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  Sep 2021 caity
Donall Dempsey

She takes off
all her clothes

just for
the fun of it

every now & then I
catch a glimpse

of naked ***

as it runs not   here
or there   but helter-skelter.

She who only
mastered the art of walking

not so long ago

now glorying
in her limbs.

'Hey Cherub! '
I call out to her

& she turns
& comes

not because she's

but understands the love
dripping form the words

an honeycomb
of language.

She tries to clothe
the nakedness of her


in a dress
of words.

She is surprised
to find

that her

doesn't stick
to the cat

and the cat
wanders aimlessly off

discarding with disdain
her attempt

at naming him.

Soon the cat
will become its sound

(me! how?)  

then finally
making it to being

(just like that) .

It's a long journey
into knowing.

I almost prefer
her almost Martian naming

her alien
way of seeing.

I curtly call the cat that
and even name the next cat that


and still can drive her

years later
in a future far from here

calling my teenage

to say her date
is here.

'Hey Anabooboo! '

& see a blushing

descending the stairs

lithe of limb

fully clothed!

I draw/spell her
she copycats my cat

Teaching Tilly her letters in the long long's funny the little scraps that survive the years. I tore a bit off an old copy book and scribbled this C/A/T into being to her great delight...and here he is still prowling about in his own peculiar C/A/T way.
caity Sep 2021
Puddles shall remain one of my favourite things
For the way you knew that they made me smile
And for the way you purposely splashed me to make me beam
Puddles shall remain one of my favourite things
But my favourite thing, my dear, is reserved for you
caity Sep 2021
Oh what a thing
To love and be loved
caity Sep 2021
In these moments
Where I crush against pillows
No longer to muffle sobs
To replay his touch
On my back
Where I can feel his arm
Resting underneath my head

I know
caity Sep 2021
There comes a moment
Where my fingertips
Can reach
No further
My toes
Can reach
Across the bed
No farther in your place

So I
must stay
Laying here
Where I
Can’t reach

The distance
to you
caity Sep 2021
In the quiet mornings
And the passionate evenings

I love you

In the tear soaked laughter
And the tongue stuck gnerfs

I love you

In the lazy afternoons
And echoing snores

I still love you

Because I am me
And you are you

So I will stay
Waiting for you
  Sep 2021 caity
memoona kazmi
i want to hug you the way,
winnie the pooh hugs the piglet
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