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409 · Sep 2017
Dialogue with Myself
theabstrusepoet Sep 2017
Looking for peace in a strangers embrace
Have I become a disgrace?
Living in poor taste
Am I so feeble
That I must rely on other people
Where is the doctor when I need her?
Prescribe me a pill to help me fulfill
All that I desire to be
340 · Jul 2017
Rainy Days
theabstrusepoet Jul 2017
Standing under stormy clouds as they pour rain
Washing my thoughts down filthy a drain
This is where I find myself invisible
They can no longer see my physical
Tucked away, this energy no longer gleams
It's gotten lost inside my illogical dreams
304 · Jul 2017
Am I Dreaming?
theabstrusepoet Jul 2017
The noise of the chaotic world
Tranquilizes my ever cranking mind
Drowning in the screams of the city night
Like a lullaby playing over and over again
Please sweet chaos
Carry me to sleep tonight
292 · May 2017
Peeking In
theabstrusepoet May 2017
Yours is a vengeful heart
Scrambling to get what you came for
You lost your way
That dreadful day
Now you're knocking at my door
256 · May 2017
Distant Creatures
theabstrusepoet May 2017
We must have crossed paths long ago in a past life
Long before the glare of these synthetic lights
My eyes filled with luminous visions to ponder
From your mouth seeped precious words you chose to squander
Delicate we were such fools of youth
Under the invasive lights of life's untimely truths
249 · Sep 2017
Target Practice
theabstrusepoet Sep 2017
Elegant body with wilting eyes
If you don't know you
How can anyone know you
They will only consider
What they have been told
They'll have it out for you
Oh yes they always do
Sneering and jabbering
Judge you and misuse you
Be strong being of beauty
Or the ignorance of others
Will damage your subtle mind
245 · May 2017
theabstrusepoet May 2017
I lie alone in these sheets
While you're roaming the streets, for you
No I will not lower my voice
It's my life my choice, not you
Society stares with judgmental glares
As I walk out the door and away, from you
I do not recall at what moment I began to fall
From a walk to a crawl, for you
Panic stricken as these chains thicken
But noting will hold me, not even you
I see victory within my reach
No I won't listen to others preach on behalf, of you
There will be no apologies in a whispered voice
For making my choice for me, not you
You took away the best part of me
Replacing her with a cardboard copy, of you
I am not clay I cannot be molded in a way
That suits only the needs, of you
241 · Jul 2017
theabstrusepoet Jul 2017
The feeling of despair lingers
I rest my mind from time to time
Only to find it's still in the air
This feeling of despair
I turn to her for comfort
But what can she give me?
Will her words alleviate what burns inside
What hurts inside and causes strife
Within me and within this life?
I turned to her for comfort
Yet this feeling of despair is still there
239 · May 2017
Alien Within
theabstrusepoet May 2017
Alien shed a salty lonesome tear
For doubt that god breeds queer
Deny me for I exist in you
***** thoughts you're feeling too
It matters not who will I kiss
Without labels this life could be bliss
Mental despair clouds this land
Held down by brothers holy hand
Cast aside like a heinous threat
To ensure the higher ups don't fret
Populations shun with righteous shame
Yet we are granted life all the same
236 · Sep 2017
Nostalgic Nightmare
theabstrusepoet Sep 2017
Every time that noose tightened
I grew more and more frightened
Bearer of back breaking weight
Bones chafed left in a weak state
Taken and took rattled and shook
You've become the wicked crook
Thief of my beloved memories
234 · Apr 2018
Shell of a Human Being
theabstrusepoet Apr 2018
The widow of a man who gouged his eyes out to spare himself the burden of authenticity is seated comfortably among the distressed. Unchanged is how she remains. If it's truth they want she'll feed it to them with a ***** spoon.
232 · Jul 2017
Just a Piece
theabstrusepoet Jul 2017
Here I plant my feet quite firm
So sturdy it makes you squirm
Deeply rooted like a mature tree
In this ground I willfully intend to be
230 · May 2017
Night Awakening
theabstrusepoet May 2017
In the darkness lies the uncertainty of what morning brings
Last night a strange bird chirped in my ear
Said he could see right through to my soul
I could not shake those words
I felt naked and exposed like never before
I listened to the pitter patter of his feet
Dance through the night in my mind
When I finally opened my eyes
I was met with a vision so serene
He left me a gift that came to me by way of a dream
A gift that uncovered my eyes so that I might truly see
225 · May 2017
The Crumbling Cracass
theabstrusepoet May 2017
It's a symphony of tears
Orchestrated by those inner fears
Selling yourself this false progression
Inside that dingy house of oppression
Far too late for any private thought
Your secrets have already been bought
Tossed all reasoning into the trash
Now those actions seem quite rash
Running a muck, refusing to be tamed
Soon you'll be humbled, your body maimed
Blind yourself with delusion and doubt
Inner demons will rip their way out
Enslaved by heavy ropes my affliction
Life is bearable while living in fiction
221 · May 2017
Don't Run
theabstrusepoet May 2017
Place your hands where my flame burns high
Captured by lies, but trust only me
I'll give you the comfort
You didn't know you'd need
If you feed my demons
They are hungry and looking to feast
221 · Sep 2017
Look Harder
theabstrusepoet Sep 2017
What people don't know is what they fear the most.
Be kind, be open, be secure with your own thought.
Don't buy what this world is selling.
If it has a price tag, it's not going to soothe the soul.
The wealth of inconsistency is intended to confuse.
219 · May 2017
Look Past the Skin
theabstrusepoet May 2017
I'm not all body
Sometimes you can't wait
For the skin to shed and reveal the truth
Innocence of a daring kiss
Keeps me wanting to be more
Than someone's convenient escape
216 · May 2017
What's Your Truth?
theabstrusepoet May 2017
So we exist by the dead calm of night
Privileged we are with no concept of pain
Swallowed by the tiny world we chose to create
Dictating our truth the way we wish it to be
What we feel is a mere fraction of reality
215 · May 2017
Afloat With You
theabstrusepoet May 2017
Be my distraction
From all that is clean
Can you smell paradise?
Or taste some of me
When you look through me
What is it you see?
Am I as vivid
As you imagined I'd be?
Lie your body down
Between my cries and my screams
I'll hold you close
Levitating as one, endlessly
212 · Jul 2017
theabstrusepoet Jul 2017
There is nothing more beautiful than truth
Even when it arouses pain
Without it we exist
Only in a fictitious state
I need your truth
Like you need my kiss
209 · May 2018
Drag Me Through the Mud
theabstrusepoet May 2018
I've spent a lifetime chasing you
Sweet temptress
Captor of my clenched black heart
My temptress
You left me with a broken and battered face
Sordid temptress
It's my mouth that fuels your thirst
Divine temptress
You're a sneak and a sinner
Evil temptress
I'll bleed for you no more
207 · Sep 2017
The Magician
theabstrusepoet Sep 2017
Conjure up the theory
Of life without a vice
The feeling of purity
It cannot be beat
No one to loathe no candles to hold
Where love is complete
For the company we keep
No missing bits from which to bleed
I am a unit, an undivided entity
206 · May 2017
Falling Back to You
theabstrusepoet May 2017
Take a dip into your raging sea
Looking for answers in a never ending dream
Is it solitude that you so desperately seek?
You can't touch it, it's out of your reach
Hovering shadows won't let you be
Unleash the prisoner, the tyrant the beast
Then pile this disaster with the unseen
203 · May 2017
My Fellow Humans
theabstrusepoet May 2017
Open your ****** eyes, it's time to go
This journey awaits you, come on aboard
Brace yourself, it's a poisonous world
200 · Apr 2018
The Unbecoming
theabstrusepoet Apr 2018
When darkness finds you
It never lets go
A hold tighter than a noose
I cannot see myself anymore
If you blow I will break
A running whisper
Turns into a tasteless joke
Fail me and you will fail too
198 · May 2017
theabstrusepoet May 2017
Lonely man dressed in black
Tip your hat to those who aren't fools
Turbulent times are upon us
Singing your monotonous tune
Spreading those ***** contradictions
A painter of doubt, that's you
Painting my dreams black and blue
191 · Jul 2017
theabstrusepoet Jul 2017
The crevices on your face
Form an uncomfortable grin
With unkind eyes
And blood stained teeth
You bite at the sweetest bits
Right into the complexity of human skin
186 · Jul 2017
theabstrusepoet Jul 2017
Expel your dirtiest thoughts
Into the deepest parts
Of my vulnerable places
178 · Jul 2017
theabstrusepoet Jul 2017
I can see you from the corner of my eye
Plotting to uncover where my weakness lies
I am certain you won't discover a thing
I know your tricks, what's up your sleeve
176 · Jul 2017
theabstrusepoet Jul 2017
Chuckle or choke
On this infinite joke
That we call living
You have never been forgiving
Are you afraid of me?
The only person you can't see
Plastic tears, wasted years
Time for you to run
Your hand holds the gun
That can blow my heart to pieces
168 · Feb 2018
The Escapist
theabstrusepoet Feb 2018
The shrinking violet that's what I be
Tucked away in the murkiest of dreams
Slipping out of the back door consistently
No one sees me, I'm an anomaly

— The End —