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                              " ' The god
                               of  love lives
                           in a state of need.
                          It is a need.  It is an
                           urge.It is a homeo
                           static   imbalance.
                           Like  hunger  and
                           thirst,  it is almost
                           impossible  to sta
                           mp out.' • 'Love is
                           a  serious  mental
                           disease  ' •  'Every
                           heart sings a song
                           incomplete,  until
                           a  heart  whispers
                           back.'At the touch
                           of a love,everyone
          becomes a poet.'     'Life must be
        lived as play.' 'Po   etry is nearer to
       vital   truth  than     history'. 'You can
         learn more abo     ut a  person in an
            hour of play         than a  year of
                conver                     sation.' "
Be free



                                    dream of me


Dream dream dream

Flowing nectar

Coming down

From the sacred hill

Dream dream dream

That you're still


And that your very Soul

can still be seen


( Dream that the light

Is still shining )


Sacred music plays

Upon the Kundalini

Healing the body

Healing the World


Dream of the Real War

Dream of the Real Peace

Dream of being free

Dream dream of me


It is over

Now it starts

In your hand ?  

of Tomorrow

Dream dream dream

The song is raw power

The people of the world

Are truly insane

Dream of the healing heart

Cast all else away

Come and be whole

Dream the peace right into place


Be the nectar from the hill

Be the dream

Be here with me

Let our light be the new dawn
                            e      e d       e
                         d         **          d
                        H          t C            H
                        o            h            ­   o
                        t          i      l             t
                        C         i       i            C
                         h         e    P           h
                           i         e   p           i
                             l          p           l
                               i        e         i
                                  e     r     e

                          o      o p       o
                       p         e H          p
                      e            o               e
                     H          p    e           H
                     o          H    o            o
                      p          p    e            p
                       e          H  o            e
                        H           p            H
                          o          e            o
                             p      H         p
                                e     o      e
behind my intestines
pressing against my stomach
reach down,
down my throat
grasping and digging
Pull, Yank, Pry
I feel its Yearning
to spill over and Spew
past my tongue, teeth, and lips
Breath is no where
to be found
doubled over
no Tears
Fear. Resentment.
Begging, please, I am pleading
for the Escape
No Force left
worn, tired
lapsing into Despondency

Once again, I choke
on Truth.
A piece of my Life Force
Ripped away
torn Asunder

Every Action has a Reaction
Everything has a Consequence

I will be Okay
You will get through

Strength comes from Pain

                               v    ve     v
                             e       ry       e
                            r         t           r
                            y      h     i       y
                            t       n    g       t
                             h     E   v       h
                              i      e   r       i
                               n      y       n
                                 g            g
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