Worlds Divided
The war of ideas and on Borders has hence started
How many must die?
Until their eyes clear of foggy and diseased ideals
that they fight and cease as the dead departed?
Life that could have been celebrated instead of insulted?
Provided other suffering lives gifts of ease of such?
Until their diseased and ignorant paths
Spoil the world like a disease
War as a vaccine
Against outdated Ruling Deals?
Pain and suffering are the side effects of this vaccine..
As the World's Generals debate on the true antidote
The smokes and bullets......the words of war....
Provocation...Debates.....Calming Additions of collective warnings...
Until the Medicine is developed right....
A solution can never be allowed to be seen
As we blow to the tides of agravation
Such medicines are scripts of war..
Made to end such blind and diseased violent ideals
in ****** fights.