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By Emily Riddle(age-9)

I just couldn't do without
my grandma's heart necklace -
It was a gift to me, although
she passed away when I was little.

It also holds all of my mad,
sad, and happy memories,
just like it is a part of me.
I wear it on very special occasions,
since it is so unique.

When I wear it close to my heart-
it makes me feel special.
That's why I would always
feel happy, or at least, a little joyful,
when I hold it to my chest-
to pretend my grandma is
still alive.

She was very important to me-
We did so much together,
and I miss her,
and the special times we shared.

I can feel her with me
when I wear it, or hold it,
close to me.

Without this prized possession,
all of my feelings
would be lost,
with my grandma, in the sky.

My heart necklace
means the world to me,
and I wouldn't change
anything about it.

People say
"jewelry is made
to look beautiful."

Well, I say,
It was made to be a
"Memory Holder!!"

copyright-Emily Riddle- October 15, 2013
My granddaughter Emily, wrote this essay as a class assignment for her 3rd Grade class. Originally in full page, essay form, I divided it into stanzas, and added some punctuation. Although there are some misspellings(two), I chose not to correct them, but to leave the content as it was written, in order to preserve the sincerity, and the innocence, with which it was written. Thank you, so much, Emily Riddle.
 Jul 2014 Third Mate Third
It hit muddied from the get go
Life got messy so early
It got ***** and down low
Just hit messier, you know?

It got tangled in briars and thorns
it hit shitastic in a fierce light storm
Life gets messier every forsaken day
This **** is too messed up to stay

It tumbles like weeds on empty streets
and begs like one dollar hookers
or urchins addicted to simple treats
because that's all they get to eat

no one will ignore the lookers

Life got messy at the crack of Dawn
she swallows nails, upon a yawn
she pretends so succinctly, to be the norm

When did this Life become forlorn?

Life got messy when I picked up the knife and turned it back and forth
beneath flickering fluorescent lights and pretended I knew what it's for

Now I'm not so sure

Should I mess up my skin?
Should I mess up my Ex?
Should I carve my initials
into the the tree I thought
we would again meet at next?

Life just got messier
when I realised my age
my circumstance, my stance

It gets even messier when
you dig to the back of your closet
and find your skinny jeans
you'll never ever fit again
without a Godsend chance

Life *****, Life is Love
Life means nothing but,
is everything
Life blows, Life is messy
I'd give everything
to do it again
 Jul 2014 Third Mate Third
Imma gunna
create a new
complete with
stupid backstory
an' a picture
of some random
that's pleasing
to the eye
to enable
my ****** glory
and help spread
my *******
to the world
because my ego
I think I'm missing something.... Oh right, hash tags...  Pffft way to lazy for that ;)
 Jul 2014 Third Mate Third
Footsteps in the hall
a light beneath the door
the smell of lilies
in my sleep
lingering warmth
upon the sheets

mail delivered
only to be marked
"Return to Sender"
with a personal note
on the back of the envelope

"I wish your letter
found them well
I suggest you
re postmark it
addressed to

Tv programmes rerun
that are abysmal
the weather forecast
is for a little more drizzle

scented candles mask
given their arduous task
of completely obliterating
the scent of your skin

Ten thousand questions ask
Were I to be your last?
One word, no mistaking
*S I N
 Jul 2014 Third Mate Third
I trace your faded prints upon the dirt
around them, mud congeals to form my hurt
failing falling stars confuse my path

I shuffle feet for miles but stay inert
all false the trails refusing to subvert
antipathetic strands to stir my wrath

The trees all flay themselves to spill the secrets
thou swore undying oath to never keepest
lest all worlds align to hide the truth

Pausing, taking breaths beneath the deepest
floors of pits that tenderly would keep us
undestined, lost and wild to know our youth

And seek you out I must, I must, I will,
at universe's end, a galaxy
where we would rest, reborn; become, to be
where every breath relaxes into still

Ever will you walk alone, until
you witness me in my entirety
Come, my unforgotten one, you see
arrival less one is a bitter pill
My attention was grabbed by Dante's sonnet variation; true story is I got my knickers in a twist because I couldn't make it work and threw it into the woods where luckily a very smart bear was able to claw it into a work of art :)
Thank you Bear :)
 Jul 2014 Third Mate Third
my 10 year old daughter Chelsea started rapping at me and I was put on the spot, this came off the top my head... I'm not a huge fan of rap! She came back with the second half!
Feel free to add in the comments, she would love it! I'll edit it all together for her :)

Only once I wanted to be a mime
So I stopped talking af_ter a time
In a while I wasn't heard at all
Wonder if its because this stupid wall

*My name is Nancy
and I'm so fancy
Good and bad don't hafta rhyme
and now it's time to be a Mime
once I saw a pug in a mug
so I just shrugged
and chugged that mug
Word? lol!
 Jul 2014 Third Mate Third
I could hula hoop for hours
and watch the minutes go by
as I watched your mesmerised eyes
traced my hips, back and forth

I could rewind the mixed tape
I made, twisting the pencil artfully
you waited for our song silently
then the music played for us

I could reach out the window
and turn the speakers the other way
some would say, beneath the screen
we reenacted our own silent dream

I could skip rope, I could jog miles
I could take a joke with a smile
I could pretend we were perfect
on the end of notes so discordant

But now I just lay next to you
and you listen to me breathe
Waiting for the last note to play
but I remember almost everything

I remember I used to hula hoop
and fix all your mixed tapes
I remember all the silent movies
and I remember my mistakes

I wish I could turn back the time
and be as young as you are bold
I wish this time was not so painful
as I wish the pain would just grow old

I want to hula hoop again
In your mind I would be so young
When that mixed tape plays again
I hope it brings you the joy of when
we were young
I'm not going to outlive you, I'm not even going to pretend but I just hope you know, I lived it all until the end... Please, live without me...
 Jul 2014 Third Mate Third
Your voice, I'll take it
may it sing me softly home
Your touch, I'll take it
it's all I've ever known

Sit beneath the willow tree
but don't cry for me
Touch the earth, giving birth
for I am Life, you see?

I fed the flowers grown
that were cut so elegantly,
to lay against my will
upon a mound of earth
that could never contain me,


You insisted to lay your Daisies
when you knew I loved Geraniums
in a rainbow of colours
I could never be contained in
You placated me with Yellow and White?
Did I do you justice?
Would you never get it right?

I love colour, not just Black on White
I wrote a thousand words to you
every night
You read maybe, a hundred
and thought you knew me best.
But standing at my graveside
your Daises only prove
you knew
me less and less
 Jul 2014 Third Mate Third
lips form words
the heart denies
pages dance
before my eyes
little people cry
little people sing
people sit by
so silently
as their thoughts
take wing
little birds sit
on broken branches
never trying to
take chances
as the boughs break
and they fall
little birds try to fly
only to lie still
beneath trees so tall
trees so tall
they seek the light
covering all
in the darkness of night
little people
little birds
and trees so tall
words could be weapons
dare we use them at all?
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