One night, one lady asked,
How do you see the world so vast?,
I answered with an abated voice,
"I simply look at it with nodding head's rejoice
She redundantly asked again;
"How do you see the world in-sane?,
I answered with shunned eyes,
"I never do, I never have, it's a fluke, a LIE"
As she sat and leaned,
First at air's wisp and second,
on my shoulder's plead,
-and said-"This is where all ethereal lies of gist"
"Where art thou", I asked,
She giggles in reminisce; grabs a flask, then drinks in stillness
"This empty bottle is filled with greatness"-she says-
"To what extent?" as I gazed
"Haha..... to none" she laments over,
"None?, surely not, This flask is liquid's lover
It helps give form
To whatever desolated-looking storm"
Both depend on each other's existence,
She then swiftly seizes my hand
"Answer then my question with consistence"
"Well I guess the world is undersized but grand?" -I pondered-
"Close enough", as she yawns
As I bring her to bed,
I then see the brimming dawn
-I leaned back and thought-"Huh, the world is yet to be well-said"