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nat Sep 2014
You say you're happy today
But I see the way you look
At old photographs
You've told me so many times
That everything is fine
But as the days go on
The light fades from your eyes
Every time you bring up the past
I can almost hear your cries
Unsettling, broken, missing
You say you never would go back
I know your look when you lie
And I can't quite decide
Whether to pretend to believe you
Things are so different
Then they were before
And I know you wish that you
Could open up that door

nat Sep 2014
I swear I was scared
But so caught up in the moment
Determined to believe
You'd refuse to hurt me
So many others said
It was sure to come
How could I trust them
With your smile second to none
And all your pretty little words
You spoke into my ear
With the sweet soft undertones
They were so easy to hear

I swear I was scared
Everyone would be right
That I never was as important
As you told me that I was
So I still hold your hand
And you still give me that smile
And I guess we'll just have to see

nat Sep 2014
I never cared for
Broken things
They seemed so pointless
I never saw any worth
Because what good is a guitar
Without any strings?

I never saw any worth in myself
Because I hated broken things
I believed the idea of no hope
That I couldn't change anything
But your hand in my life
Has helped me to see
That maybe, sometimes
It's worth fixing.

nat Sep 2014
I think I saved you
You told me I did
But as I reached
To pull you back
So you could climb up
You pulled me down
And I fell off the cliff
To the depths of the Hell
You had overcome
You said that no soul
Should have to endure it
But I guess that I was never

nat Sep 2014
I swear I
Heard your name
In the sound of breaking glass
And the shards flying
Across my exposed skin
Felt eerily the same
As when your fingertips
Brushed my arm
And I'm reminded
As the blood drops
Hit the white floor
Of how you always
Left a mess
No matter where you went
But maybe the red
Leaving my body
Can take with it
The memories of you
So I can feel the pain
Without anguish or regret

  Sep 2014 nat
white knuckled pallbearers
for open handed corpses
silent as the pastor
reads the rehearsed eulogy
i learn that funerals
were never meant
for the dead
they were always meant
for those left alive
because you haven't truly lived
until you've died inside*

  Sep 2014 nat
This is for the people that lost loved ones




For them we raise our flag
For them we rise above

For those that died we sing
Letting our freedom ring
Through our nation

It was any other day
People drinking coffee in the morning
Soon they’ll be morning

For the deaths and destruction of the fateful day

Now we will raise our voices and sing for them

The angels that are now watching from heaven.
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