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O Lord, Thou art exalted in the heavens,  
Thy majesty is beyond the realms of men.  
With awe and reverence, we lift our voices,  
For Thy greatness is unsearchable and vast.

Thou art the Creator of the earth and sky,  
Thy hand hath shaped the mountains high.  
From the depths of the oceans to the starry dome,  
All creation proclaims Thy sovereign throne.

In the stillness of the night, Thy presence is known,  
Thy light guides us as the sun's rays have shown.  
Thy wisdom doth adorn the world in beauty,  
And Thy love doth bestow grace and mercy.

We are humbled by Thy boundless power,  
Thy righteousness and justice are our strong tower.  
Thou, O Lord, art our shield and our guide,  
In Thee, we find refuge, where we confide.

Praise be to Thee, Almighty God on high,  
Forever may we lift our hearts and eyes.  
Thy name be hallowed, Thy glory proclaimed,  
For Thou art eternal, and ever unchained.

Let the heavens declare Thy wondrous deeds,  
And the earth rejoice in all that it needs.  
O Lord, our God, Thou art worthy of praise,  
In every moment, and all our days.

#GOD #glorification #worship #worshipday #holyday #praise #Cloudnines #Amen #C9fm
Holy ghost inspired.

— The End —