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"At 17, I should have been learning to drive a car, not hoping one would hit me."
I stumbled upon this quote on Instagram, not sure who wrote it but I relate greatly to this </3
 Jan 2016 thrusunshine
my handwriting changed
after you left.

now, it runs rightwards
as the words strive to
escape my pen.

now, any letters that
stand upright
are left so very empty.

now, the ink i use is blue
because i needed a break
from the black-and-white
i used to live.

now, i showed someone else
the things i'd written
for you.

she told me my words
could be beautiful,
even if i only write
in the margins of
old books.

my letters dance, now.
just another thing
that changed after you left.

(they are still not enough
to tell the paper what i hurt.)

(they are still not enough
for my forgotten regrets.)
(words are hard)
 Jan 2016 thrusunshine
i said you were my bible -
heavy with ignorant words.
 Jan 2016 thrusunshine
take care, my dear,
that you do not underestimate a hurricane
if it wears human skin.
 Jan 2016 thrusunshine
 Jan 2016 thrusunshine
sometimes i find myself confused
knowing that however much we speak
(however much i say i love you)
i will never know you as well as i do
raskolnikov, darl, hamlet, thoreau.

because i cannot read your thoughts
but i can read theirs.
oh, i can read theirs.
 Jan 2016 thrusunshine
the moon knows.

she has seen countless confessions in her light, watched life and death alike, and judged none of it. the moon is the one who will not whisper your secrets to the stars. she is just a reflection, after all. limited by her existence.

the sun is the one who will betray you, will turn his back on you, will scream everything you've done to everyone awake to hear. the sun shines and does not care if you burn beneath him.

the moon does not care, either, but she is not vindictive, and for that, we tell her things the sun will never know.

didn't anyone tell you that the moon can keep a secret?

she is not the sun.
i have a lot of feelings about the sun and the moon and i'm still working on getting them down.
I remember grey clouds on a Wednesday, sitting on the hood of your car
with fingers tightly wound together
and watching the sun get absorbed by the hills

I remember kisses on my eyelids in the mornings
when you thought I was still asleep
but I was only pretending
just to get those kisses

I recall a rainy day in August
when we were walking in the fog,
shoes sopping wet, both of us lost
not just in the mist
but in each other

I loved our laughter on the pillow
right after we'd rolled around a bit before
And I remember tears collecting on your chest from the happiest moment I'd ever experienced
Something so good that I cried from being so happy

I miss the fights we'd have where we were screaming horrible slanders at each other
Because when they were over, it was always that much better to have you in my arms again

My heart feels so much lighter
and smaller
ever since all those nows became yesterdays
I'm screaming silently
I'm crying for help inaudibly
I shout but nothing can be heard
Listen close, not a syllable, much less a word
I'm screaming silently
For someone to end my misery
An existence inside of my head
I may as well be as good as dead
I need to be saved, to be heard
But I scream and shout with a smile, not a word
Make me bleed
Make me suffer
Make me scream in agony
Love is lost
I'm a victim of ******
My heart is ice, covered in frost
My pain is born from hate and lies
Yet even now, unheard go my sorrowful cries
I've lost my love and the love of my dearest
So please let me lay my soul to rest
I wish for oblivion
For my complete annihilation
Maybe then everyone would smile just for me
If I was gone, could they all be happy?
So please if anyone listens, I beg to be silenced
And I'll die with a smile being my last act of defiance
I am afraid
Of being betrayed
I am terrified
Of being denied
I fear the people closest to me
The ones I call my family
Tyrants taking advantage of my cowardice
And never giving me a real choice
All I'm allowed to show is unconditional obedience
I am shackled by their chains, keeping my distance
I am trapped and afraid
Keeping their punishments delayed
I am but a spineless fool
Good for nothing but their tool
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