I wandered Around corners Today Through familiar Tunnels And over Peaks well-traveled In my skin From my mat. And everywhere I noticed, I found you Calling me To tread The paths I’ve yet To be.
You flit Across my Mind’s Eye And My mind, It scampers After you, Finding Plans to make And Problems to solve, Before I Breathe And open My heart To welcome Us both To rest.
What is Known Slips Through Fingertips, From ears, From eyes, From mouth And nose, And my Mind Reminds And reminds Again Of her Constructive Tendencies.
This morning I wandered Through Postures Familiar And true, Seeing Doing, And knowing, And being, And the edges Between them, Until I Fell away And there was only The practice.
Between Reaches And twists, I lay My body For a moment Of rest And my Mind Slips Quietly Away To spaces Where senses Blend, Where words Tumble, Where my body Is left behind. And I startle When I wake And wonder What else I don’t Know I need.
My feet Planted, Belly Twisted, My fingers Reach Past What I can Know To what I can Create, If first, I make space. And my fingers And mind Wonder What that Will be.
My feet Planted, Hips lined up Just so, Arms reaching, I settle Into stillness And notice The twist Begin In my breath Before My body Joins. I follow, And belong.
I invite My Self To still And my mind Gets busy, Making, And mending And mapping, and may-being, While my body And I Watch And acknowledge Her Courage When she pauses And sees.
Finding My shoulders Set In clay, I invite My arms Open. Open, They invite My heart To shine. Shining, It invites My sides To lengthen. Long, They invite My knees To bend. Bending, They invite My body To fold. And I bow To greet The now Just As it slips Away.