the door slams shut
i hear the sound of mommy and daddy yelling.
cursing. i hear mommy screaming daddies name.
i hear the quiet footsteps, boots dragging across the carpet floor.
"anabelle" daddy yelled.
i hushed, wanting to cry.
what happened to mommy, i wondered.
i heard the pound on the door
"anabelle LET ME IN" this always happened.
i thought i was daddies little girl.
he was intoxicated, the known smell entered my nose.
he sweared multiple times, tears rushing down my cheeks.
i heard the sound of sirens in the distance.
"come out with your hands up, paul!"
daddies name was called.
he banged harder on the closet door, until it finally fell to pieces.
"anabelle!" he screamed angrily in my face.
the police was right behind him, and i didn't say a single word.
"let her go" and i was dropped like a penny.
i saw my mommy on the floor like a rag doll.
battered and bruised, but beautiful.
but now, she was gone.