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 Nov 2012 Tess B
Let us dance and let us fly,
Beneath the moonlit sky,
Up, up, up so high;
The fairies smile at the moon as they pass by.

Let us sit by the stream,
We're angels of their dreams,
After we finish sewing the seams,
Of the moonlight's beams.

 Oct 2012 Tess B
steel tulips
i held it  delicately in my naive unworn hands, why did you rip it from me? why did you insist on making my gift, yours? it wasn't supposed to be under you're belt it was never meant to be one of your badges. from the day you said i had nice eyes, i knew i didn't want to give it to you. but i was naive, i wanted fun. i should have asked you what colour they were before i got into your car- my eyes i mean. i bet you would have said brown, well they're hazel thats what everybody whose ever like me has said, and if i had asked that very moment i wouldn't have gotten into your car, i wouldn't  have cried myself to sleep that night, or the 100 that followed. i should have known i was worth more than you ever gave me credit for.
2 years later your name still makes me want to *****. i don't hate you, i would have had to love you first and i never did.
 Jul 2012 Tess B
Yuka Oiwa
I lay the paper on my tongue
and let the ink sink
into taste buds
so that I can recall
the poems when the need is dear
and the light is gone.
I've been storing up poems in my mind for a long time. I think it started with Lewis Caroll's **Jabberwocky** which my mother taught to me. From there on I choose my favorites and recite them until my voice is raw and the memory rawer; until I can't forget. I'm storing these for worse times, although in the meantime they are still a comfort.
 Apr 2012 Tess B
Jessica Nichole
the downy gray heavens
looks down upon the uncouth earth
waiting for black speckled pepper birds
to take flight in which is spellbound
to cuddle, nestle, nuzzle
près de la lune de fromage
 Apr 2012 Tess B
Jessica Nichole
Family road trip
Live rooster in the freezer
Surreal funeral.
Cold, tilted
Despite the blood and the parchment
And the warm, dry tint
His eyes are closed,
He’s sleeping?

A warning, a memorial
A testimony
A revolution’s star,

I do not know what his secrets are
I always wonder at funerals
My money’s on a hidden love
For Charlotte Corday
People tend to love their murderers
This is an ekphrasis based on The Death of Marat by Jacques-Louis David
 Apr 2012 Tess B
Goth Glam was a 2010 daydream.

I’ve detached myself
So far
From everything
When I got there
I realized,
I was staring at the very
edge of nothing
In the
Darkest parts of
Outer-mental space.
So I am.
Here’s to finding
Light in darkness.
Until then,
I’ll be
Swimming in the slimming,
Black Sea.
 Mar 2012 Tess B
Ahmad Cox
Being triumphant
Is about facing your fears
Facing yourself
Facing where you have been
Facing others
Facing your inner demons
That try and shake you
Getting past the lies
The troubles
The pollution that the world can throw at you
Transcending yourself
Becoming a better you
Giving back with love
Learning to love yourself
Learning how to love others
Being open enough to accept life for what it is
Being open enough to accept every other life as well
As being part of the grand scheme
Being at peace with yourself
Being at peace with where you are
Being at peace in your spirit
Truly knowing who you are
Rising up until you shine triumphantly
For everyone else to see.
 Mar 2012 Tess B
Snails leave their shells
when their bodies have
out grown them.
People leave their shells behind too.
When the soul
outgrows the

People are like snails,
slimy and gross
Hopefully we're better on the inside.
Mother must have said it a thousand times,
Look with your eyes, not with your hands
But I was careless, full of youth

I wasn't the most privileged coming up
I respected things though, knew the meaning of money
But I was careless, full of energy

The Squirrels Nest, oddities and antiques
Mom loved that place, pricey as it was
But I was careless, full of curiosity

She used to take me there, that odd corner store
Mom would browse while I explored the wonders within
But I was careless, full of nerves

I remember just how it felt when she slapped me,
Large Minoan vase, my helmet, shattered on the floor
But I was careless, full of destruction

Mother said it a thousand and one times,
Look with your eyes, not with your hands
And finally, I had learned
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