As I write
I am only just waking up
And I had a dream
That scared me
I don't know why
Perhaps it was a metaphor.
Perhaps unrealistic thoughts jumbled together.
Something had happened
Though I still know not what
And humanity had fallen.
I had found a group of people to be with
You were with me, love
I was so relieved
To have you near me.
Many months passed
Our little group of survivors
In dimly lit sewers
Awaiting whatever fate may bring.
When out of the corner of my eye
I saw you walk out
Failing to mention to anyone where
You were going.
I of course went after you
Ignoring my fear of the scattered heaps of machinery
The darkness, movement in the night
And as I ran
I caught a glimpse of you
Seemingly talking to the air
Yelling at it
Asking why it was back to haunt you
After you thought it gone
All this time
And you began running
And I ran after you.
I could no longer see.
But I knew you were there.
I dived and caught you.
I whispered to you that
You are not alone
And you do not have to face things
On your own.
I would give anything
To see you happy.
And suddenly, I was no longer looking through
My eyes.
Just an onlooker
Who happened to see you return
But it looked like a weight was lifted
An old scar healed
And I think I would've been glad.
Had I still been by your side.
I know not if this means anything
The sheer amount I think about you
The medication freaking out my body
I just know that I feel uneasy
A sense of dread fills me as I write
And I do not know why!
It may be meaningless
But I had to share this.
Sorry if this was weird. I just was very emotional when I woke up from this and I don't know why.