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Told you that what you did wasn't your best
Johnny told me you'd been workin out
Lifting the weights and whatnot
Well let's see what ya got

Throw me the good ol one-two
Maybe an uppercut or a side jab for the few
Give good ol Tyson a good bruise
When do you know if Ali almighty is ready to fight
Hit em with that side jab and
Give em' what you got......

Punch my mitts
Throw me a fit!
Hurl your mighty throws at me and


Johnny the gat ain't get you got
Hit em' with the upper cut
And hit them with the greatest of your rot!
As I said before,,,
One-two one-two swat swat!
Fighting inspiration
I wake up to the sound
The sound ,noones ever heard
It's my last day to afford a fortune
Nothing that we couldn't learn........

Maybe we'll wake forgiving
It's better safe than sound
Maybe we'll fight forever
Nothing that can't be done......

Back to the past, we ride
Holdin' it dear to our hearts
It's my last day to buy my fortune
Nothin' that I couldn't learn.......

Maybe we'll live forgetting
A something that wasn't said
Maybe we'll find a replacement
A place for you to rest your head....

Back the the howling grounds
Where the dogs of society roam
You can't keep on forgetting
The place where you were grown

Placement that wasn't so right
Back at the pillars and thrones
My sandcastle stands in a mud pit
Waiting to be regrown

How can you sit and stand by
As the hometown grows out of control
You plant chains from a stake pike
And place people beyond their own

Maybe will live regretting
Maybe it's all on you
It's your last day to avenge the fallen,
Something that was brought by you.....

Place a crown on the stand
As peasants wave to you
Look out into the crowds
As friendly faces wave to youuuu

Maybe the Kings forgiving
Maybe the Queens forgot
To help those in need and helping
Of those who couldn't learn......

Maybe we'll find a replacement
Another duet to rule the land
Maybe they'll leash their vengeance
On someone other than you
Tyrants never win
"Waiting on Wilson so we can check out the scene!"
"What do you mean, can't you see it? It's pretty mean"
Fun :3
Beyond your television
Lies vast hills,
along with many jumps and much thrill
Mario jumps
Zelda swings
As Kirby swallows
Donkey kong beats,
Star fox flies ever so high
While niko goes bowling
Roman started to cry
Meta knight stares ominously
As a goomba cautiously walks
A turtle shell turns blue
While the Mario kart racers get mad too....
We all know sleeping dogs don't lie
We joined a guild during an MMO war
Where we smashed every single one of our keyboards
S  i  m  p l  i  c  i  t  y
a  r   a  l  e d  a r  o o
d  o  n e  a  i  r  r     u
    n   i  a  d o  i e     n
     i   p  d  i t  n s     g
    c    l       n s g p
         a       g       o
          t                n
          i                s
          o               i
          n               b
Just to **** time :)
This is a story about Milo the mighty
His sword at his side, he was forever so mighty
His armor gleamed, how he shined brightly
On the cliff side watching the sun as it set
Milo the mighty set up shop, it was time to rest...

He started on a stallion his pride on his horse
Did he ride out of Ridgeburrow,
to revenge his remorse
Townspeople cheered and waved
Villains and monsters flee'd their graves
As Milo the mighty Rode through town
The townspeople cheered out

It was a quest of vengence he'd seek
For years have past, that have been quite bleak
goblins and Gouls steal all the gold

As the mighty hunchback golem screams "duel-me droll"

The townspeople fear him,
Helplessly run they do
But Milo had other plans
For the golems unrichous uphold,

He slashed and stabbed,
Staggered with joy, as the blood of his victims
Fell to the floor

One-two, one-two, his sword went through and through

He sliced through golems head,
Leaving him dead,
Just a slab of meat on the floor

And Milo the mighty traveled forth
Unto the dark forest,
He traveled with sorts,
Battles with pillagers and pirates alike
Did Milo fight with all his might
To make it to his mighty quest
Where all that sweet gold lies in a chest....

Traveled onward he did
Straight through the pillagers plains
Did Milo have a quest for his own grave?
No said Milo the great as he traveled on his adventure
His adventure was great......

Looking up at a tower
The clock struck the fifth hour,
Towering over Milo was the tower of Shiloh
Looming over him in a dim shadow
Did the ominous tower show more
Than just what was for fleeing cowards?
Milo opened the door
To find the riches
his princes had ever wanted to adore

So up the grand stair case did Milo the Great do
Up in spirals the stairs never seemed to outgrew
Up and up the tension was rough
As Milo unsheathed his great weapon
A sweat drop uncoiled from his headband
So Milo mustered the mutual feeling
Felt far before him,

Upon the double doors of steel,
Did her master wait for her hero
Weapon ready in hand,
Ready to use against Milos stand...
Stanced fearless, ready to fight
Did her master wait to show his might.

MILO screamed her master
Come for me have you not?!
"Yes you ungodly gat" shouted milo
Far from his throne,
Did Milo know his match or was his match outgrown?
Her master swung first,
Cut Milos cheek he did,
But when milo swung back,
Off with his head!

Milo picked her up, her ankles unshown
He walked her to the parlor,
Where he released her,
He let her go........
"Thank you Milo, Your heroism is now know"
Said the fair lady who Milo help'd go.

Milo the mighty walked straight to the cellar
Where all the gold and riches awaited his pleasure
With his might he carried it right
Straight to his great kings who declared Milo
"Milo the Mighty"
Just a fun heroic poem
So we see fit
Did Derek Dildrage get hit with a stick
For sticking us in such a mess
A Dilemma for us, as we sit in the Styx
****** Derek you broke the truck
So now we sit here stuck in the mud
Our friend Ricky left
Got right out of the truck and up and left
Said he be right back
"I'm going to get help"......... But he never came back
Now we sit,
Possibly starve to death
With this dilemma we all wept
Get out and get on the run
Or stay in our truck and become canabalistic bums
It's been three days,
Ricky still yet to return
He had the right idea,
Now he's nowhere to be seen or herd
Our dilemma is deadly,
Dangerous can't define words
We're stuck in the open
For we shall never be herd.....
But if we get up and left,
We might be able to save ourselves
But our dilemma is never overturned....
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