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May 2014 · 186
11:26 pm
Taylor May 2014
i have yet to learn my lesson about playing with fire.
May 2014 · 149
9:24 pm
Taylor May 2014
When i ran out of ways to make myself happy, i turned to vices instead.
May 2014 · 171
8:59 pm
Taylor May 2014
and i hate her with almost the same passion that i hate you with.

*but not quite. For i hate you with a lovers passion, and i hate her as the usurper.
Apr 2014 · 155
of flowers
Taylor Apr 2014
thinking that flowers, roses especially, are true symbols of love.

they wither and die within days...just like love.

and roses are covered in thorns that cut when you hold them too *tight.
Apr 2014 · 125
Taylor Apr 2014
I realized that she looked up to me about fifteen seconds too late.
A friend who's too young to fall down my road.
Apr 2014 · 705
Taylor Apr 2014
to everyone who's calling me....*i am no longer the person you're looking for.
Still breathing but feeling like the dead. Living life on autopilot until I get so anxious i shake.
Apr 2014 · 157
8:24 pm
Taylor Apr 2014
getting lost in kisses that may or may not mean everything just to get away from you.
Apr 2014 · 586
Taylor Apr 2014
red pen lines cover pale thighs and i am almost ashamed.
Apr 2014 · 164
3:27 pm
Taylor Apr 2014
trying to reach for death in the dark, but even the reaper has abandoned me.
Apr 2014 · 170
3:17 pm
Taylor Apr 2014
telling you how you wrecked my heart hurts almost as much as when you trampled on it.
Apr 2014 · 141
2:58 pm
Taylor Apr 2014
please stop trying to talk to me like you don't make me wish i was dead.
Apr 2014 · 271
12:23 pm
Taylor Apr 2014
numbness sinks into my bones.
Apr 2014 · 213
10:39 am
Taylor Apr 2014
nobody even knows your last name
i'm sorry.
Apr 2014 · 162
8:11 am
Taylor Apr 2014
i understand. i'm sorry i didn't know you.
Someone at my school killed themselves last night.
Apr 2014 · 104
9:49 pm
Taylor Apr 2014
i will never be what you want.
you cut my life apart.
Apr 2014 · 555
9:40 pm
Taylor Apr 2014
babydoll keeps saying she loves me, *but she doesn't know what a mess i really am.
Apr 2014 · 201
7:23 pm
Taylor Apr 2014
he kissed the scars on her skin, but stared at yours in absolute disgust.
Apr 2014 · 254
Taylor Apr 2014
you had the nerve to tell me to smile, even though you are the one who took it away to begin with.
Apr 2014 · 231
3:04 pm
Taylor Apr 2014
i hate you with an intensity that makes me want to rip off every inch of skin you have ever touched.
Apr 2014 · 169
Taylor Apr 2014
i don't care if you're just commenting on the weather *don't talk to me.
Apr 2014 · 134
2:46 pm
Taylor Apr 2014
the pain inside feels physical.
Apr 2014 · 188
10:38 am
Taylor Apr 2014
i'm fighting but i still want to die...
Apr 2014 · 173
10:30 am
Taylor Apr 2014
incapable of breathing once again.
Apr 2014 · 212
11:25 pm
Taylor Apr 2014
the way i'm spiralling out now, i am in no position to make promises.
Apr 2014 · 205
10:51 pm
Taylor Apr 2014
the more pain i'm in, the worse i become.
Please forgive me someday
Apr 2014 · 143
10:29 pm
Taylor Apr 2014
my tears refuse to fall again.
My feelings crush me but refuse release
Apr 2014 · 211
Taylor Apr 2014
i wished on stars and 11:11's but every star is long dead and my clock must be as broken as my mind.
Because my wish never came true
Apr 2014 · 124
9:46 pm
Taylor Apr 2014
feeling like a wasteland.
Listening to "Wasteland" by Jakewolf on repeat.
Apr 2014 · 113
just so you know
Taylor Apr 2014
adjustment is hard when it comes to you.
I barely notice much else
Apr 2014 · 118
9:30 pm
Taylor Apr 2014
i am an addict in the worst possible ways.
Apr 2014 · 180
7:22 pm
Taylor Apr 2014
trying to pretend that i can't feel my heart *dying.
Apr 2014 · 273
7:18 pm
Taylor Apr 2014
and i am realizing that i am living my life one push away from self-destruction.
Apr 2014 · 263
1:34 am
Taylor Apr 2014
soon, i will be sipping coffee with my color-renaming ghost boy, and forgetting tonight's agonies.
Apr 2014 · 191
1:23 am
Taylor Apr 2014
i hope you're happy without everything we could have been.*

[p.s. *i'm lying
I do not want your happiness I want your regret.
Apr 2014 · 172
11:57 pm
Taylor Apr 2014
i want to float beneath the waves until all is forgotten.
I just want to sleep
Apr 2014 · 169
11:50 pm
Taylor Apr 2014
as the night sets in, my demons begin to eat me alive.
But I can't seem to fall asleep....I'm like a spectator watching a car crash, unable to look away, but I'm in the front seat...
Apr 2014 · 145
11:31 pm
Taylor Apr 2014
and i find that i have been thinking about death a lot as of late.
Apr 2014 · 133
11:23 pm
Taylor Apr 2014
i have seen what believing has done and i am no longer sure i want any part of it.
Apr 2014 · 165
10:53 pm
Taylor Apr 2014
i am relapsing.
Apr 2014 · 138
10:37 pm
Taylor Apr 2014
the anger is starting to burn through.
Apr 2014 · 543
10:35 pm
Taylor Apr 2014
you are way too beautiful and alive to fall for a girl like me, babydoll. save yourself while you can.
Taylor Apr 2014
yes, i have other things to hold me together.

like poems that are dripping with you, and a small, shy cat who was once a stray like myself.

along with a ghostly stoner boy, who renames the colors of the rainbow and who speaks nonsense phrases, even when he's sober.

and a candle-flame girl who is covered in scars and who hides her pain in too-big hoodies, who hugs too tight and bleeds too easily and who doesn't know what a mistake falling for me will turn out to be, who draws me pictures and writes me love notes and cries into the night because she can tell that i ache for you still.

yes, you smartmouthed fool, i have other things to hold me together. but none of them are you.
Babydoll, I am so sorry. But I know myself far too well.
Apr 2014 · 171
9:12 pm
Taylor Apr 2014
sitting here terrified of you because everyone who came before left
and i wouldnt blame you if you left, too.
Apr 2014 · 348
10:56 pm
Taylor Apr 2014
i feel like an addict going through withdrawal.
Apr 2014 · 328
10:32 pm
Taylor Apr 2014
and my veins are singing to be freed from my skin.
Apr 2014 · 120
3:12 pm
Taylor Apr 2014
stop sitting in the seats i always sit in just to **** with me.
He always sat in the exact same spot all year and then he turned out to be a liar so I moved and now he's trying to sit in the place I always do now and still be glued to her every other moment of the day
Apr 2014 · 208
10:39 am
Taylor Apr 2014
i am wondering if this is what a panic attack feels like
I cant breathe
Apr 2014 · 162
8:08 am
Taylor Apr 2014
i am giving up on you.
Apr 2014 · 192
10:14 pm
Taylor Apr 2014
my tears have finally managed to fall.
Apr 2014 · 750
i am not your prozac
Taylor Apr 2014
so if you could stop trying to treat my body like your own personal antidepressant, i would really appreciate it.
I am not here to please you.
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