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 Mar 2014 The New Kestrel
They slipped a roofie
in the wishing well
Now we're all on some ****** up
American *******

Baptize the *******
In the sacred swamps
laced with chemicals
They bottle feed

We're the children of the same struggle
Hungry ghosts of the nursery
Pacified by the message
they shoved down our throat
via the animation machinery
with malicious undertones

**** on this
Oral fixation
Choke on this
We can fix it
The problem you see
The problem we invented
it's what you want
to be ailed with

The hypochondriac
vs. the human conditioning

Prescribed apathy
They want us numb
Some scared sick lullaby
along we hum
this is for the addictions they prescribe.
The way my heart beats
Whenever you are around

The way you love me
Without making a sound

The way you hold me tight
When my ship runs aground

"That is the way I will always love you"

The way the river flows
Into the sea

The way color beautifies
The cool mountains fall trees

The way the sight of you
Sometimes buckles my knees

"That is the way I will always love you"

The way the suns rays pour down
To warm the earth

The way joy belongs
At the heart of new birth

The way I'm loving you
For all I am worth

"That is the way I will always love you"

The way you hold me close
When I am in pain

The way you kiss me gently
And then kiss me again

The way I will always be here
Through the sun and the rain

"That is the way I will always love you"
For my beautiful wife on our 29th year anniversary this weekend...
It goes by so fast when your in love...
 Feb 2014 The New Kestrel
 Feb 2014 The New Kestrel
It seems like
Instead of being a relief
It is a reminder.
Standing here in the present of peers is "love"
The word
the knife
the fool
the deceiver
A tyrant filled to the brim with good intentions
Only to leave confusion and chaos in it's wake

The accused pleads no wrongdoings
But evidence proves otherwise
The dying heart
The unhearing ear
The voiceless pain
The witnesses to the marauder that disguises itself within a word

Here stands "love"
Charged with extortion
Crimes of passion
But crimes nonetheless
Claiming it's victims with a poison in the thorns of a rose
The shiv made from a pen
Slicing through their better judgement and sanity

Here stands "love"
Barely containable
Roaring, foaming at the mouth
A twisted creature unrecognizable behind it's mask
A mask of a word that abounded in wonder and grace
That was ripped from it's seams in a world of horrors
Here stands "love"

We the jury find the defendant....
Broken is this state of mind
So I searched for another
Only to find I'd left behind
The thoughts of a long lost lover
And so I travel to my depths
To my core to find where they lied
To hear the whispers of the disrepaired
In my broken state of mind
 Feb 2014 The New Kestrel
And so it gathers
air in the marrow
like wind in the grass
it's time to go.

Restlessly risen
ready to listen- my dreams
paint murals of nomads
I'll leave with the snow.
Love... Quite edible one could imagine.
Some may be famished beyond imaginary boundaries due to his or her own taste.
From sweet kisses, to bitter love, to varieties of flavor that spices up our lives.

We drink lover's spit if we care enough at the moment we see them, the edible ones because,
quite frankly the taste is so grand...

Only through time will we be seasoned to find perfection,
Until then it lingers, as our taste buds crave for more.
Something so tasteful that...
a man would swallow his pride,
a woman would eat her doubts,
a new born will sip it's nourishments,
a free food that no one could ever get full from...

Yet if prepared in the wrong conditions,
love could spoil and poison you, harm you,
destroy you...
So make the best out of the ingredients that you have,
To make it a grand feast that lasts,
before it all expires and goes to waste....

Let this marinade... Before it becomes your food for thought.
Let your cravings state that you are what you eat... lovely soul food.
**I wrote in bold for bold taste. Lol**
A collaborated poem by myself and Kenneth Pope
 Jan 2014 The New Kestrel
I run and hide
As if a wall could somehow
Protect me
From the onslaught of things
Amazing things
Terrible things
It becomes too much for my young mind
To handle
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