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He was like my father
Kind smile that told many stories
Most of it wasn't painful it was
An expression I haven't found in many smiles
Like soft horizons his eyes
Calmed my exalted soul
And the possibility of a future
Would wake up to those eyes
It was exhilarating
I wanted that future so badly I missed out on the obvious
Immediate future
Where he was offering his story
To a girl who was not broken as I was

*(Maybe stitching me together would have been hard.
But sewing me now would be impossible.
You dropped me from a high and I am in pieces)
The tension in my hands
Fists balling and relaxing
I see it in your eyes
You want to kiss me
I think
I want you to
I am afraid if your lips graze mine
I will come undone
I am afraid if your mouth touches mine
I will fall in love
And I stare at you
Wetting your lips in need
I need you
To run after me and catch me

I want to grab your hand and lock us in handcuffs

I want metal to link our bodies the way I want love to link our souls

I want your fingers against mine
I want
I am bursting with love to give
I am vase full
Waiting for
Overflow and explosion
Spreading my love all over the ground when I was meant to be contained
But you cannot
my love
I want to care for someone
I want someone to come to me with a headache
I want to cure it
I want to care for you
Listen and care and smother you in affection
I wish
I was someone's first choice
I have so much love to give
And no one to give it to
They say
You need to get laid
I say
I need to get loved
With his eyes and his words before he can lay a finger on me
With his wit and gentleness before he can touch my body
They say
You need to flirt
I say
I need to be wooed
With flowers and coffee before he can call me baby
With his hand holding my heart before he can say he loves me
Everywhere I go
I add dots to the map
Of places I have been
Places I will go
Places that have been my home
For a month
For a year
For a while
Places where I was
You cannot cut my legs off
And expect me to walk
(right behind you)
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