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Tallulah Oct 2013
At a funky record store
We found on a corner
I sat down on the floor
& chatted up some foreigner

At dark
With cigarettes and warm beer
We stumbled to Alamo Park
& watched the lights disappear

At dawn
I woke up wrapped around you
You kissed me and yawned
& then it hit me, and I knew
Tallulah Jun 2013
I was your chamomile tea
You were more an earl grey
I preferred a glassy sea
But you loved afternoon decay

I was your peppermint
You were my flickering glint
Of a late night summer glimmer
Before the sun began to simmer

I was your stirred Pacific
You were my churning Atlantic
& Although it seemed romantic
We were as sunk as the Titanic
Tallulah Jul 2013
I was wild
& you preferred mild
But when I caught you stare
I suddenly didn’t care

So I knew when
You kissed me then
I couldn’t ever explain
Why I kissed you again

I could never understand
Why I grabbed your hand
& led you unplanned
Into a foreign land

You and me
Were never meant to be
You live inside the box
& I live to break the locks
I'm sorry
Tallulah Sep 2013
At night we slept
But not to dream
Holding on to what can’t be kept
We gave ourselves to the scheme
Tallulah Aug 2013
Am I here?
Because I can’t see a reflection
In those distant blue spheres
Only an empty projection

I feel the enormity of space
Between your skin and mine
Yet I can hear your heart race
As hands choking, entertwine

Am I here?
Because I don’t see my shadow
It began to disappear
Such a long time ago

In silence & bone
We both understood
To love was to be alone
& so we parted for good
Tallulah Nov 2013
Coffee shop discussions
Your faith warms my heart
Theology of love and reprucussions
I’ve always felt spiritually apart

Yet you sew me back together
With the patterns of your theology
Smoothing flaws in my skin of leather
I drink up your faith in ideology

And even if I can’t believe in Him
I believe that love like that exists
The kind that bubbles over the brim
A constant stream that forever persists
Tallulah Jan 2013
On the coast
In a pickup truck
We made a toast
To unfortunate luck

You traced my hips
Whispering my name
With those chalked lips
A shiver ran up my frame

You held me there
Where land kisses sea
On a blue sphere
You fell for me
Tallulah Oct 2012
Racing through blood
Man made substances flood
Of expanded pupils, raised hairs
High heels tripping up the stairs

Burnt black fingertips
Love bitten, swollen lips
Cigarette littered floor
Empty morals learn to soar

Smoke hazed sight
An internal fight
To stand up straight
It’s all sealed by fate
Tallulah Mar 2013
There’s frost
Still capped on your nose
Your heat is lost
A battleground froze

Unfreeze your hold
On corrupt conventions
Lined with gold
Misguided intentions

Open your eyes
To spring’s fresh sky
Melt  icy lies
& Give love a try
Tallulah Sep 2014
I fell in love with you
the same way I fell out:
slowly and then all at once
Tallulah Feb 2013
My mind was lost at sea
they told me sadly.
But, I don’t mind-
All I felt was free

My sanity misplaced in a drawer
behind some creaky locked door
But, It’s alright-
I’m not such a bore anymore

My head popped off one day
It off and rolled away
But, I’m doin’ just fine-
Becomin’ easier to color the gray

My chest opened wide
without a shred of pride
When you left me
my sanity died.
Tallulah Oct 2012
My summer lover
The shapes we uncovered
After glasses of wine
Clutching my spine
With sweaty palms
A voice that calms
You laid me down
And let me drown
In a pool of lust
Quaking with each ******

The bites
From steamy nights
The pink hickies
From afternoon quickies
Oh, but the early morning kissing
Is what I’m still missing
for RG
Tallulah Oct 2012
To kiss those lips
Those hard candy hips
Delicately hot wrists
Floating chocolate freckles
& your bones like vanilla cream
I gulp up your every last sickly drop
Syrupy voice that still sticks in my mind
Conversations like a sweet nectar
A taffy tongue that twists & turns
I sip at your words like wine
But it can never be
Baby don’t you see?
I’m completely
With a
My first try with a syllabic poem- an etheree.
Tallulah Jul 2013
I hate you
No, no
I love you
Slower, slower

I hate fast
Slow down the pace
This cannot last
This fall from grace

Augment your fingers
Across splintered hips
Your taste lingers
On sugary lips

Into red, red wine
You’re the cork

Slower, slower
I want this to last
Slow,    s l o w
This can’t ever last
Tallulah May 2013
"Count to ten"
one, two, three, four
Someone closes a door
I'm surrounded by masked men

A gleaming silver knife
I hear my angel weeping
A mechanical cruel beeping
A sick, metallic life

Everything is so white
Am I dying?
&, if not, why is she crying?
She swallows, "Don't follow the light"
Tallulah Nov 2012
You only loved her
In the coldest of winters
When she curled up like a ball of fur
In the coziest sweater
She purred

You held her close
Nestled in her snowy hair
Her eyelashes closed & she’d doze
Waiting ‘till spring to bloom
Like a rose
Tallulah Sep 2013
Can I lose
What I haven’t had?
To sing the blues
Before it goes bad?

Can I mourn for
Something I haven’t lost?
But for what might be in store
For fear it won’t ever last

In black and white
We are flawed with perfection
But in the tinted daylight
We could fall in any direction
Tallulah Apr 2013
9/11, 8:46 am
The first plane crashes
an explosion of black ashes
Smoke blooms- a flower
from floors 93-99, North Tower

9/11, 9:03 am
The second plane hit
Hell split
Fire licks the sky
men & woman try to fly

9/11, 5:00 pm
A flag is raised
above the rubble's blaze
Buildings may fall,
but the flag stands tall.
Tallulah Jun 2014
Won’t you slip into
the drapes of my collarbone
and nestle kissing my throat.
I’ll breathe a quiet moan
you’ll unbutton my cotton coat.

Close me inside the walls
that are dusty from lack of use
locked from adolescent abuse,
and dimmed inside we’ll retreat
to kiss where our eyes don’t meet.
Tallulah Feb 2013
Simple, right angles
Neat, no tangles
Safe, inside
Listen, law abide

Outside, undefined
Chaotic, unmined
Dangers, wide agape
Wild, the escape
Tallulah Oct 2012
Tick Tock
Trapped in a
Dead Lock
With inevitable ticking of
A Clock
Staring at me
It'll mock
my waste of time
Knock, Knock**
It's death
Tallulah Jun 2014
She stopped eating until she was nothing but right angles and sharp edges. It was if she couldn’t understand the math of the world she lived in, so she sought the neat geometry of the curve of her hollowed hips, the bend of her wishbone elbow, and the measurements of her rag doll ankles.
Tallulah Dec 2012
A father quaffs spiked egg nogg.
& Somewhere in Prague,
a homeless man glows with real cheer
that comes with a gift of Christmas beer.
Tallulah Jun 2013
They’re standing on the edge
Where sea gives way to land
They’re dancing, toeing the ledge
Of the dark and the white sand

They might be touching
No, no they are holding
Even more so  c l u t c h i n g
Two shady figures molding

An old man alone in his car
Stares out at an empty night
Imagines two shadows off not too far
Dancing in the fading moonlight
Tallulah Aug 2014
I promise to stop loving you tomorrow
but for tonight let me put my head
on your shoulder

I promise to forget you tomorrow
but for tonight we can get high on
the velvet porch

I promise to stop loving you tomorrow
but tonight let’s pretend
it isn’t tomorrow
Tallulah Oct 2014
You can't give love
only to take it back
but I swallow words
like pills these days

and the side affects
have no warning label
and overdosing is
too often fatal
Tallulah Feb 2013
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I'm still a lil'
In love with you
Tallulah Mar 2013
I’m addicted
To lying with gentlemen
Breathing unrestricted
To surface every now and then

Second amendment rights
Cigarettes & car rides
Away from bright city lights
In the dark society confides

An early morning fire
Pass me a burning ****
Bring me all the higher
Remove societies’ yoke
Tallulah Nov 2012
Ba da bump
I woke up alone
In my own twilight zone
Sunken is depression’s claw
& into myself I withdraw
Ba da bump, bump
Inevitably my heart will pump
Listening to the trumpet
Trapped in this twisted routine
I need a lover’s vaccine
Ba da bump, bump, bump
He said his love was fleeting
At our first meeting
So quickly I forgot
Blinded by the love I sought
Ba da bump, bump, bump, bump
We fell into bed
Bodies as heavy as lead
Sipping love from my lips
& I close my eyes to eclipse…
Ba da bump**
I woke up alone
Tallulah Mar 2013
As it turns out
Two wrongs don’t make
A right- I doubt
You’ll ever understand that

That in the end
It wasn’t meant to be
You were better off a friend
& I free

That meeting halfway
was just too far...
but I thought we could pray
the distance away
Tallulah Feb 2013
She a ballerina
Spinning through air
In her icy arena
To land anywhere

He a winter’s sigh
Searching through trees
To capture her in sky
On his webbed breeze

Love a fickle disease
That rises like the tide
To pull back when it please
& Leave the sky too wide
Tallulah Jun 2014
Lately poetry has been
scraped off my consciousness
and smeared across the page
like a three year old
playing with watercolors
forcing shades together
that were never meant to be blended
in hopes of seeing some pattern
or understanding
in the blind expression
Tallulah Feb 2013
They clashed
with winter's twilight
On that gray wash day
too much a sight

You bought me flowers
in old Monterey
You brought me flowers
and I threw them away

— The End —