out of my face
sat ere eatin satire
we dont look like them
we dont act like them
we dont dress like them
we dont think like them
we dont think we want to be like them
but we are all us now
people worry too much about outside ideas coming in
its the inside ideas coming out they should fear
sweating like a **** at a parent teacher meeting
stinking like a dead baby stuck behind the central heating
coughing up me lungs like ive been smoking tuberculosis
sitting soggy in so much snot its not hard to get a diagnosis
coz ive got...
man flu
and you know theres nothing worse
man flu
itd be a blessing to be cursed
instead ive got...
man flu
and a headache the size of the universe
but im a man and ill survive
ive got time and pharmaceuticals on my side
im not just going to lie down and die
no thats a lie
because im dyyyyyyyyyyying!
no news may be good news
but your silence is violence
when im waiting to see
if im waiting to be seen
as a statistic or a patient
of the perpetual NHS crisis
Only two and a half months of screaming gut pain since the 1st line customer service monkey GP brought up the Big C.


They can stick their cancelled colonoscopy up their collective ****.
be safe
be happy
be loved
my love
be proud
be stubborn
be strong
my love
i tried
i couldnt
i lost
my love
my love
she wanted nothing and i delivered
youve monopolised our lives
and get it wrong at every turn
we are born into one of your hoshitholes
destined to die in the same hole
some day
under your care
no other option
but to put our lives in the hands of incompetents
NHS doctors
NHS doctrine
NHS business models built upon sugar pill suckers
cant afford bedpans
funds low
i feel my pain
i havent got the *** to **** in or the mercedes benz to sustain
my sympathy ended the same way your empathy did
in your apathy
like my life will one day soon
under you care
they dont
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