Time speeds by doing
What we hold most sacred
While crawling slowly
Feeling pain and hatred
Time is on my side
Believing ****’s words were true
Time after time there's
Time for every matter, too
Once upon a time
Barrels recklessly ahead
Time’s up never comes
There is no time left to dread
Make time or waste time
No time to ask how
Take all the time you need
If time will allow
Being in the Now
Deserves a fighting chance
Now was once the Future
Without a backward glance
Now’s the time-Time’s up!
The truth comes out in time
Time always changes things
Revealing every crime
Once upon a time
‘Time is Money’ ran scared
“There’d be Peace for our Time”
Chamberlain declared
Now turns to the Future
Soon to be the Past
Over eons of time
Time stands still at last
Give it time, they say
Only time will tell
Now will be the future
For then tolls the bell
My favorite saying is "Time enjoyed wasting is not wasted time", since I spend a lot of time doing it...and Gibran's, "Tomorrow is today's dream", and Dr. Seuss, "How did it get so late so soon?" And lastly, J.R.R. Tolkien, "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." Keep writing, and reading, poetry!